radiatedheinz said:
...Pretty much what the USA has done to Mexico in Fallout, but not for Oil.
I don't know that fictitious video game settings are a solid basis for anything. (Quiet down, be cool man, we don't want the Canadians to know when we're coming).
Dune on the other hand though....
Thats a pretty recurrent matter here in Brazil. Some veeery anti american and leftist people have brainwashed a significant part of the population with histories about the USA wanting to annex the Amazon Forest, because they know they'll need water in the future, and here, well, water isnt really a problem and is not even going be.
I think thats all bullshit, by a huge list of factors. The USA wouldnt invade Brazil, even if they needed water.
Nice to see that fear mongering crosses both sides of the political spectrum and national borders too. Isn't humanity great?
Methinks these leftist are Dune fans.
Steal your water? Brain washing factions grasping for popular support? Destroy the ecology to exploit natural resources?
Panoplia Prophetica? Dire news indeed.
Evidently the Bene Gesserit have infiltrated your country and are carrying out their
Missionaria Protectiva.
The Bene Gesserit practice "religious engineering" through a faction called the Missionaria Protectiva, which spreads contrived myths, prophecies and superstition (collectively known as Panoplia Prophetica) among the populations of the Empire. A Bene Gesserit may then later take advantage of the prophecies, casting herself as a guide, protector, or some other figure in fulfillment of the prophecy, in order to manipulate the religious subjects for protection or other purposes.
I see plans within plans. You must act quickly and get the support of the Fremen before the Baron Harkonnen curries enough favor from the the Emperor Shaddam IV to send his Sardukar legions, who, with the aid of the Spacing Guild can consolidate a monopoly on the flow and ditribution of spice, errr water. The Lansdraad and CHOAM are in on it too.
I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer...
I'm serious man. Harkonnens are bad dudes.
Because they hate Freedom.
Freedom from what, proximity to Israel?
If we just gave them the "you know whos" and pulled out already I'd bet that would curtail most of the "death to america" anger their leaders use to distract them from how back-asswards things are there.
I did not say this. I was not here.