alec said:
Dude, did you just sell your sense of logic to Lucifer or something? "To imply that this means we didn't think it over well enough is ridiculous"??? Duh, Sherlock. That's exactly what it means. You didn't think it over well enough, be it your first time or not.
Oh yes, because you can generally expect people who do something for the first time to get everything right? There was a certain logic to the word limit, but yes, it was the wrong logic. I'm not saying we did right, I'm saying that for a first-time contest this went pretty well.
You standing on the sidelines and declaring your inherent superiority changes absolutely nothing.
alec said:
The way I see it, you guys were (as usual) more preoccupied with the canon than with the actual quality of the writing.
No, we had to consider canon, quality and other things. That was in the contest rules. There were entries that were really well-written but simply not ok because they went way over the word limit or didn't really deal with the subject matter well.
alec said:
You guys did a lousy job and you know it.
If you organize a contest, you either do it in a professional way or you just don't do it at all.
Yes, we did not do a perfect job and we admit that. And we will use that experience for next time.
Other than that: fuck you. This is a volunteer site, run by a bunch of guys who just do this for their love of it. We do a really good job in most things, but that doesn't mean that the first time we do a contest in the site's 10 year existence you have any right to sit on the sidelines and declare we really suck for trying and failing. I suggest you seriously consider shutting up or at least thinking before you spout off that kind of unappreciative nonsense.*
Because I don't see you going through the effort of doing a contest like this. Fuck, you couldn't even bother to submit an entry. You're acting like the whiny kid that won't organize a game or play along with any organized ones, but instead has to ruin everyone's fun by standing on the sidelines ragging on everyone else. Real classy of you, right there. (if you were implying that you should've been a jury-member above, I hope that's a joke)
alec said:
And give Moyer and the other runner up a poster as well. God knows they deserve it.
Oh yes, because Frith knows we're just swimming in money, and can easily afford giving away poster prints.
Seriously, we would be happy to give the top 3 posters, but we simply can't afford it. This is a donation-driven site, we can't spend more than we have.
* not actually a suggestion