body art, fallout style


First time out of the vault
yo. firstly, no haters. second, i've thought about this at LEAST 2 times a week every week since i was 15.

I am getting a tattoo! not just any tattoo, but a fallout tattoo! the tattoo will cover my chest, back, sides, and upper arms. it will be a battle scene of the enclave winning in a battle against the BoS.

after searching for the "best" artist to work on my body, i chose an artist from Love-n-Hate tattoos in Lewisville, Texas. This tattoo is going to take a year to complete(at least) with well over 100 hours on the chair.

the artist and i have decided that Monday(March 25, 2013) will be the day that we begin. I plan on taking a great deal of pictures and i will be adding them to this topic as each part of the tattoo is completed. i want you guys, the fans of everything fallout related, to cheer me on and offer positive criticism. this tattoo started out as a simple enclave soldier back when i was 15 years old, but because of negative criticism and parents i didn't go through with it. now that I am older and living alone(horribly aloooooone) i am doing what i want and i have decided that if I am going to look back its going to be here... with the pictures that i post.

I am currently a chubby bunny, but starting 3 days ago i started working out to the point of exhaustion daily. my goal is to shape my body around this tattoo, so on top of pictures of my tattoos i will also be posting pictures of my body. hope yall are cool with that.

feel free to ask questions here or via private message. remember guys(and girl): KEEP IT CLEAN, KEEP IT POSITIVE!
logancheddar said:
yo. firstly, no haters.


logancheddar said:
i've thought about this at LEAST 2 times a week every week since i was 15.

so? i've thought about death at least 100 times a week every week since i was 2. doesn't mean i should off myself, right?

I am getting a tattoo!


not just any tattoo, but a fallout tattoo!

how appropriate.

the tattoo will cover my chest, back, sides, and upper arms.

that's not a tattoo, that's a t-shirt. or just stupid.

i want you guys, the fans of everything fallout related, to cheer me on and offer positive criticism.

so we are supposed to go all 'cool' 'awesome' 'wicked' 'fuck yes'?

the whole time?

we can't say stuff like 'weirdo' 'DON'T' 'you will regret this' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'?


now where's the fun in that?

this tattoo started out as a simple enclave soldier back when i was 15 years old, but because of negative criticism and parents i didn't go through with it.

negative criticism doesn't only sound odd, it makes no sense

people were trying to tell you something

talk some sense into you maybe?

which is what decent parents are supposed to do, you know?

negative criticism... kids these days... :roll:

now that I am older and living alone(horribly aloooooone) i am doing what i want

obviously you are not doing what you want for if you were doing what you want, you would not be living HORRIBLY alone, you'd just be living alone.


I am currently a chubby bunny, but starting 3 days ago i started working out to the point of exhaustion daily. my goal is to shape my body around this tattoo

i think you might have problems.

so on top of pictures of my tattoos i will also be posting pictures of my body. hope yall are cool with that.

i was right: you have problems.

I think you should rethink your plan or simply move to plan B immmediately. whatever plan B is, it can't be any worse than the plan above. it just can't.
seems like le Alec already said everything that needs to be said.

Ah, I love this community!
You can't workout to the point of exhaustion daily. Go to gym 3 times a week, with at least one day of rest in between. Make sure you're eating healthy food (cook it yourself) and have a good (tested) workout plan. You can opt out for boxing/martial arts and bodyweight workouts if you will. But gym is always better.

Also, good luck regretting this tattoo when you grow up.
When did the Enclave fight the BoS outside of Fallout 3?
I kinda doubt that a tattoo based around Fallout 3 will get a lot of encouragement around here.
Don't do it. Tattooing a changing body rarely turns out well, and a huge tattoo like that shouldn't be based on what strikes me as a fad.
I guess you're 17, 18 now? A tattoo based on a video game might seem like an awesome idea to you right now, but I guarantee you that you'll grow out of it at some point.
Sub-Human said:
You can't workout to the point of exhaustion daily. Go to gym 3 times a week, with at least one day of rest in between. Make sure you're eating healthy food (cook it yourself) and have a good (tested) workout plan. You can opt out for boxing/martial arts and bodyweight workouts if you will. But gym is always better.

Also, good luck regretting this tattoo when you grow up.

This basically, you only ruin your body if you train hard every day without letting the body rest.
Hassknecht said:
A tattoo based on a video game might seem like an awesome idea to you right now, but I guarantee you that you'll grow out of it at some point.

As someone who got a bunch of band logos and lyrics tattooed at 18, I approve this message.

Costing me alot more $$$ to have cover-up work done now than if I would have thought about it more.
What Alec said. What everyone else said. But it's your body, so whatever.
Why are you so obsessed with getting a fallout tattoo (or any tattoo for that matter) that covers so much of your body? You mentioned being alone and chubby. May I suggest that instead of getting an expensive tattoo you start working out as planned and meet some new exciting people. If you really need to get a tattoo, get a small one to try it out first. See if you like it.
wow. well, im not 15 or 17. im 28. its not supposed to be cannon or lore based, its supposed to be what i want. i dont want a dragon, writing, or chinese characters... i want an enclave victory. because this tattoo is going to take roughly a year to complete, its going to be done in parts. i would have thought that was apparent but i guess not. certain body parts are ok to be worked on, like my back. im not saying im obese, im only 22% body fat. i dont plan on having work done on my chest until im down to 16 or 17%. my upper arms and sides are free of love handles and wings, if anything my arms will get bigger when i start lifting. i wont be having any tattoos on my arms until then. i have this planned out, dont be such a dick about it.

i doubt im going to regret any of this. no game has captured my imagination like fallout 2 did. im not getting band logos or advertising, and i was selective in choosing my artist. maybe if you hadnt chosen something as stupid as a band or lyrics to commit to flesh, or had just chosen a great artist, you wouldnt have wanted or needed to cover any of your tattoos. i tried to explain that this isnt just a quick spur of the moment decision, ive spent a lot of time seriously thinking this over. its not like im a drunk sorority girl walking in saying 'HEY I WANT OVER 100 HOURS OF WORK DONE AND MAKE IT A KOI-FISH!'... ive saved up $10,000 for the express purpose of having this done.

i AM dieting. who commits to losing weight and doesnt? really. think that over. that said, ive joined a local boxing club and im working out every day. im not powerlifting or anything crazy that destroys my body, just lots of cardio. i used to be a smoker so running exhausts me. pain is just weakness leaving the body.

youre a used tampon floating in the mens room gas-station toilet. i would expect that a shemale like you would understand how change works for people... how it inspires people. how it makes them want to look ahead to a brighter future where they arent uncomfortable in their own bodies... all of my friends have tattoos. im the only one who doesnt. im also single and i dont have a live in mother or gammy taking care of me.

thank you for being the least negative and most passive person to respond. im torn between insulting you and giving you props for showing self control.

im obsessed because i HATE the way other tattoos look. i cant stand it when i see a girl or a guy who have a single, small tattoo in random places. its dumb to me. if im going to commit something to flesh, im going to go all out. i may not have started out thinking like that, but after adding more and more to a single tattoo its hard to pick 1 thing. theres a video on the homepage about shandification that explains how i feel. i want my tattoo to look like a mess, but when you start looking at it a story unfolds. small details like an enclave officer holding a baby in one hand and a grenade in the other... or a hellfire unit setting fire to a paladin trying to set of a nuclear warhead... at first glance, ya sure it looks chaotic... but once your eyes start to focus it comes alive...

to community-
its really sad that you people couldnt see eye to eye with me. i posted in fan art. art is supposed to be an expression of an individuals beliefs, passions, and their creativity. you make me feel sick... i assume you people are the kind of people who live day to day getting shit on by everything that walks and talks, only taking out your frustrations here... on people who you should be connecting with. following people like alec is bad. you shouldnt do it. that guy is the kind of guy who yells at the screen in movie theaters because HE doesnt like the movie. rather than get up and leave, he chooses to screw everyone else out of an enjoyable experience. in a post apocalyptic environment he would be the guy that gets gang raped, skinned, and eaten... but not in that order.
Point completely missed. Mind you I'm in my 30's now. Things change, people change. Just because my mind was in a certain place at 18 doesn't mean it's there now. Shit my mind isn't even in the same place it was at 28. There's alot of stuff I've thought about daily since childhood but I won't get it as a permanent T-Shirt. $10,000 how about you put a down payment on a house, or buy a car, or find a nice woman. Your body, you can do what you want with it, but trust me, one day your gonna be 40, 50, 60 and i shudder to think what wrinkled power armor over saggy old man boobs will look like.
If you were really going to be "doing what you want" you wouldn't have to consult any website or anyone else or just follow the people around you since they all have tattoos. Make your own decision, get a tattoo or not. Just do it instead of acting like a child because you're not getting the responses you want or the approval of complete strangers.
logancheddar said:
i AM dieting. who commits to losing weight and doesnt? really. think that over. that said, ive joined a local boxing club and im working out every day. im not powerlifting or anything crazy that destroys my body, just lots of cardio. i used to be a smoker so running exhausts me. pain is just weakness leaving the body.

Boxing should include some sort of plyometrics training; which, although not as exhausting as heavy weight-lifting, should still require some rest. Aim at 4 workout sessions a week. Your body needs to regenerate.

Pain is indeed weakness leaving the body but there's always a limit. Don't cross it. Don't overtrain.
While I don't have ink, I know many who do and let me give you some advice I was told by the artist who did one for my friend recently, Print off the design put it next to your bed, so it's the first thing you look at every day do that for a year and if in that year you have a morning where you wake up and don't love it it's not for you / it's not right.

Also I would be damned careful about the size, this is not something that you can cover up easy in a few years when / if you go off it. Also please reconsider getting a tattoo in the first place, while it might look good now in 20 - 30 years? and Tattoos are generally not a good idea if your are considering any form of professional carrier, A friend of mine has been turned down jobs as a pharmacological researcher due to a bit of ink is visible on the side of his neck.
logancheddar, you kinda did come off as some kid, seriously. Living (horribly) alone sounded like something that happened recently, getting a videogame-based tattoo, „Yo. Firstly, no haters“... It all led me to the assumption that you're about 18. Good thing you're older.
I didn't mean to sound like a dick, I just wanted to discourage you from doing something that from my perspective (based on what you gave us. Chubby bunny? Ain't that code for „I'm a fat fuck“?) sounded like a huge mistake. Good thing you clarified some of those things, so that whole ordeal doesn't sound that silly now.
It's your body and your decision after all, do whatever the fuck you want.
Seeking validation from a community that is known for being glittering gems of hatred isn't such a great idea, anyway :D
But don't just dismiss the negative criticism, people do mean well.
Ok, not alec. He's poet, he doesn't mean anything.
logancheddar said:
to community-
its really sad that you people couldnt see eye to eye with me. i posted in fan art. art is supposed to be an expression of an individuals beliefs, passions, and their creativity. you make me feel sick... i assume you people are the kind of people who live day to day getting shit on by everything that walks and talks, only taking out your frustrations here... on people who you should be connecting with. following people like alec is bad. you shouldnt do it. that guy is the kind of guy who yells at the screen in movie theaters because HE doesnt like the movie. rather than get up and leave, he chooses to screw everyone else out of an enjoyable experience. in a post apocalyptic environment he would be the guy that gets gang raped, skinned, and eaten... but not in that order.
He just tried to talk some sense in to you.

You say youre 28 years old. But you sure dont sound like one.
logancheddar, I'm with you. F*ck the haters...

I spent around 10 years planning full sleeve tattoos I was going to get in memorial of the men who servered America in the Korean War - saving money, selecting an artist, planning out exactly what they should look like. Unfortunately, just a couple months before my first appointment with the tattoo parlor, I was in a very serious car wreck which resulted in the humeral amputations of both my arms. Even above the loss of my arms what I really regretted was the loss of the opportunity to show my support for our Korean War veterans.

So I guess I can't tell you what it's like to live with a large tattoo that you are really dedicated to, but I promise that not getting it is a sure path to regret.

Good luck,
Little Robot
Little Robot said:
logancheddar, I'm with you. F*ck the haters...

I spent around 10 years planning full sleeve tattoos I was going to get in memorial of the men who servered America in the Korean War - saving money, selecting an artist, planning out exactly what they should look like. Unfortunately, just a couple months before my first appointment with the tattoo parlor, I was in a very serious car wreck which resulted in the humeral amputations of both my arms. Even above the loss of my arms what I really regretted was the loss of the opportunity to show my support for our Korean War veterans.

So I guess I can't tell you what it's like to live with a large tattoo that you are really dedicated to, but I promise that not getting it is a sure path to regret.

Good luck,
Little Robot

I want to hang this post in the Louvre.