Bethesda's Lore Recons

Finally saw the Combat Shotgun. It's sort of similar to 3's, but the one I saw had no drum mag, and the magazine was farther back on the gun instead of right at the front.

Good enough design.

Edit: So this is the Power Fist.

I can't say if I think this is an upgrade to the Pneumatic Power Fist or not. It' I need to see the mods. The fuck was wrong with the Big Frigger?

What did they do to the Powerfist? It looks like a piece of junk now.
Finally saw the Combat Shotgun. It's sort of similar to 3's, but the one I saw had no drum mag, and the magazine was farther back on the gun instead of right at the front.

Good enough design.

Edit: So this is the Power Fist.

I can't say if I think this is an upgrade to the Pneumatic Power Fist or not. It' I need to see the mods. The fuck was wrong with the Big Frigger?

What did they do to the Powerfist? It looks like a piece of junk now.

Almost everything looks like a piece of junk in F4. I think they did it to contrast what wasteland dwellers use with the BoS and the Institiute, the latter two using good and shiny gear. Weapons used by the Synths are even made of white and red plastic and look like toys.
Hell, everything in this game looks like it was put together with Lego's. Everything looks so shiny and plasticity that its unnerving and laughable.
It wouldn't be so bad if not for that fucking awful yellow. If I could just paint it black or something.
Apparently Potatoes are extinct according to the Brotherhood of Steel, despite them being in Fallout 3 and everything.

Vaults also aren't social experiments anymore it seems. None of the Vaults in F4 are social experiments, just actual ones. Can't say I'm actually too bothered though.

Obviously T60 existing.

Redesignation of APA as X-01, even though it is confirmed to be the Power Armour that the Enclave developed by a loading screen. Considering then it's mass deployment and standardised usage I would wonder why it still has the "X", for experimental, designation despite being in standard issue for 50 years.
Apparently Potatoes are extinct according to the Brotherhood of Steel, despite them being in Fallout 3 and everything.

I think we have to take all "x are extinct" instances within the text of the game with a big grain of salt. It stretches credulity already that the Brotherhood somehow got from California to the East coast, but I sincerely doubt they have expanded across the ocean yet. I mean, the #2 potato producing country in the world is India (#1 is China), and Fallout has very little to say about the status of the subcontinent in the post-apocalypse, so maybe they're awash in potatoes.

Any time someone says "x is extinct" just read it as "as far as I know, there are no more x." It's fine for exposition delivered by characters in a story to be factually incorrect.
Apparently Potatoes are extinct according to the Brotherhood of Steel, despite them being in Fallout 3 and everything.

I think we have to take all "x are extinct" instances within the text of the game with a big grain of salt. It stretches credulity already that the Brotherhood somehow got from California to the East coast, but I sincerely doubt they have expanded across the ocean yet. I mean, the #2 potato producing country in the world is India (#1 is China), and Fallout has very little to say about the status of the subcontinent in the post-apocalypse, so maybe they're awash in potatoes.

Any time someone says "x is extinct" just read it as "as far as I know, there are no more x." It's fine for exposition delivered by characters in a story to be factually incorrect.

Madison Li grows potatoes in Rivet City and yet the Brotherhood of Steel calls them extinct? How can they not possibly know?

Anyway, fuck the "lore" explanation. We know that this reasoning didn't occur at Bethesda; they just literally forgot that potatoes were in Fallout 3.
Another retcon, according to loading screens, T-60 was the standard issue armor of the USAF, and it saw "extensive usage" after the Liberation of Anchorage.

"The T-60 series of Power Armor saw extensive usage by the United States Army after the Battle of Anchorage. In fact, soldiers in T-60 Power Armor were among those trying to retain order on October 23, 2077 - The day america fell to atomic war..."
F*ck logic and f*ck it hard.
I'm not upset that cats aren't extinct. I always found that a bit silly. They are intelligent and highly adaptable animals. I mean, sure the overfed housecats are going to be torn apart, but many others have their survival instincts intact and no more pesky humans to corral them.

I also found that some games took the ''vault as social experiment'' concept a bit far. I mean, sure, Vaults with seeveral different cultures, or more heavy duty stuff like Vault 11 are nice. But Vaults full of gamblers or cloning machines or man-infesting spores? Eeeh. They just feel like wastes of time. And I liked the concept of Vault 111, testing cryogenic suspension seems like a decent enough goals and preserves pure Pre-War stock.

It's a shame that the games does more or less nothing with the fact that the PC was living a dream life in a peaceful family one day, and is thrown into a post-apocalyptic hellhole with a spouse dead and a child missing the next day (from their PoV). I'm not asking for them to break down into PTSD, but some more reactions and wonderment/puzzlement at what the world is like now in contrast would have been a great way to use the damn voiced protagonist.
Another "retcon", a terminal in Cambridge Polymer Labs (where a bunch of scientists got locked in when the bombs dropped) has an email where the Director is obviously lying to his staff but in it he says "We are not directly at war with China". Yes you are, for the past ten years. Do these people at Bethesda even know what series they are working on? Jesus.
Normal vaults? That's actually interesting and I like that, sadly that they squandered even that to shitty... everything!
I found this terminal in Vault-Tec Headquarters Boston. This was by a guy who worked for them, and was complaining that Vault-Tec were going to conduct experiments and was trying to find evidence.

There are two more entries after this, the second says he opened a shipment of gallons of liquid nitrogen for vault 111. The last entry was him complaining that the vaults are supposed to be safe-heavens, and that he is going to retire because of this.

Please someone tell me i'm actually retarded so I can stop foaming at the teeth.


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I found this terminal in Vault-Tec Headquarters Boston. This was by a guy who worked for them, and was complaining that Vault-Tec were going to conduct experiments and was trying to find evidence.

There are two more entries after this, the second says he opened a shipment of gallons of liquid nitrogen for vault 111. The last entry was him complaining that the vaults are supposed to be safe-heavens, and that he is going to retire because of this.

Please someone tell me i'm actually retarded so I can stop foaming at the teeth.

Wait what?
It's one thing to find jet in pre-war places because of the randomly-spawned loot. It's another entirely to have references to it pre-war.

Finally something we can look at, point to it, and say "They done fucked up." and there's proof. Not that the Bethfans are going to give a shit.

Yeah... they retconned jet. And it's not some random wasteland drug, we're talking about a massive story changing idea that helped form the Fallout 2 world as we know it. It's important.
They seemed to retcon the Vault 87 Super Mutants a bit. Elder Maxson stated that after the defeat of the Enclave the Super Mutants rallied behind a Super Mutant by the name of Shepherd(Very original Beth.:whatever:) to fight against the Brotherhood but at no point in Fallout 3 did we see any form of organized leadership or leaders with the Vault 87 super mutants. WTF? At lest they fucked up their own lore this time.
They seemed to retcon the Vault 87 Super Mutants a bit. Elder Maxson stated that after the defeat of the Enclave the Super Mutants rallied behind a Super Mutant by the name of Shepherd(Very original Beth.:whatever:) to fight against the Brotherhood but at no point in Fallout 3 did we see any form of organized leadership or leaders with the Vault 87 super mutants. WTF? At lest they fucked up their own lore this time.

Bethesda commonly screws it's own lore. They hardly remember what they write, that's how bad it is.
From /u/Murder-Mountain on /r/FalloutLore:

A LOT of stuff from Fallout 3 got retconned. Quantum being a SMALL test run in ONLY DC being a huge one.Super mutants hating structure and not liking chains of command, and always being stupid is retconned. They are now much smarter.
It seems centaurs were retconned, and were replaced with FEV dogs.
The old FO3 BOS was retconned to hell and back, now they are closer to classic BOS.
It seems the MK II enclave armor from Fallout 3 is also gone and retconned.
The Chinese Combat shotgun was retconned and got its main issues fixed.
Mirelurks were retconned into mudcrabs.
There are many other strange thing too, like the APC that arrived at your town driving off into the marsh to dump radioactive barrels.
Pipboys are no longer biometrically locked for security, and no longer classed by letters.
On the plus side: They also fixed the issue of only the Master's deathclaws existing, the original chameleon deathclaws are in the game.

Also, Jet is now prewar.