Bethesda's Fan Interview #2

Note that they say 100 perks "if you include the multiple ranks". For all I know then, the game might even have just 20 perks with 5 ranks each or something.
Saying ammo has no weight kinda made me sad. I always sort of enjoyed that in the Fallouts, and in Stalker. Not only do you sometimes choose your gun based on the ammo's rarity, but sometimes you don't want a minigun just because lugging around the ammo for it hinders your ability to collect lewt.

And the ghoul is at least more human-esque than the feral ghoul picture of before, but now he almost looks TOO human. I guess he fits the new artistic style of the super mutants well enough though.

I dunno. I'm getting more conflicted over Fallout 3. I'm losing more interest the more I hear, but I'm still hopeful. If Fallout 3 ends up sucking and Spore ends up shipping with that crusty copy protection, the games I'm looking foward to this year are getting kind of slim.
I wish there was a way to press them on the SDK. Optimists may disregard all that "our brave developers are facing many hardships" bullshit about making the editor. The engine and most of the game mechanics are exactly the same. If they really wanted to do it, it wouldn't not be a problem at all to adjust the existing TES editor to support Fallout 3 and provide at least a minimal degree of modding freedom for those of us who want to volunteer their time on fixing this pile of crap. I could make my peace with unplayable Fallout 3, but both unplayable and unmoddable? It's a blow below the belt, and I just find it despicable and contemptible beyond words.
Bodybag said:
If they let you pick all 100 or whatever in one playthrough, then yes, but the man clearly said you'd have to play it at least 5 times to see them all. I guess it boils down to how differently each perk affects your character; if there's like a bunch of "samey" perks I might change my mind, but I don't see any inherent drawback from this news.

Then let's look at it in a more number-crunchy way. The original Fallout had 53 perks, plus 16 traits, for a Bethesda-style total of 69. But here's the catch:

Todd Howard said:
The good news is that there are a ton of perks, around 100 if you include the multiple ranks.

If one was to include the multiple ranks from Fallout's perks, you'd get exactly 96 perks, which coupled to the traits add up to a grand total of 112. Even if traits are completely disregarded there, since you can pick two from the start, having 7 perks a playthrough (21 level cap and all), it'd take a whopping 14 playthroughs to take them all the way Todd means it.

That's just another bit of Bethesda duplicity there, because those numbers mean nothing, really - who ever made a point out of picking all three ranks of Strong Back or Swift Learner? They'd have to balance it worlds better than Fallout 1 ever did to make them worthwhile for replay value by themselves and getting 20 of them is no help there. All it does is to subtract from their importance, since you get more slots to cover the good ones and to waste on marginally important ones if that be the case.
Sorry about breaking the board.. I'm at a pretty high res so I didn't notice.

RobOverall said:
Also think that the gun in the second shot is the russian machine gun used in call of duty 2. (cant remember the name)

Edit: here -->

Modified to fit the "rifle" pose of the player model.

Edit part 2: then again there are shotgun shells coming out of it.

Yeah, it's definitely not a PPSH. There's no grip before the drum on any shotgun / machine gun I know of. Maybe this is some weird mutant gun from their schematics system.
Again, these are sad news.

I dont like the new trait/perk system, as your character have no disavantage at all(ok they dont play a BIG part in FO1/2 but they're still in), it makes me feel stupid, I dont like to have things handed to be, I like to earn despite my limitations! Having the possibility to choose a perk every level makes them less important; like pete said, choosing perks was awesome, BECAUSE THEY WERE DIFFICULT TO GET, it felt rewarding, now its just something you add when you level up =/

Having less companions its also bad. In BG for example, I loved to hear their feedback concerning the situtation, they felt "Real" somehow.

Bonuses on clothing its stupid, of course wearing a leather jacket or a tuxedo makes people look at you differently, but you're not going to talk better. Bodybad your excuse its just STUPID. Yeah dressing camo pants makes me more inclined to, lets say, shoot, but it doesnt mean I can shoot better. If you dressed like a plane pilot would you be able to pilot a plane? I dont think so.

I like the character creation Idea, mainly the Glasses and stuff part. But Tattoos, piercings and scars would be interesting, it would make the setting more believable. They're probably lazy to hand those to NPC's. While developing oblivion they took beards out because they said it messed up Lip-synch, how come we got beards now?

I dont get the point of child killing, or slavery for that matter. You nuke an entire city, kill hundreds of people, There's blood spilling all over the place, but shooting kids its bad? OR enslaving people? Or even worse, Showing a pair of breasts? You can say fuck and any word related to it, but you cant have nudity? That's just DUMB.

As for essential NPC's, make them killable only by the PC or its party, there you go, no need to protect them from the wasteland, and still, you can kill them if you wish.

Those screens are awful, there are no shadows whatsoever, the textures are Butt ugly and their resolution SUCK.Even though I like the mood, the lighting its simply BAD. For god sakes cant they add shadows to the objects?

The ghoul as a bartender makes me happy, even though he doesnt look like a fallout ghoul, but the mutants dont look like that either haha.

Overall, im sad, not only because I feel that its not going to be a game deserving of carrying the name Fallout, but the game itself its going to be mediocre at best, Bethesda has proven that they LIE about many features, and usually deliver a faulty, dull and imbecile game.

Thank you for reading, I feel much better now that I wrote this :D
I just noticed that they seem to have volumeric lighting in the bar scene. I know the textures are not the best, but I am really impressed by the level of geometric detail. It's amazing what they can get to run with current hardware.

I really am looking forward to this game.

I may not agree with every decision they have made, but it is pretty impressive the amount of work that must have gone into this (even with them not having to build the engine).

My real bone to pick is the fact that they are so TIGHT on the information that they are releasing.. it is absolutely rediculious that there isn't a SINGLE gameplay video available on the web.. even a bootleg one.
As far as the skill boosting outfits go I think it's pretty easy to justify the social ones. The perception that you are a good trade partner creates the reality that you get a better deal. When you leave the vagaries of human perception though it becomes a bit harder. In that case you kind of have to justify the outfit as a tool of what you are trying to do. If the mechanic suit includes a nice toolbelt for instance I can say "Oh a toolbelt can can help you repair things more easily" because people use them for that purpose in real life. If it's just a blank jumpsuit then it would kinda grate.
Seymour the spore plant said:
Todd Howard said:
Different outfits also come with different stat boosts sometimes, and do more then basic "damage resistance". Like mechanic's coveralls that boost your repair skill, that kind of thing.

Magic Suit of the Mechanic confirmed in. Shame they botched this whole concept up, had it been handled differently it could have ended up okay.
Yeah... I guess this is Fallout: Fantasy Edition. What the fuck.
it works like Oblivion, in that when they "die" they get knocked "unconscious" and get up a little while later. It worked well in Oblivion, so we kept that system
No, it definitely did NOT work well

I wish I could promise that an editor will be coming and when, but I can't.
It would probably sell more with an sdk, would bethesda really turn down more money?

You can also "aim", like many shooters
If done right and with the ability to disable crosshairs (like in stalker) then this is nice

You can't run while you are aiming, but it negates most of the skill wobble. Not all of it, but enough to compensate for a really bad skill. What you find is, as your skill raises, you don't have to rely on aiming as much, so it's a good balance.
WHAT... Do they not understand that they are breaking their own game this way?
I foresee everyone carrying different suits and changing them according to the situation. I want to barter? I'll use my merchant's robe. I want to repair something? I'll use my mechanic's coveralls. :roll:
Elhoim said:
I foresee everyone carrying different suits and changing them according to the situation. I want to barter? I'll use my merchant's robe. I want to repair something? I'll use my mechanic's coveralls. :roll:

I generally don't mow my yard in a tuxedo, or go to an important business meeting in cutoff jeans... your point is?
Good and bad.

I'm thinking about traits and perks, trying to view it objectively. I did love being able to choose a new way to customise the character when a perk came along, so stepping this up to every level could be interesting. Maybe this makes up for the loss of traits.

But the 'positive, negative' aspect of choosing a trait at the beginning seemed to fit into the whole idea of Fallout - nothing is clear cut - and it forced you to lock down on the type of character you'd like. I feel its a shame character creation has become less interesting.
I've been lurking on these forums for a while, but after Todd Howard's recent "Fan Interview" I had to register here and join the rest of the chorus of disgust.
You can't run while you are aiming, but it negates most of the skill wobble. Not all of it, but enough to compensate for a really bad skill. What you find is, as your skill raises, you don't have to rely on aiming as much, so it's a good balance.

What?! Not only has the game already alienated a good bit of its core fanbase, but that idea alone could cripple its chances of even being a decent shooter. I can certainly see how that would work in a game like Gears of War, but Bethesda has absolutely no experience in making shooters and it's quite clear that they have no idea what makes them "fun". Oblivion's combat was slightly awkward already, but you could at least run around while swinging a damn sword. Now Bethesda have taken the depth out of the Fallout series' great battle system just to change it to a gimped version of "Oblivion with guns" that obviously will not appeal to even fans of first-person shooters much less the ACTUAL fans of Fallout.

Todd Howard is a prime example of what is wrong with the gaming industry today. He's completely stubborn and arrogant, which is obvious when you read his answers and his statements about why things "had" to be removed from Fallout. I'm sure there were actual Fallout fans working at Bethesda who probably argued with Mr. Howard until they were blue in the face about taking out traits, but ultimately Todd feels that he knows best. If a concept even takes remotely half a brain to grasp it needs to be stricken from the game and replaced with a "less confusing" but nonsensical gameplay mechanic. Well Todd, it wasn't confusing when the damn original was released 11 years ago, it sure as hell shouldn't be confusing now, unless you're an 8 year old.

I was 13 when I first played the original Fallout and it wasn't confusing in the least, so what does that say about Todd's perception of his target audience? Everything even remotely unique about Fallout's character creation has been arbitrarily squeezed out and replaced with some kitschy (sans irony), gimmicky simulated childhood that amounts to being beat over the head with Bethesda's lame idea of "Fallout humor".
after reading :roll: i'm pretty sure this game won't have a world editor released ... and will be locked up pretty tight because theyre affraid someone will mod in child killing and then they'll get banned.
Hope i'm wrong tho :)

They said maybe but in PR talk thats .. NO.
radnan said:
after reading :roll: i'm pretty sure this game won't have a world editor released ... and will be locked up pretty tight because theyre affraid someone will mod in child killing and then they'll get banned.
Hope i'm wrong tho :)

They said maybe but in PR talk thats .. NO.

That's what I was thinking. I don't think they'd do it cause it would probably be easy to make children killable and it would probably be one of the first things modders do.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Saying ammo has no weight kinda made me sad. I always sort of enjoyed that in the Fallouts, and in Stalker. Not only do you sometimes choose your gun based on the ammo's rarity, but sometimes you don't want a minigun just because lugging around the ammo for it hinders your ability to collect lewt.

I think the same. I mean...running around with a rocket launcher and 10000 rockets on the back... yay!