ceacar99 said:
saw really aren't that good for the situation. m4 are very good qcb weapons, the lower rate of fire brought on by using it entirely in semi automatic means less rounds wasted and the fact that the m16 serries is INCREDIBLY quick to reload as compared to kalishkinovs, g36, and a lot of other weapons out there. the erganomic system of the magazines(which that fnc does have) plus the automatic bolt lock at the last round means that you can get the old mag out and a new one in at lightning speed and pretty much the instant you got a new one in the weapon is ready to fire.
if you need more than a magazine while roomclearing, you're doing it the wrong way, dude.
as for the bolt hold open? it's a matter of doctrine... if you hit the deck with your gun empty, you're a lot more likely to foul your gun with dirt, causing a much higher possibility of jams and such.
besides, any gun can mount a BHO, it's a single part you need to add, even a kid can do it. easier than Legos, dude. so it's a matter of personal choice.
ceacar99 said:
a 249, well its good in a strong man's hands. it isnt going to win marksmanship awards but if your clearing the inside of a house it can definately turn the tide of a fight. 1000rpm, a large capacity for rounds and a weapon length about par with a m16 makes it acceptable for that task. however bringing it to shoulder quickly and getting accurate fire out for 50-100m shots is more difficult and m4 carbines definately beat it there....
spoiler: the SAW is an M249... wtf are you going on about? first you say it's not good for the situation and then you say it's good?
ugh. the more stuff you say, the more i think you're just talking from experience in videogames...
the difference between 1000rpm and 700rpm in close quarters is totally fucking negligable...
ceacar99 said:
(despite problems with the m249 in terms of malfunctions).
perhaps, just perhaps, the malfunctions with the M249 in Iraq and Afghanistan might be due to the fact that the weapons used are over 15 years old, have seen heavy use for over a decade in armed conflicts and that the US Army never bought ANY of the long term maintenance gear for the M249 weapon system?
just a thought...
the army doctrine for the M249 says that it's cheaper to just wear them out completely and then buy new guns. but that means you'll have malfunctions because you're using it without proper long term maintenance until the gun fails completely.
ceacar99 said:
havent had my hands in that thing personally, but i honestly hope to sometime in the future

. the thing is that even with 5.56 in your weapon and your target at 10m fireing that thing full auto at 700rpm i cant see getting most of the rounds in on target. seems like such a waste.... for a good combat op you must have to carry a SHIT LOAD of mags.... at least 20 and even then that'd go quick if you weren't careful. lol, i realise now that its really just a bunch of doctrinal differences.
Belgium had for long the most heavily armed infantrists in the world... we had "trinomen" (being 3 man squads, with 2 men armed with an FNC and the other one with a special weapon, be it a SAW, a MAG, a grenade launcher or a sniper rifle) when the US was still doing 20 man + support or something around those figures.
so yeah, big doctrine differences.
ceacar99 said:
an example of our doctrine of accuracy is an investigation done because an alarming amount of people in fallujiah were being shot in the head by marines. the worry was that us marines were going through executing people. however the investigation found that the headshots were brought on by the fact that with the light weapon marines were just that good, that and the fact that often the only thing that was exposed were enough of the shoulders for the enemy to get their rifle out and of course the head.
euhm, a decent AK is more than capable of doing headshots at 200m...
you're comparing fucking Hadjis to professional western soldiers, for fucks sake. the difference doesn't lie in the chosen weaponsystem, but in the training.
give your marines a decent AKM, and they'll still be tapping headshots like before. ok, maybe not at 400m, but Fallujah was CQB, not open long range combat.
ceacar99 said:
russian doctrine would have just tried to pour fire through the rest of the cover which in a lot of european construct buildings that works excellently. however many iraqi buildings are highly resistant to penetration(so much so that we started using the ancient law rocket again because its rocket is better at piercing the unique construction of middle eastern buildings). piercing the cover with an ak47 may not work and you cant have .50 cals covering you the whole way, thus the us doctrine of accuracy that has been around since before ww1.
euhm, dude, you do realise that in the vast majority of Europe, you got solid brick walls, right? i've don't even got a wet wall in my house... i could shoot 3" 12 gauge slugs in my house without fearing overpenetration.
so none of the prefab US-style stuff?
so no, you're wrong.
and my point about penetration was more aimed at cars, windows, trees, shrubs, wooden fences,... all things which would greatly diminish the effectiveness of an 5.56mm.
ceacar99 said:
8-10 year olds kill people with ak47 and uzi all the time in africa. it isnt too much to expect that the kid wouldnt shoot himself in the head with an uzi.... really not something even the instructor could have seen coming.
the instructor should be there to prevent the uzi from recoiling and shooting holes in the fucking ceiling... let alone a hole in the kid's head...