Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

taag said:
MrBumble said:
Broken Steel. Join the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel and rid the Capital Wasteland of the Enclave remnants once and for all. Continues the adventure past the main quest. Scheduled for release in March.

My character died at the end?!

No, he was seriously wounded.

But his soul... still burns.
with the CS comming out in december, ill probably buy FO3 in like feb or march then after the mod community has some time to work out some of the stupid shit beth has done.

and the anchorage thing sounds promising.

tons of ammo because its the front line of a battle... next question is will it be pre or post 51b power armor.
taag said:
MrBumble said:
Broken Steel. Join the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel and rid the Capital Wasteland of the Enclave remnants once and for all. Continues the adventure past the main quest. Scheduled for release in March.

My character died at the end?!
An entirely different character could be used for that storyline.

zag said:
Viliny said:
as a level designer for older games such as HL and HL2 and their respective versions of CS i can think of lots of problems level-design wise that could cause a lot of headache trying to make a isometric view inside buildings.

We have ceilings... of course we could remove those. But then we have 2 story buildings and the problems really start to show... Unless someone could actually code the engine to autofade upper levels according to what level you are in.

i would settle for a compromise, along the lines of:

-make the crosshairs visible from 3rd person view

-unlock the camera from behind the player.

-remap the WASD keys to move the camera instead of the character.

-make a small "camera" 3d object where the camera is, and apply on it the same collision detections with walls and ceilings, that apply to the character.

-script the character to walk where you click, if you point on the floor, shoot if you point to an enemy, use if you point on an object.

that way, you would control 2 3d objects in the same space: the camera with WASD, and the character with point and click. and in narrow spaces you could fall back to 1st person.

as a pro, do you think something like this is doable with this engine and SDK?
I actually prefer the First Person Perspective because it's so much more easier to move around in. Especially when you're opening a door on the north side of a wall while you're outside. What your proposing just sounds tedious. Maybe it could do that only for Combat Sections.
Seymour the spore plant said:
Myself, I won't buy Failout even if people magically managed to turn it into a tb/iso game with good writing, quests and more than a couple of choices that actually have consequences instead of the Bioware-y crap we got. I refuse to reward Bethesda for their half-assed attempt at a RPG and even worse attempt at a Fallout sequel just because the fans might mod some quality into it.

I agree. "Fallout 3" is dead to me. Not a game I'd ever have any interest in paying money for.
CrazyLegs said:
I actually prefer the First Person Perspective because it's so much more easier to move around in. Especially when you're opening a door on the north side of a wall while you're outside. What your proposing just sounds tedious. Maybe it could do that only for Combat Sections.
I'd take it as a given that when people refer to the pulled back 3rd person viewpoint, that they've probably moved beyond the idea of a rigid, fixed ISO viewpoint, to a fully zoomable/rotatable camera a la Silent Storm, Freedom Force et al.
The thing that is most sad about this, is that it'll sell like crazy, and encourage Beth to just churn out more of this garbage.

Hell, look at Horse Armour... people actually BOUGHT that.
CrazyLegs said:
An entirely different character could be used for that storyline.
Maybe but then it wouldn't be continuing the adventure after the main quest, it would be a seperate adventure with a seperate character that takes place after the events of Fallout 3. If it's a continuation then it'll only work for characters who choose the coward option or if they rework the ending, if not then their description is entirely wrong.
Mrxknown said:
TamaNeko said:
I hope this mod kit puts vehicles in the game. Sucks ass that it didn't have them to begin with, but oh well, it's still a good game overall.

And please, if you haven't played the game yet, please refrain from commenting. There are many, many more valid issues worth cricitizing about in the game if you've actually played it.

I find this post funny and disturbing.

You stated don't post if you haven't played the terrible, terrible game. And yet you know next to nothing about the Fallout universe.

I state the latter bcause you want vehicles in a game where the U.S. and China waged war over fuel (you know the kind, the stuff that cars run on!). Europe boiled over and just stated killing each other over this stuff.

So unless by vehicles you mean:

1) riding a bicycle around the wastes


2) Stealing one of the "convinent" Vertibird-whatever their call the Enclave has. And then since the player has it, they don't have to get fuel for the helicopters. Cause if the player did need to find fuel, THEY WOULDN'T!

I am just deeply displeased with Betheseda, I mean what were they thinking buying the franchise. I would prefer them leaving it alone and letting it rot, then become a twisted, shell of a shell of what it use to be. Instead of the mindless, money-grubbing whore that it is.

HAHAHA I love ignorance

You get a car in Fallout 2, all the vehicles ran on micro fusion...vehicles are pretty true to fallout cannon...
You'll probably end up in the shoes of a Brotherhood soldier who just happens to look exactly like you and also happens to possess the exact same skills that you had before you died.

I wouldn't put it past them.

Maybe long-lost twins could be used as well.
You get A car in FO2 after lots of running around, and cars only all run on fusion cells now because Beth like explosions. Vehicles aren't true to fallout canon because there's no-one to maintain them and there's no fuel. With a few exceptions.
Trithne said:
You get A car in FO2 after lots of running around, and cars only all run on fusion cells now because Beth like explosions. Vehicles aren't true to fallout canon because there's no-one to maintain them and there's no fuel. With a few exceptions.

I defy anyone to make sense out of this gripe.
He's saying that the car in Fallout 2 was a reward for completing a quest.

Also that the cars in Fallout 3 suddenly run on explosive fusion materials when they didn't before.

Then he goes on to state that working vehicles aren't true to Fallout canon because no one really has the know-how to get them working and there isn't any fuel to get them running except for a few spectacular cases.

Defiance completed.
I'll do it for you.

It's 200 years after the war, yes? How do you suppose the skills for maintaining vehicles were preserved? Teaching it, handing this knowledge down through a family line, perhaps? Or an apprentice system, maybe? Well, that's what the BoS does, really, and they never bothered with cars.

It's never been entirely ascertained wether nuclear-driven cars were the norm or not, but given the resource wars were still ongoing, there's a basis to assume not. FO2 also alludes that the nuclear car is a rarity, and most still ran on oil. Oil that is not in great abundance in the world of Fallout.

So, in short - Who's around to keep your car running, and what is it running on? Vehicles are not suitable for the most part to the setting's validity except at a great deal of effort by the character, such as in FO2.
generalissimofurioso said:
He's saying that the car in Fallout 2 was a reward for completing a quest.

Also that the cars in Fallout 3 suddenly run on explosive fusion materials when they didn't before.

Then he goes on to state that working vehicles aren't true to Fallout canon because no one really has the know-how to get them working and there isn't any fuel to get them running except for a few spectacular cases.

Defiance completed.

Actually no... cars prior to FO3 ran on fusion cells as well.

So you can repair (and optimize) a nuclear reactor in FO2 but for some reason no one can get a car running? Again, I don't see what all this gripin' is about (not just here), I suppose its unfair to single out this persons' post but meh.

And I dont know what you're "completing" or why theres a need to be "defiant". *shrug*
Remember, the 'modified' cars before the War were electrical powered, they didn't carry fusion plants but used fusion cells.

Edit: not all cars, only the new types.
Rad Blaggard said:
Actually no... cars prior to FO3 ran on fusion cells as well.

I just love this sort of behaviour. No real knowledge about the falloutuniverse, but making such claims.
Reminds me to attend to a quantumphysics meeting just to tell them that they are all wrong.
Trithne said:
Vehicles aren't true to fallout canon because there's no-one to maintain them and there's no fuel.

Reading Fallout Bible before trying to lecture people on Fallout canon might be a good idea. For example:

Chris Avellone said:
6. Last update, you said there were 1/200 cars/people ration in the NCR. If there were so many
working cars in NCR, where were they?

They’re there. It’s game logic. You don’t see them for the same reason NCR is only three maps, only has
1 councilor/senator, and only about 40-50 people in its city limits. That’s why the Chop Shop in Reno
exists, why the bum outside of NCR offers to watch a car for you before you show up in one, and a
reason that NCR built a garage in Shady Sands.
gothfox said:
Reading Fallout Bible before trying to lecture people on Fallout canon might be a good idea.

Realising the Fallout Bible isn't -strictly speaking - canon before trying to lecture people might be a good idea.
Brother None said:
gothfox said:
Reading Fallout Bible before trying to lecture people on Fallout canon might be a good idea.

Realising the Fallout Bible isn't -strictly speaking - canon before trying to lecture people might be a good idea.

Not really, sorry. The explanation given in the bible does a good job to validate cars as a part of Fallout canon whether you'd like to consider the bible itself "canon" or not.
TwinkieGorilla said:
MrBumble said:
Operation: Anchorage. Enter a military simulation and fight in one of the greatest battles of the Fallout universe – the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from its Chinese Communist invaders. An action-packed battle scheduled for release in January.

This made me very, very, very sad. I didn't think Bethesda could alienate the Fallout fanbase any more than it already has. I was wrong.
yup...same here really sadens me to hear such a thing. This ain't suppose to be Call Of Duty FFS !!!