Yadda yadda Ferals blah have you simply not played New Vegas? ramble ramble, "straw-man", blah blah blah play the games "are you mentally retarded" yadda yadda et cetera et cetera for the last however many fucking pages.
So i came on here specifically to have a browse of how the oldschool fallout community was receiving FO4 - lots of great points made on here.
Also about 40 pointless, meandering posts about utter bollocks and arguing the most ridiculous minutiae in a pig-headed attempt to never give any ground, ever, in any discussion on the part of "Someguy", which seems to be a recurring theme on here.
To someguy - I just thought i'd mention, i've signed up largely to state that you are phenomenally irritating - you don't seem to be capable of holding an actual debate or discussing your opinion, instead immediately resorting to ad-hominem attacks and invalidation of the others' opinions (Anybody disagreeing with you, whether on the basis of science, ingame fact or personal opinion is purely doing it due to either being mentally deficient, or not having "played the games enough"). Also , i acknowledge the irony of signing up to criticise you, while pointing out your constant personal attacks, however jesus bloody christ i've just read about 4 different threads entirely dominated by it and i feel personally slighted in a great, meaningful way, as if you have somehow lowered the general quality of humanity, and mine alongside it. You are utterly the most irritating, obstinate person i have ever even Heard of somebody debating with, coupled with just enough ostensible intelligence to be wasting peoples' time without immediately being written off as a troll because it hides under a twisted mask of being an actual discussion on the merits of these games, as opposed to the dialogue equivalent of beating your skull off a steel table in an effort to convince it that it shouldn't, in fact, hurt. It is an absolute exercise in futility, and any of you that are actually interacting with it on a consistent basis are either phenomenally patient, or masochistic.
Also, if you reply to me i won't bother responding as quite frankly i'd rather fuck a cactus than be stuck in something that circular and pointless. You are an utter cockwomble.
Anyway, on-topic!
A lot of the retcons going on in FO4 seem immensely strange to me - Vertibirds, T-60, APA (or, er, X-01), et cetera. There are the other things like non-myron jet, FEV e.t.c. but a lot of my Fallout love is fostered in the bigger military organisations and tech, utter BoS and Enclave fanboy, so i'm pretty focused on those.
I don't so much mind things like the fusion cores for power armour - It doesn't make any sense Lore-wise, but it's an obvious gameplay concession. Whether PA is such an immediate, early unlock or not (Which i don't believe it should be, it's purely to get the minigun-deathclaw scene in the first 15 and hook the Halo/CoD crowd), without some kind of resource requirement, as soon as you get hold of it there is no reason to ever use anything else. In FO3 and NV the armour simply wasn't that good so it wasn't game-breaking, but power armour should never have been, basically, a suit of metal armour with nothing remotely "powered" feeling about it. That's not the image you get when you see the BoS or Enclave in FO1/2 and their general bulk. Having repair requirements and fusion cores keeps it from simply being the only way to play the entire game from then on. It's an understandable move. Parts mysteriously falling off you and getting weightless when they're damaged is a little odd, though. Not that hard to do an alternate damaged texture to represent that.
Anyway, the T-60 suits. On the whole buildup towards Fo4 and the sightings of it, total assumption would be that they're what it logically would be. A Brotherhood-developed/retrofitted suit of T-45. Not a magical suit of general-issue armour that existed pre-war, completely invalidating T-51.

Tech-wise, it's the most egregious lore misstep and it's there for No Reason. They've got dialogue in there about constructing the Prydwen from the ruins of the Enclave base.
An Enclave base full of their research, and great big piles of power-armoured corpses, all more advanced than T-45. It's a bit much to say that the brotherhood made their Own suit, which is a bit extreme, but taking the advanced materials and technological upgrades the Enclave made and refurbishing T-45 in the same style, to that level of Tech, and being left with T-60? No problem with it whatsoever. It even makes sense in the context of the brotherhood, as it lets them keep the image they held in the East Coast, which is T-45esque armour. Everyone will recognise that gear, and it gives them their unique identity in the region. Some general upgrades based on found technology doesn't harm the lore whatsoever.
Shame it's apparently just been lying around all over the country in military checkpoints nobody's looked in for the last 200 years, really.
Vertibirds make no sense, not that hard to develop some kind of pre-vertibird, a VTOL/Helicopter vehicle. They can throw in a new tank, they can throw those in for one scene right at the start, then a few wrecks. It's purely Bethesda picking another cool "Fallout" thing, and plastering it absolutely everywhere regardless of if it makes sense, because apparently all that the setting actually means is that there's cool tech, robot armour, big green mutants and lasers.
On the other hand, PA finally feels like PA and is frankly fantastic. Best iteration they could've done, even if it should be a bit more limited. Just have to wait for Obsidian to fix that last bit.