Bethesda Vs Black Isle/Obsidian

By they you really mean Zenimax. That is something they would do. Bethesda just makes games.
There are Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks. I will quote a different post I made here a while ago:
Yeah, I think at this point Bethesda doesn't really have any beef with other developers, although there is the fact of them maliciously treating smaller developers
I have to point out that the "malicious Bethesda" is Bethesda Softworks, the publisher. Not Bethesda Game Studios. They are different and have different people as their presidents and higher-ups.
It wasn't as much as malicious intent as putting them against the wall for adquidition, in some cases more clearly than others. And if course needles to say it's not *really* Bethesda Softworks but Zenimax tampering that.
In some cases it was definitely malicious intent. Like not paying what they own to studios for their work. They flat out deny to pay. After getting the game on their hands, they refuse to pay what they own, sell the game and don't pay any royalties to the devs (royalties that were stipulated on the contract). One example I can recall from the top of my head is the case with MADia and the Echelon game.

Also, Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax are owned by pretty much the same people (for example, Bethesda Softworks President is Vlatko Andonov, guess who is the Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning on Zenimax :V).
Just like to make a distinction between the dev and the publisher. In this instance both suck but one is worried about making games the other the BIG PICTURE. I forgot about that though.
I dont know whats the value or point of asking this here?

Your going to get a very one sided answer and opinion based on the general views of most of the users here.

Obsidian does stories/writing/choice very well and makes good games. They haven't always been successful in making fully polished products but those games have almost always been good. Tho I heard alpha protocol was pretty bad. Otherwise I do need to play PoE2 at some point this year. they have their audience and do what they do well.

Bethesda casts a wider net but as a publisher I respect them for publishing games you would probably never see from any other publisher. Scummy at times? yes but then again its a publisher and a company not your friend. Generally I have higher views of them as a publisher than I do for others. Tho I know people here will scream in horror at that very idea and pin everything bethesda publishes and all triple games responsible for RUINING a series that isnt even ours anymore.

As a game developer most of my experience with them is with fallout. Skyrim was fun the first time through but after a certain point I got really bored and never went back. Tried playing it again but I simply could never get into it again. So its fun enough I guess but not much of a very deep RPG. In terms of fallout this is where my opinions get controversial. I liked fallout 3, quite a bit actually. I like new vegas more for its better writing and choice chops which makes for a more engaging and re playable experience but I still enjoyed 3. Bethesda does exploration and dungeon crawling well. They do a seriously good job with environmental story telling, atmosphere and immersion (Yes I know that's been used a lot but the use of the pip boy/UI was really novel and clever). Its not amazing written but not BAD. What writing is god or bad is kinda subjective. Fallout 4 by and large is a more disappointing albiet still fun experience. It does imrpove on fallout 3 in some areas including writing. But it takes bad steps back in many ways too. At that point we really shouldn't be too cross over what bethesdas doing as they are no longer concerned about a vocal minority anymore. we dont matter and theyll do what ever makes money or pleases them.

Saying that has already gained the ire of people rather unwilling to move on who will now proceed to write paragraphs on how my opinions on a video game are OBJECTIVELY WRONG and everyone needs to THINK JUST LIKE THE VOCAL MINORITY OR ELSE...something. You cant enjoy the thing I dont like!!!11!!! Even though I have the same background and appreciation for the series as the rest of them.

Which brings me back to my original point. Why ask this here? what value do you gain? You know what they'll say so whats the point?
Thank you all for turning this simple thought into a thoughtful and insightful two page forum. I was positively surprised at how civil this was. To quote Aristotle, seldom does a man walk out of a forum with a changed mind.
For two of the easily worst moments in RPG history. The former for one of the stupidest quests ever made and another for remembrance of one of the worst intros ever concieved in RPG history. The Brotherhood of Steel one is alright, i guess. Still makes you wonder why is BoS in another Fallout game, again.

Nipton worked in a fantastic way. You enter it, then you see a guy running up to you, screaming that he won the lottery. You wonder what lottery he won. Then you turn left and just see people crucified. It didn't needed any music or a cutscene, it just showed the brutality of what happened there.

Fallout 3 didn't allowed any atmosphere for me because of the sheer stupidity of the world design. Every corner i would see something idiotic that would break my immersion. It was either terrible location placement, not showing where people even get their food but are somehow alive, rubble everywhere making everyone look like lazy assholes and other things. Can't really get into the atmosphere if it constantly shatters my suspension of disbelief.
The Power of The Atom in a nutshell: "Let me waste resources on detonating a bomb that I can barely see!" Your consequence is your dad being DISAPPOINTED in you, the reasoning behind the detonation is retarded, and the whole thing just makes no sense
I came in looking for a reasoned discussion and got two full pages of shitposts. This quest was to discuss morals and ethics, not to battle with one liners. It reminds me that we actually live in a world where people will scroll through forums for games they don’t like just to insult the game. If you aren’t going to contribute andything of value than don’t contribute anything at all.
I came in looking for a reasoned discussion and got two full pages of shitposts. This quest was to discuss morals and ethics, not to battle with one liners. It reminds me that we actually live in a world where people will scroll through forums for games they don’t like just to insult the game. If you aren’t going to contribute andything of value than don’t contribute anything at all.
Most people are contributing
*Christopher Walken voice* I think, this is funny, cuz, you know, Bethesda, delivers birdshit.