This ghoul has seen it all
I was thinking, if they wanted to tackle the whole "constants and variables" thing without being lazy fuckers and just saying every reality is exactly the same with little alterations they could've opted to make the game Much more story based, even keeping the crappy combat system if they did something like having the game follow multiple storylines that at first glance seem to be Chronological one to the other, all of them revolving around the same basic premise (Columbia's political turmoil and Snow white's role on it), some of them presenting repeated characters or even situations happening under different contexts for the player/viewer to first start trying to piece it as a order of events, ala Pulp Fiction. They could even have different main characters or having weird stuff like the player suddenly being in the shoes of an Older Booker and thinking they are playing an event after a Time Skip. Eventually, things in the story would start to get bizarre, things would be thrown in that seem inconsistent on a chronological story and the player would start to suspect there is something more to it, maybe make Disney Princess' power much more vague at first, not directly state she is pulling things from other dimension and even make her not sure what or how she is even doing whatever it is that she is doing and start mixing the stories when the revelations of the Multiverse thing comes in, so instead of it just being an M. Night Syamalamadingdong type of twist as the sole goal of the story they could actually explore different sides to the same story, show how could experiences and context affect a person's direction in life and even develop the rules of the dimension hopping better, hell they could even include Choices and consequences depending on which side you decide to take when the different paths collide and how you resolved it.