So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Would be beyond hyped if the only thing we got at the end of the timer is an high-res picture of Tim Cain....
I hope the first aren't real. That's some crappy boxart.
The second pic does look sweet, implies a more developed world.
Not so diffrenet, still high level. But that's why such concept arts doesn't matter at all. Most of them from Beth is indeed really good, but it doesn't translate into in-game situation.The second picture is sweet indeed, kinda different from F3 art style.
They meant this one Langorous.
I meant the concept art, not cover.They meant this one Langorous.
Not so diffrenet, still high level. But that's why such concept arts doesn't matter at all. Most of them from Beth is indeed really good, but it doesn't translate into in-game situation.The second picture is sweet indeed, kinda different from F3 art style.
I know. The point is that concept art can be fucking gorgeous, beyond everything, but it don't have impact on the game itself at all, other than giving a reason for mental masturbation to fans.I meant the concept art, not cover.They meant this one Langorous.
Concept from DLC, the Pitt.Is that FO3?
If so.. why the hell wasn't this added? I really like that tilted building.
Two years from now, Bethesda's people will be all busy doing TES VI. Making a whole new Fallout game, albeit one using the same engine and a lot of the same resources, would then require them to hire a full new development team. Doing that is both costly and risky. It might make a lot more financial sense to hand the franchise off to another studio, like Obsidian, instead. Even if relations between the studios turned sour the last time around, there is no question about the fact that New Vegas sold millions of copies, while it didn't cost Bethesda a whole lot. And even if people at Bethesda might be unwilling to let another studio get their hands on the Fallout franchise, they are still only a subsidiary of ZeniMax, a company with shareholders who want to see as big a return on their investment as possible. In the end, it's their call, not Bethesda's.I really hope Obsidian will come up with another Fallout game 2 years after this one but I don't think it will happen. I mean, what would you do if you were Bethesda and people were asking for a different company who does their job better?
It's still doesn't touch the old skool art
[ Yes, I'm still a glittering gem of hatred]
He edited the message, he had "Lazy?" and then had the image but he ninja'd me.I meant the concept art, not cover.They meant this one Langorous.
I really hope that's not the final box art...