Well regarding the laser thing. Why would they make it? Well simple, what is the fastes thing currently in our world that we know of? Light. Light travels the fastes, while any bullet/missle/cannon weapon need like 10 min to reach its destination, light based weapon wouldnt, almost an instant "damage".
Just common sence. Faster you hit, better advantage you have over others.
Crni vuk, dont think russia would have anything to do whit serbia, to be honest, serbia and russia looked or at least "looks" in quite good relationship. hehe, i know the situation down there since im from that region my self.
But regarding N Korea, heh, they wont attack anyone, at least not them self, they would defend, doubt about atack. Same goes for Iran, all i see in them is they want to be left alone, no help, no "democratic" crap, just flying it solo.
I mean as i remeber corretly one of the reasons the "US invaded" Iraw was becouse it was allegedly contaning "chemical weapons". So they went in ; dont forget iraq was pretty much cripled from its past wars ( iraq - iran ; iraq Soviets ; iraq - america ); and they stripped iraq from its goverment, streched almost all holes they can find and there was no weapon of mass distruction to be found ( chemical nor biological ).
Begs the diffrence, why not then invade iran or some other country "that might have this or that kind of weapon". Simple as it may seem, those countrys are to strong to fight a war whit them.
+ dont forget the chain reaction it could cause whit the "eastrn power block" as you could call it. Any of those "closed countrys" China, N Korea, Iran, Russia, if would be invaded, the rest of the "axis of evil" would jump on the feet, what would happen one may only assume. WW3 anyone?
About nuclear weapons, we cant do anything about it, think there is like more then 120 nuclear war heads stored in EU by US. ( Yes EU is sitting on nuclear bombs all the time already) so dont worry everybodys doing it, its the new hip thing. You know that saying. "im not afraid of a man whit bunch of them, but a man whit one of it."
Btw this topic is so "streched" whit all the inner topics is hard to cover all at once .
And about middle east. Well hamas is only fighting the Israelis, becouse they want their land back. ( im not saying its anybodys land, dont want to go into a argument which i dont want to really get much involved who is the prime factor for fucked up situation down there). They have their lets say primitive and fucked up tactics, like using childrens etc etc. But its basicly the only "para-military" group out there. And usually paramilitary groups tend to use more extreme tactics.
Before Hamas there was Fatah. Basicly if you ask me Hamas screw the only chance they had to really do something for a way of freedom. They exiled and hunted down Fatah, so majority of Fatah actually went in to Israel and got a place to stay out there, in exchange for obvius intell on hamas. Hmm, another group leader whos looking only at his ass.
We cant really say any country in the world is right or wrong, if you dont live in that country really. Why? Becouse every country whit its religion have its own reasons and views, why are they fighting for something. To them it may seem perfectly normal, to others like completly lack of normal usage of brain cells. hehe
Ill just keep looking in this topic if any more interesting convo goes on. But really the whole topic is huh, much to read trough and to reply to.