Blind Anti-Americanism. What's it good for, y'all?

ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
I live in Chicago, we have a bigger Polish population than anywhere outside of Warsaw.

Poland was relitivley powerful in the 15th century before they annexed Lithuania. Lithuania started crumbuling because 95% of it's population was Orthodox and they where Catholic. When they annexed Lithuania they became uber-powerful. I doubt they could have stood up against the Ottomans without it.
To get it straight, I live in Poland since 1995. :)
You're right, they wouldn't, and they wouldn't have annexed most of nowadays Belarus and Ukraine during the peroid you described as "uber powerful", the same period which brings back nationalist nostalgia to many, as I mentioned before. :(

The thing is I don't see where our posts "collide" in their contents :P :) oh, except one thing. The agglomeration of Katowice is far larger than Warsaw (the city i live in) with nearly 4 Mln people.

Anyways this isn't a "polish history" thread ;P
Oh for...

Bradylama, saying that the majority of Liberals are ignorant of their own views is just like this chick saying that the majority of Americans are ignorant of their views as well. That's just wrong.


This is what I was trying to say to the girl this whole time and you're doing it as well!

The radical Leftists are just as critical as the radical Rightists. The problem isn't just on one side of the fence. Get over it.

Yeah, you guys be quiet about Polish history. Nobody cares about that country! We must continue to suppress any athetic accomplishments that they may or may not have achieved... :twisted:
I said the vocal majority. Being the college and high-school students that you see on the news all the time. Have you been to many college campuses Stateside lately? I wouldn't say those kids are very bright.
Bradylama said:
I said the vocal majority. Being the college and high-school students that you see on the news all the time.

So you're theory would be that the people you see on the news all the time are representative of the majority? :eyebrow:

Uh-huh, think again. Ever watched a report on a protest march? You *always* see people rioting, even if only 10 out of 10,000 people riot...
vo·cal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vkl)
Tending to express oneself often or freely; outspoken: a vocal critic of city politics.

ma·jor·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-jôr-t, -jr-)
n. pl. ma·jor·i·ties
The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total.
It's nice of you to define vocal and majority, but I think your definition of "vocal majority" is a bit screwy.

The people you see on tv are outspoken, yes, but they represent a small, completely ignorant section (as opposed to a large, unspoken and somewhat ignorant section), which is why we like to refer to them as vocal minority.

The media usually shows vocal minorities. What else do you think you're seeying when looking at footage from Iraq?
off topic

ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
I live in Chicago

Sorry for going completely off topic, but i'm interested in what part of Chicago you live in. Nice to see another Serbian, Chicagoan, nma member around here. I live in Wilmette (north suburbs) and go to school in Loyola University.
Did I ever say I was Serbian? I am a good old WASP of Dutch/Anglo/Scandanavian/Ukranian descent.

I live in Hyde Park. I go to Kewnwood. A crappy school of legendary reputation, but with a core elite of people who stay there so they can go to classes at the UofC.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Did I ever say I was Serbian?

Shit. I just kinda assumed without much thought. I remember you using Milosevic's picture, and your avatar really looks like it has a serbian symbol in it. There was something else i think, but now that i made an ass out of myself i guess i'll just have to create a new profile and start over as a new character on the forums.
Ozrat, your friend from school is not a rebel without a cause or a conspiracy theoretician. She is an idiot. She talks about things she has no clue about, and apparently her IQ is rather low as well, otherwise she wouldn't have a problem comprehending even the simplest of your arguments. Not to mention that she is lying about having relatives in Middle East.

The only thing she was (relatively) right about was media. Though it's complete nonsense that all media lies, it is true that most of US media is owned by powerful media conglomerates that are close (too close) to ruling political elite. Of course, every sensible American will question the version of truth served by CNN and look for different views elsewhere. That's one of the advantages of living in a democracy, and your idiot friend fails to understand that.

Ozrat, stop hanging out with this person, she is definitely not worth your time. Personally I'd rather spend my time conversing with a lamp post - the lamp post at least doesn't talk back in dumbest, most ignorant way imaginable.
Ratty, I believe she was refering to the relatives of her boyfriend, who is Palestinian. That probably explains why she is sympathetic to their cause. But c'mon, your own homeland got raped by the Germans in the 1940's and you still believe that these leaders should be in power? Geez...

She's not the only "friend" that I've lost this weekend either... :cry:

I'll post about that in just a minute or two. In The Order of course.

Are there any other Canadians that can give me their perspective on this?
Hmmm... Ozrat I was thinking that maybe you were having this conversation with her because you were hoping to get in her pants. That at least would make sense.

Anyway, I would reconsider that position Ratty. While most reasonable AMericans would probably look at multiple sources of info, there are a couple of problems.

(1) There are limited means of information that most americans get their news from.
(a) CNN- Which I think is moderate to conservative
(b) FOX- which is very conservative
The network news channels - ABC, CBS and NBC- CBS and ABC used to be liberal leaning, but I think that may be true of only CBS which has been having declining ratings.
(c) USA TODAY- which is a rag
(d) NPR- public news radio which is probably the best of the above and tends to be liberal.

(2) Otherwise the news come from local television or local newspapers, and most of the local newspapers get their news from other sources.

(3) Weeklys- Time, Newsweek, US NEWS and World Report. Most of this is crap and superficial. The best of the weeklies- the Economist, is an English paper and too
expensive for most people.

(4) Most people don't have much time to read the news, who just don't get to turn on the news each day, who don't pay attention to it, who are too busy doing other things.

Sad, but when you think a lot of folks have second jobs or are too busy bringing work home, or what to take time to do family related things, it makes sense that they are unwilling to put in a couple of hours for news.

Which is another reason why I support a shorter work week and more time off.
welsh said:
Hmmm... Ozrat I was thinking that maybe you were having this conversation with her because you were hoping to get in her pants. That at least would make sense.


You know, I never conciously realised this, but you're a pretty perverted old man, aren't you?
Ozrat said:
Bradylama, yes she's a looker. But that's not the reason why I continued to try and reason with her. Just the hope that I could get at least one point across to her was enough. Too bad that it failed. :cry:

Sorry welsh, but I had already addressed this issue here. She's a cutie, but that's not why I was chatting with her about this. Just read the above reason, and add in the fact that I had absolutely nothing better to do at the time. It was late on a Sunday night and I was home alone. Wouldn't you do the same?

Besides, I was basically just sitting there chatting with Katja in another window and she was posting away these crazy theories like nothing I've ever seen. I'd switch windows, see what she had said, and respond with my reasonable comments. You should see the log file of that chat. Twenty-two pages! I probably filled up about one or two pages max. I really wish she wouldn't connect

It's almost as annoying as Kharn doing that "..." thingy as a single line before he types his real response during chats.
Kharn said:
welsh said:
Hmmm... Ozrat I was thinking that maybe you were having this conversation with her because you were hoping to get in her pants. That at least would make sense.


You know, I never conciously realised this, but you're a pretty perverted old man, aren't you?

I know Ozrat, but I thought you might have other motives at work. I respect your patience throughout that exchange.
Like I said, it was just something that was going on in the background. It's not like I was glued to the screen watching every word pop up. She was foolish enough to rant away claiming these ridiculous ideas and I would step in every once in a while whenever I saw something extremely ignorant and tried to make a point of it. She would counter with even more ignorance and spout even more BS.

But I do appreciate all of the congrats that I have been recieving here for my patience in these matters. I guess it just comes from my experiences working at the camp. I mean, c'mon, how many of you guys would have the patience to work with a kid who would have sudden temper tantrums and puke at will? This was just somebody stating her mind, not trying to scream her lungs out to make me even more deaf and puking all over my shoes or anything. I just gotta look at the bright side, which is that I got some humor out of it in the end.
Ozrat said:
1.)Chinese eat their own people
They do you know. That and they're all clones.

By the way, I never knew you could put so much text into one post.

Ozrat said:
Just read the above reason, and add in the fact that I had absolutely nothing better to do at the time. It was late on a Sunday night and I was home alone. Wouldn't you do the same?
DarkUnderlord said:
Ozrat said:
By the way, I never knew you could put so much text into one post.
I never knew somebody so ignorant, misinformed and uneducated could write so much! Twenty-two pages of that bullshit!

But honestly! Why the hell does she think there's a vast American media conspiracy to supress the speed-walking records of Poland? Could it be that nobody gives a damn?
Coughcough*Yalta*coughcough ;)

cm'on man, I explained you already what was the matter with the Polish Supremacist Theory.

Here in Poland, we have something of a joke for these guys: There are people, stupid people, and window frames. Well, she's a nail, forget her :P