PlanHex said:
I never got that scene. Why would those variables influence a coin toss to that level? It's just a coin toss.
Ok, you want to know the real REAL meaning of that part?
[spoiler:eceb1bc488]It's a "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" reference.[/spoiler:eceb1bc488]
Is it a test? Do they know for sure that everything turns out wrong whenever it hits tails, even though they couldn't possibly know that without having gone through the infinite universes where it did, which is impossible?
Yes, it's a test. They are testing how much certain things remains the same despite other changes.
Why would everything leading up to the coin toss have such an effect on it or conversely why would the coin toss affect the actions following it in any meaningful way?
The coin toss affects nothing, they are just weird that way.
[spoiler:eceb1bc488]And speaking of those two, why the hell did they bother setting things in motion by bringing in Booker anyway? What's their stake in this? Do they care if Elizabeth grows up to burn the world? Why? They don't seem like they'd care much about that, since they followed and helped a murderous racist baby-kidnapper. Did they suddenly grow a conscience for no reason? Is it because Comstock wanted to kill them? Why didn't they just run off if that was a concern? Hell, why didn't they just go back in time and stop him instead of going through all that crap to get Elizabeth to do it? Did they forget to give themselves the super awesome time-travel powers that their work gave Elizabeth? It sure didn't seem like that from the way they kept talking about things that had happened / would happen, especially since they've apparently travelled forward in time to steal technology from Rapture and travelled forwards and backwards loads of times to get kidless Bookers to come to Columbia.
Are they just doing it for teh lulz?
Am I not remembering something or remembering something wrong? Did I miss a vital audio-log?[/spoiler:eceb1bc488]
Change of heart of Robert, a voxophone mentions it.
[spoiler:eceb1bc488]"My brother has presented me with an ultimatum: if we do not send the girl back from where we brought her, he and I must part. Where he sees an empty page, I see King Lear. But he is my brother, so I shall play my part, knowing it shall all end in tears."[/spoiler:eceb1bc488]
As of why they went through all this mess it is because it's also an experiment for them, they have all the time in the world and with infinite retries they'll sooner or later succeed.
Tagaziel said:
I like how people claim they're non-casual gamers, yet miss the yellow note on the Columbia map in the lighthouse, where Comstock notifies the lighthouse sentry that DeWitt will be coming through. The dead guy is the sentry who was supposed to kill DeWitt, but was done in himself.
By whom? The Luteces? Seems improbable. It's more probable IMO that he is [spoiler:eceb1bc488]just a random body they collected somewhere (maybe even a previous Booker, who knows) put there to reinforce his false memories of "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt"[/spoiler:eceb1bc488]
Ilosar said:
[spoiler:eceb1bc488] Furthermore, how come Booker is young yet Comstock is old? Obviously they are not of the same age, thus not from the same year. The Luteces pull him out of his reality into the one where Comstock exists, I get that, but why is Comstock so much older? If they pull Booker from before 1912, how does he not recognize the fast-forward in time? I get that he's piss drunk most of time, but he still has to get out. And him saying he was ''out of the loop'' on current events doesn't exactly justify him not knowing about the giant flying city that's been going around causing trouble for twenty years, especially if he lives in New York. It would be like not knowing about WW1 or the USSR.[/spoiler:eceb1bc488]
The story has its problems but come on, this is all stuff explained in the game.
[spoiler:eceb1bc488]Comstock is old because excessive use of the machine that sees in other dimensions irradiated his body, gave him cancer and made him sterile. And, as said, Booker doesn't know of Columbia because in his dimension it doesn't exists.[/spoiler:eceb1bc488]