Bracer yourselfs..


The DICKtator
The steam summer sale is here..

So what are you guys keeping an eye on? Might pick up Half life + both expansions, Seven kingdoms 2 and dreamfall chapters if the price is good enough. Thinking of wasteland 2 State of decay and dead state.. But not 100% sure if i want those atm.

I wish I had money right now.... fuck I guess I'll wait until the winter sale.

Noticed my typo after posting.. I really wish you could edit the titles on NMA. Not the first time this happens.

I'm a bit short on cash aswell but i might use some of my saving since i got a raise so i will be able to put even more cash into that account when the next heap of cash comes in :P
Couple of recent Humble Bundles basically covered my gaming needs for the summer - half of my wishlist is fulfilled. I might purchase something since I have like 2 euros left.
I am flat broke, and my savings are all in paper money and I don't have a Credit card... I guess If I am being extremely frugal I'll have to just endure it.
Couple of recent Humble Bundles basically covered my gaming needs for the summer - half of my wishlist is fulfilled. I might purchase something since I have like 2 euros left.

Seems like there is never anything worth it in humble bundle for me.. Except the company of heroes dlc's i recently missed.
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Humble Bundles cater to most of my Steam Library needs.


What the hell is this Monster game?
Tried playing it again... Spawn, no monsters appear and then I die, tells me to respawn in 30 seconds.... Is this what mobile gaming feels like?
Tried playing it again... Spawn, no monsters appear and then I die, tells me to respawn in 30 seconds.... Is this what mobile gaming feels like?

There are 3 "lanes". Maybe the one you are in is cleared. Check to the right above the window saying team dps etc.
Ok, now I tried clicking on one of the other lanes, Died faster than before without even getting a click out... Definetly feels like mobile gaming now....
TBH, nothing about the Steam Summer Sale is interesting me this year. It's pretty much gotten to a point where I own every game that I like, and I'm not the kind of guy that will simply buy a game and then let it sit in my library for eternity. I guess if I had to choose something to buy, it'd be wasteland 2. Is that game even good?
TBH, nothing about the Steam Summer Sale is interesting me this year. It's pretty much gotten to a point where I own every game that I like, and I'm not the kind of guy that will simply buy a game and then let it sit in my library for eternity. I guess if I had to choose something to buy, it'd be wasteland 2. Is that game even good?

Well, they are adding a bunch of new stuff to Wasteland 2, so I would hold off on buying it for now, unless you really want to play it.
That 5 dollar deal on Valkyria Chronicles is kind of alluring, if D4 is in a flash sale (unlike as it's a recent release) I might try to get someone to lend me some credit....
Just noticed that 2 of the games i want are on flash and daily sale just now! \o/... With the same disscount as they had before being on the daily/flash part...:evil:

Edit: Might be a bug. Price changed when i entered the store for 1 of the games at least.
Damn, already? Been so absorbed in other affairs, never even dawned on me to look out for the Summer Sale.

Having just looked over what's going on today, everything on my wishlist isn't on sale for any more than 60%, so I dunno if I wanna pick them up or wait or play a gamble and see if they get a bigger discount in the coming days/weeks.

Mostly interested in picking up Stick of Truth, Wasteland 2, and Banished. We'll see what I decide..... It's been a year since I grabbed TWAU and I've yet to play it. >_<
Don't think wasteland 2 will go any lowers, It's not that old after all.

Bough this war of mine and holy shit. It is probably the best game i've bought in ages. Was going to sleep at my normal hours last night and 3-4 hours later i watched the time and had to forcefully remove myself from the pc hehe.