Bethesda suing Notch

Yep.... Beth's lawyers claim that the word "Scrolls" invokes "strong images of the TES franchise" which is BS.
Don't make such heretical analogies, it's not fun. Well... it kinda is, but then again it's not. And it definitely IS heretical. So don't.
You know the thing which is even more sad than those lawyers is that there are probably really people as stupid to say "Oh, something with Scrolls?! Bethesduh maed a new gaem???!!!!"..
Surf Solar said:
You know the thing which is even more sad than those lawyers is that there are probably really people as stupid to say "Oh, something with Scrolls?! Bethesduh maed a new gaem???!!!!"..

Even worse: "I am going to read absolutely nothing about this title before i buy it, even when it explains with a very short text what the game is about! I am still going to love this masterpiece made by Notch, which is obviously another word for Bethesda in a rich alien language they created!"
Khan FurSainty said:
Surf Solar said:
You know the thing which is even more sad than those lawyers is that there are probably really people as stupid to say "Oh, something with Scrolls?! Bethesduh maed a new gaem???!!!!"..

Even worse: "I am going to read absolutely nothing about this title before i buy it, even when it explains with a very short text what the game is about! I am still going to love this masterpiece made by Notch, which is obviously another word for Bethesda in a rich alien language they created!"

I'm confused... are you trying to defend Bethesda?

EDIT: Nevermind. I understand now.
My sister is a lawyer and went on a 20 minute tirade about copyright law when I mentioned to her that i saw a funny little cargo company on the road called "Wells Cargo"

I hate trying to discuss anything of the like with lawyers. 2 sisters and dad, who then became a judge. My dad is a pimp though so he gets a pass.
They wont win the case.

Can you imagine the owners of "The Lord of the Rings" trying to sue someone using the individual words "Ring" or "Lord" in their title, it ain't going to happen, the courts will throw it out. The term is too generic.

What about the term Pirates - check out the games, let alone books titles.

Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales
Family Pirate Party
Pirate Adventure
Pirates of the Burning Sea
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates! Gold
Pirates: Duels on the High Seas
Pirates: The Key of Dreams
Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
Space Pirates
Tortuga: Pirates of the New World
Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates
their lawyers telling beth that they should persue this as a "good faith effort" to defend their "trademark" is their lawyers trying to make more money and "earn" their retainer.

no reasonable person would take this seriously.

if i was this judge, would i would do is thusly:

ok bethesda, you are making the claim that someone using the word "scrolls" in their game title infringes upon your trademark/copyright, then what you would have to do is prove it. have a polling agency ask at least 20-50 questions, of which no more than 1/10 can be directly involved in the goal of this poll spaced evenly to prevent undue influence by the target questions themselves. ill give you say 2 months to present the results verified by a registered and official polling company.

i think that would be a fair and impartial method of justifying bethesdas claims.

not to mention cause bethesda to waste even more money.
Isn't the whole thing a publicity thing? I mean, more news is good news right? Get the message out and all that. Beth has always been desperate to look like a "Normal" media company.
Crni Vuk said:
This is Bethesda man.

You cant beat them with logic or common sense.


It ain't gonna happen though. The term is too generic, like Pixote points out.

Starseeker said:
Isn't the whole thing a publicity thing? I mean, more news is good news right? Get the message out and all that. Beth has always been desperate to look like a "Normal" media company.

And this: it's free publicity.
Yeah, I love how everyone in here doesn't realize that it's not actually about stopping Notch's game or them feeling they've been infringed, but protecting them for future games and making publicity.

In other news this thread is hilarious.
Yet somehow, "protecting" their "future games" results in Bethesda trying to stop Notch's game and suing for trademark infringement :roll:
But this kind of "Publicity" only harms their public image, I know that there is not such thing as BAD publicity, but this just paints them as childish and douchy.
Wintermind said:
Yeah, I love how everyone in here doesn't realize that it's not actually about stopping Notch's game or them feeling they've been infringed, but protecting them for future games and making publicity.
That's doubtful given the fact that the case is clearly frivolous in terms of infringement. It appears to be an attempt to get a better settlement than what Mojang was offering (ie money instead of ensuring no possible confusion with sequels) or to overturn a trademark being issued that shouldn't have been issued (which is much more fair given that Scrolls is a common word).