Patton89 said:
World peace cannot exist, yes, but does that justify developing more "efficient" ways to kill ?
Yes it does, as long as war is a possibility (always) I fully support weapons research. When war does break out I would want my country and its allies to have the tools they need to give them an edge on the battlefield.
Not to mention we need not even get into how much money there is to be made in the Arms Industry. You do not want to fuck with the Military-industrial complex.
Patton89 said:
And you really have to think about it for few seconds ? On what basis can you say that afgan life is of lesser importance than coalition one ? Carpet bombing civilian villages that MIGHT or might not have fighters is nothing short of genocide and mass murder.
I say it because I value the lives of my countrymen and our allies over the lives of the militants we are fighting and the families of said militants. We are fighting an enemy who does not wear a uniform and hides amongst women and children.
All the same I feel it is important to say I am not for randomly gunning down civilians in the streets.
More or less my feelings on it can be summed up in this scenario and you will get the general idea: A soldier or Marine is taking fire from a building that moving against could mortally wound or maim himself or a member of his squad. In said building however it is a possibility there are civilians on a lower level. I would have no problem what so ever with close air support being called in and having a Cobra or Apache level that building to the ground.
Also another example for you would be the Atomic bombs dropped on Japan. I would have rather dropped an atomic bomb on every city in Japan instead of having Marines invade and end the war by conventional means.
(And yes I know the entire argument of how Japan was possibly going to surrender and there never would have been an invasion but the example still stands.)
Patton89 said:
No one cares if some villagers in some developing country get killed, as long as they don't have to think about whats happening and untill are forced to see violence. Thats true. It simply seems most humans are idiots. Or simply believe that the killed are going to a "better" place. Sounds insane, but i have actually HEARD christians say that.
You could show me the violence and I would not care. Why should I waste my time worrying about "random ethnic cleansing #459 in African shithole #9?".
You would find I would be a bit more caring if something bad happened to Americans,British,Israeli, *Insert pretty much any NATO Ally in this box*, etc.
I think you get the idea.
Patton89 said:
Oh..and i really think that watching people getting killed or losing limbs etc doesn't make one any more less effected by other real tragedies. Lack of empathy is never a good thing.
I suppose not it just used to be an interest of mine. I miss Ogrish =/. Back in the day there was a very diverse group there and the political forums were a blast.
Patton89 said:
Well, maybe it is the fact that i consider death to be final, that i simply cannot write civilian deaths as acceptable thing. There is nothing acceptable about civilians dying. I am not overly patriotic person, so that really doesn't "help" at all. And please, dont say things like that. All human life is valuable. Or maybe it is just my atheist/humanist crap.
And this would be the main reason we could argue until we are blue in the face. You find value in all human life and I am of the mind set that I would not trade a single Coalition members life for several dozen Afghan or Iraqis.
All the same I respect your opinion, I am sure yours in much more "in the norm". I really only find great support in my views when I talk on gun forums and to military personal

Patton89 said:
And wars always will have some civilian deaths, yes, but it seems that Americans are not trying to avoid and minimize them as much as they should.
As I said before the enemy we are fighting does not wear a uniform or go by rank. They fight amongst women and children and expect to force the upper hand because we have "respect for life".
I know this is not a good enough excuse for you but what would you do if you were in a situation where your friends and comrades were dying and you could stop it but in the process kill a few dozen families?