Patton89 said:
What have the innocent men, women and children done to your country ?
They have done nothing to deserve this I am afraid. Provided they do not support radical Islamic terrorist,Anti United States/Euro/Israel/Western ideals. In which case they can burn in the rubble for all I care.
If they truly are just living life and are victims of being in the wrong place at the wrong time I apologize. Our Soldiers and Marines have work to do however and they should not let something so little as civilian deaths from bombing runs or misfire get in the way.
Patton89 said:
There are laws of warfare, if you don't remember. Civilians are civilians, not target practice so you can adjust your rifle sights.
Never heard "All is fair in love and war"?
In all seriousness I am well aware of the various conventions and laws and all that. As laughable it is to say something so terrible as war has rules I intend to follow them when I am over there even if our enemy does not.
I am still missing where you are getting that I should say we should hold mass civilian executions and using them as target practice to adjust rifle sights.
When a Soldier or Marine guns down a school bus full of kids or executes a van full of unarmed prisoners I will join you in condemning him.
That being said I care little for civilian life lost during bombing runs or misfire during firefights. Judging by the Iraqi death count someone else higher up must agree with me
Patton89 said:
What reason would they have to not join the "insurgents" ? Their country is unstable, basics are not provided and their family members are dead.
Let them join and we will put them down just like the other insurgents. Iraq is a mild place now compared to Afghanistan, I am just as ready as everyone else to get out of there. Especially considering Obama wants to put two more Battalions into Afghanistan (not to mention who knows what will happen in Pakistan).
Bigger fish to fry and all that. The time is soon hopefully that we get to see if the Iraqi Government can sink or swim.
Loxley said:
You do not do that by bombing civilians.
Well of course not, even myself in all my warmonger glory will say I would LOVE to cut civilian casualties out of war.
Guerrilla warfare however thrives off support from the local populace. As long as the insurgents continue to store arms,make base,get support, etc from civilians and civilian towns there is little we can do to cut out the civilian death.