Kept you waiting huh?
Hey guys sorry I'm late to the party...oh God..this is a joke right? Please tell me this is a sick joke!
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You need to look up what suspension of disbelief means. If the writing is strong enough, it is not hard to get immersed in a fictional universe. If the writing is bad, immersion is broken. It doesn't matter how crazy or wild the fiction is - UFOs, aliens, monsters - it matters how well it is written. It is a simple concept.So, you're saying that your suspension of disbelief isn't stretched by brains in floating jars or giant cyberdogs or anything that happened in Point Lookout (unless you're only referring to the main quest, but still), but you draw the line at the events of Cabot House, which from what I can see, can be explained away by freak mutation and futuristic contraptions, both of which have been with the series since day 1.
The crashed UFO in F4 is most likely just a reference to the crashed UFOs in F1 and FNV. Just because people think we were created by aliens doesn't mean we were. Crazy people are bad sources of information. No one takes what No-Bark Noonan said seriously, why should Cabot House's characters be any different?
IRRC Harold himself explains (in a round-about way) that he is an FEV mutant; same as Richard Grey ~though not as extreme.Gotcha, I missed that. Where do they explain that? (Since he's hanging out with the other ghouls at the Vault Reactor in 2)
It's not explicitly explained as such, I think. It's mostly just commonly accepted that ghouls are created by intense and prolonged exposure to radiation, like in Necropolis, and not through (incomplete) FEV exposure like Harold and Talius, because Tim Cain said so![]()
Honestly, the whole talking to my own brain bit in OWB is something that makes me need to step away from the computer to cringe for a while.
It's not irradiated. IIRC the "zombies" may inflict radiation on you when they hit you but I dunno if that is part of the vanilla experience or if that is part of the FIXT mod I played with last.*Is Necropolis radiated? (Might be a silly question, but it's been a while , and I don't actually remember; I know it's nothing like West-Tec.)
Honestly, the whole talking to my own brain bit in OWB is something that makes me need to step away from the computer to cringe for a while.
Wow you guys don't like some silly fun now and then?
I never got the idea that anything in House Cabot was "serious writing", it was all obviously very jokey given on how many cliches it played on.Mothership Zeta was silly fun that did not take itself seriously and did not try to present itself as serious writing. Cabot house takes itself absolutely seriously and presents itself as serious writing.
I never got the idea that anything in House Cabot was "serious writing", it was all obviously very jokey given on how many cliches it played on.Mothership Zeta was silly fun that did not take itself seriously and did not try to present itself as serious writing. Cabot house takes itself absolutely seriously and presents itself as serious writing.
It was about as "serious" as the USS Constitution quest.
About Cabot House...
I got more of a Lovecraftian vibe than a Zeta Reticulan one so I'm not sure if they were referring to the same aliens or not. So little to go on and I doubt they put much thought into it...I immediately thought the tone was off for a Fallout game since it was attempting to establish lore thousands of years in the past, speaking of ancient artifacts and aliens, basically doing a bad version of some Lovecraft stuff which they are so keen on butchering. I know what they were going for but it felt like the vampire stuff in Fallout 3. Like they tasked out someone to do a one off quest in a remote area and let them do whatever they want.
That being said it isn't any worse than Mothership Zeta. The Insane Asylum was a cool location to go through and I was interested to encounter Lorenzo to see what was what. The ancient aliens references really did feel like the writer just got done watching the History Channel and truly believed the idea was thought provoking. For all we know the DLC could involve traveling to some alien planet or some shit.
Travelling to an alien planet would be a bit too much, but another alien-focused DLC could be nice
I'm glad we have finally found a line of stupidity even you are not willing to let Fallout and Bethesda cross.Travelling to an alien planet would be a bit too much, but another alien-focused DLC could be nice
That's the kind of outlook that would be totally okay with accepting a Predator [sub-plot] in FO5.Wow you guys don't like some silly fun now and then?