BioShock Infinite

DexterMorgan said:
infinitely inferior to System Shock 2
EVERYTHING is inferior to System Shock 2!

BioShock had great atmosphere and was semi-believable. It seemed that the developers had a very clear idea about the messages they wanted to convey and the emotions they wanted the player to feel.

Bioshock: Infinite just seems like a big mix of different genres and themes. I'm not really sure what they're trying to present to us and how well it will come across in the final version.
I wonder what's the explanation this time for the "plasmids".

One detail that bothers me, though, is that Columbia (and Rapture) is supposed to be an enclosed isolated city with a finite amount of resources where any kind of structural damage can't be repaired (not during the civil war, at least). But look at the trailer: a floating tower collapses, a store is on fire, the crazy guy shoots on the city with a cannon, a bridge goes down and the "big daddies" fight without caring for collateral damage. And yet after years of battles the whole place is still up and running? O-kay... :?
I think that would be a good ending.

Columbia falls down into the ocean and is the basis for Andrew Ryan's Rapture.

And by good ending, I mean that is how it will end.
It seemed very scripted if it was indeed gameplay. As far as the art style, it was definitely superb.

1) There is some political rally apparently being attended by... nobody.

2) The guy at said rally is giving a speech to... nobody.

3) When the player comes by, the speaker ignores him... until the player randomly picks a gun up, that just happens to be lying there. Then the speaker tries to kill the player. I like violence!

4) Then the player starts talking to himself a whole lot more, for no reason, and starts shooting at people with a sniper rifle. No bullet drop? Urg...

I was weirded out by those elements too but they seemed intentional to me and there is definitely something more to them. Something is obviously up with the all the residents. Remember the woman sweeping the floor inside the burning building? Or the oblivious guy being dragged by the mechanical horse? Or the bar patrons completely ignoring a cannon going off outside?

The people were definitely zombified or something. They don't seem to notice their surroundings, and act like everything's normal until something triggers their nuttiness, like seeing a man with a gun or sensing something about the player. Maybe they can sense that he is not in sync or something. I don't know but I wouldn't criticize it because of those elements just yet.
Well, for the first "gameplay" trailer, some explanation would definitely be nice, I agree with that.
Looks allright.
Never played System Shock so it's no wonder why I thought Bioshock was a good game. (Not great or amazing but still good)

So with this at least they're trying something different.
Looks good.

Have only seen the pre-rendered trailer but still.
Looks good.

At least it's a game that tries to be creative.
Most games now a days don't even try.
They all just play it safe without any originality.
Not that sky-cities is new but still, different.
generalissimofurioso said:
I think that would be a good ending.

Columbia falls down into the ocean and is the basis for Andrew Ryan's Rapture.

And by good ending, I mean that is how it will end.

I doubt it. I'm getting the destict impression this isn't even set in the same universe as Rapture. First of all, plasmids wouldn't have been a dig deal if anything even remotely resembling it ever existed before, which we see in this game. Also, while Rapture stretched the boundries of what could be done then or even now, Culumbia takes the biscuit. It's pretty clear to be that 2K isn't aiming for anything even approaching realism with this one, which is fine as long as the world they create works within it's own contex. And finally, wouldn't a a giant, floating, overly patriot super city be mentions in the original Bioshock, even once?

Personally I'm excited. I'm willing to suspend my feeling of disbelief if the world itself captures my imagination and with Bioshock Infinite it does. When I see all these floating buildings my first though isn't "that just doesn't work", my thought instead is "damn, that's cool." Maybe it's just the earier of gaming I've been raised on by that's just how it works for me. Also I'm quite happy to go with any game that is at least trying to be original. If the Bioshock series continues to set itself in bizzare, retro and polital scenery while still staying fresh I'll be a very happy man.

This clip we see is obviously heavily scripted, I doubt the final product will be to the same extent. Maybe you'll have a button to trigger scripted events? If you have this ultra powerful girl traveling with you it would make sense to activate her doing something with the press of a button, which would allow for scripted events within your control. I do agree that the scripting is sub par, but it isn't horendous. Some of by favourite game stories have some truely aweful voice acting (Silent Hill 2) so I'm willing to over look it if the script is good.
Mr Fish said:
At least it's a game that tries to be creative.
Most games now a days don't even try.
They all just play it safe without any originality.
Not that sky-cities is new but still, different.
I think we really have not seen enough for that yet. I mean many games throw out awesome footage and videos (particularly those with the right money behind it). Though the end result ? Well not always that "creative". We have to wait and see what the gameplay feels like and how it conects with the whole game. I share the concerns of a few here when they say "all nice stuff and there, but explanation anywhere ... ?". Not everything needs detailed reasons behind it. But SS2 did it very well.

If infinite just proves to be a bioschock in the skies then I dont see really the creativity here. To say it that way. As hands down ... Bioschock was and is always a simple shooter.
havent read the thread, not a big fan of bioshock, but.....

3 bioshock games?

When will they do System Shock 3? The second one, I played merely a year ago for the first time, and it made me SWEAT! I borderline shit my pants. NO GAME (except resident evil nemesis) has ever made me that tense. I actually never beat it. I set off an alarm, with no ammo, and could hear the cyborg women coming for me so i shut down the game. LOL!

Having said that, is any die hard SystemShock fans out there that can really recommend the Bioshocks? I made it through the first few levels, but it did not terrify me, even if the gameplay is similar.
My opinion on the bioshock series on a whole can be stated as such, It will never be as good as system shock two. To much action, not enough fun.