Blakut said:
Oh they care. See, if they don't have people they don't have money or power. So every country would try to use weapons as to maximize the chances that its own people don't get hurt.
When a leader goes crazy, in a dictatorship, he can use nuclear weapons disregarding MAD.
Of course they care for it, in a political way, cause you "need" the population of a country of obviously. But what I mean was a way to care about your citizens, all of them, cause they are humans not cause it makes at the moment the better politics.
But there have been countless scenarios in simulations in the military which involved a lot of civilian casualites for the case you could letz say destroy 60% of the incoming missiles. At some point it might have been "acceptable" regardless if that kind of thoughts are still completely nutz and even if your country might survive somewhat a nuclear attack, the rest of the world would be away and polution might have effects that are yet unkown. Those are hypotethical thoughts of course since no side had exact numbers of the enemies nuclear arsenal and things became even more of an issue with the submarines and land based missiles on trucks/heavy vehicles since those cant be located really before they fire the missile. Despite the danger of nuclear weapons even some politicans wanted them badly for the German military regardless that most people disagreed and that with such missiles in Germany it would have been a greater danger and luckily the resistance in Germany has been to high so the plan to get a nuclear arsenal for West Germany was never achieved. But the thoughts behind it was that Germany should have more co-determination.
Sander said:
Crni Vuk said:
We see many of those terrorists but I think not all of them are the same.
I'm not saying they are, I'm not saying someone like Bin Laden doesn't have a big plan and I'm not saying these people are all crazy and out to just randomly hurt people.
What I am saying is that it doesn't take every terrorist out there being insane to get a rogue nuclear explosion, it takes just one fanatical terrrorist group. And there are plenty examples of groups of fanatically insane people, most notably suicide cults.
Indeed but those "completely" insane groups are quite rare. Insane in the way that even the leadership is so suicidal that it doesnt care about anything.
many of the "radical" organisations like the Hamas for example have no interest in a global nuclear warefare or attack to speak so since they know that such a case would also cause casualties to them and have the potential to destroy places that are holy to them as well like Medina, Mekka etc. They are a political orgainsation afterall. Similar counts for the many other prominent terror organisations we know. Their leaders are driven by quite natural human feelings. Power and Money. Those that are really that crazy with a plan to kill everything I think are very rare and as Ratty already explained its not really possible that those will ever get access to a nuclear weapon, leaving alone a ICBM!
Blakut said:
Yeah, but what if a country is so distabilised that its nukes can be easily stolen? Rogue may mean for example a group inside the military. Generals' plot kinda thing.
Youre watching to much movies. Seriously. If it hasnt happend the last 60 years, why should it suddenly now. Even if a nation is very instabile
I doubt it would go unoticed.
There is a illegal market regarding nuclear technology already since a long time. But we have many national and international organisations that keep an eye on it. Whole inteligence services from Europe, Russia the US and other nations that keep an eye on it and follow all traces possible. Is it really imaginable that a "stolen" or "dissapearing" nuclear weapon would not triger a large event and every inteligence service of the western hemisphere searching for it? If you can steal it then youcan also find it.
The market for the ilegal nuclear trade it is mostly about technology and knowledge. That is why so far only nations like Pakistan, India, N-Korea and the Iran try to get acces to it and not some underground insane terrorist organisation. Cause as Ratty already clearly explained there is much much more to it then just simply "we havz the gunz now!". Already during the 70s and 80s certain nations like the Iraq, Iran and Pakistan and some African states walked to France and Russia asking for "nuclear" technologies. Sometimes they got a bit. Most of the time nothing. No one believed the "its for peacefull purposes" even for a second. Pakistan achieved a lot by simply using Pakistani scientists which received a education in the west and there have been a lot of issues around that in the recent past cause some of them worked in European nuclear fascilities. What was the cost for that though? Pakistan is spending a lot on its military just like India while their people have issues to survive.
For eventualy to make a dirty bomb or even a nuclear weapon well to get your hands on Uranium is not a easy thing either its almost as difficult if like stealing a nuke (if not even more). Most of the mines, if not all of them are in the hands of western/russian-asian companies which keep track about everyything they are digging. That of course doesnt mean that we should NOT be on guard regardless if the Iran or some terrorist groups try it or that we should throw all our fear over board. But we should really not get in to irational thoughts and let us fool from politicans that have no desire to explain what is really behind some strategic plans like the rocket shield in Poland right next to the Russians ... sure against Iran or Korea. My ass. If the Russians dont believe that. I dont either. And that has nothing to do with a conspiracy. Its simple "marketing" its easier to sell people a defence against the Iran then against Russia cause everyone would feel remembered to the Cold War.
To say that. I dont have any fear about all those political garbe you can hear in TV and "terrorist groups" they talk about. Why? cause those things happen already since the last 50 years, if not even longer. Coming from Serbia ... I ve seen those kind of propaganda already. Yesterday the bad boys have been the Serbians, cause you needed Yugoslavia as dump to get rid of old weapon systems. Today it are some islamistic terror groups.
The part I really fear about is smaller conflicts between nations that have nuclear weapons, most potentialy a war between India and Pakistan, Israel and Iran eventualy. Or Nourth against South Korea, their relation depends very much on how the US is working on its foreign affairs. To see here more nuclear weapons in the hands of smaller nations is meaning a increasing risk to see them used in smaller conflicts and if one would start to use them, you will see all of them do the same. All it needs is one who starts it cause "no one want to be the first".
I am also worried about the recent new research in "smaller" rather tactical then strategical weapons and the increase in ammunition containing Uranium which is still not yet completely researched regarding pollution or long time effects on the enviroment and soldiers! There are reports about negative effects from it in Iraq, Yugoslavia and other parts of the world! Yet there is not enough research and all you hear from NATO forces is that the danger is "not relevant".