And I didn't buy MW2, my brother did.
I didn't bought any CoD games too, my stepfather did

please crni stop making me fell like a console kiddo.

And I didn't buy MW2, my brother did.
sydney_roo said:MW2 was really good so why not make another one.
Radiated Heinz said:isn't Black Ops setting the cold war? If thats true, its probably the neatest thing in it. If its just another Middle east - Russia game, I pass.
Reconite said:sydney_roo said:MW2 was really good so why not make another one.
Are you looking at it from the publisher's point of view or do you really think that?
MW2 is overrated trash.
sydney_roo said:I don't see it that way, mate. Yes, it was bloody short, took me less than 6 hours to complete the thing but I think it's the best of the series and a really good game overall. It being so short is already a negative.
Story is well-written, The story barely even felt like it knew what was going on about
there's a climax, It ended on a boring cliffhanger
realistic gun mechanics and sounds. BC2 has much better sounds and the mechanics in MW2 are pretty meh, outside of knowing where to stick the clip/magazine in
Have you actually played it or repeat the comments of others because it's "cool" to bash MW2? I got the game since a friend reserved me a copy for the opening night, played it for an alright while before I finally got tired of the rampant cheating and overall bullshit gameplay
Did you just call the story well-written? Really? The story wasn't well-written at all, it was ridiculous. At least Modern Warfare 1 managed to keep an air of realism around, but Modern Warfare 2 was just retarded. A full-scale invasion of the US that catches them completely by surprise? Stupid beyond reason. You can't hide that kind of troop buildup or the preparations. Using a nuke to stop the invasion? Nonsensical. The stupid 3-way conspiracy the game 'ended' on? Even more retarded.sydney_roo said:I don't see it that way, mate. Yes, it was bloody short, took me less than 6 hours to complete the thing but I think it's the best of the series and a really good game overall. Story is well-written, there's a climax, realistic gun mechanics and sounds. It's bad when you want it to be. Have you actually played it or repeat the comments of others because it's "cool" to bash MW2?
Well it seems they know their target audience at least !Sander said:The story felt like the result of a 14-year-old's ideas beginning with ...
Sander said:A full-scale invasion of the US that catches them completely by surprise? Stupid beyond reason. You can't hide that kind of troop buildup or the preparations. Using a nuke to stop the invasion? Nonsensical. The stupid 3-way conspiracy the game 'ended' on? Even more retarded.