Can we all just stop with the Bethesda hate? It's getting old


First time out of the vault
yea I get it they messed up with Fallout 3 but Jesus Christ can we all just get over it!? It's been 7 years (I think) since Fallout 3 came out and honestly other people think the NMA community is a joke and won't come on NMA because of the fanatical Bethesda Bashing.
I have met TONS of past members who decided to stop coming here and most of them said its because all you do is bash Bethesda and if you actually like Bethesda you get bombarded with posts pointing out why you shouldn't have that opinion. They think we're all idiots who can't deal with change. I mean this Bethesda Bashing thing was going on when I was on here in 2010 with my very first account. Seriously pick something new. There are alot of other problems then "eh Bethesda ruined bits of lore and ruined my favourite game! A 2D, top down, turn based RPG"
Now don't get me wrong but 1 and 2 are some of my favourite games but they came out in 1997 and 1998. eighteen years ago. You guys are just clinging on to a ghost basically. Now just get over it and accept change. If I can I'm pretty sure all of you could.

and no i'm not a Bethesda drone.
Maybe someday. Probably many years from now. Unfortunately, the oldest and most historic Fallout community on the web is stagnantly opinionated and vicious. I appreciate the effort, but it's really of no use.

Also, wrong forum.
Apologies. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings by expressing our discontent with the mind-numbing simplification, lore destruction, mass-appeal for the stupid, canon-wrecking AAA titles that are being shat out faster than the latest Nikki Minaj pop single. We'll try to control ourselves while money-hungry corporations destroy things that we love.
Every user is welcome in here to post about what they want, we have many other subforums focused on content other than Bethesda. We have a fan art section, general gaming and even Role Playing subthreads. You are welcome to post in there, what you are not welcomed to do it to register to cry about other people's opinion, you can engage others in discussion if you want, as long as you actually have something to say.
Oh guys! You think we hate Bethesda? You really havn't got the chance get known with some Star Trek fans do you? :V

By the way, yeah Beth has not a great reputation over here. What surprise. But maybe this comes as a surprise to some, but even if we or some of us bitch a lot about it, our life is going on, even with Fallout in Beths hands. But NMA is seriously just a very small community with a handfull of people posting regulariy. IT can't be THAT difficult to ignore it if the Beth hate - which I see very often just as criticism, is going on your nerves.

They think we're all idiots who can't deal with change.

This in particular is something that I never understand. We can't deal with change? Let us turn this around. Why should we actually deal with it? Do you mean with change that we should accept the fact that it happend? That's easy. Yes, Beth made Fallout 3 and they soon will throw out F4. There. I accepted that fact. But why do I have to deal with that? It's seriously not a big thing in my life. And I sure will not have some sleepless nights over it.

The thing is, there is no real reason to deal with it. The old games are still there. But god forbid someone would compare the so called sequels with the previous titles. That's already a big crime! Here is the secret. Bethesda didn't change anything. They just used their Elder Scrolls Formula on Fallout. That's not a change, that is a shift. Turning the game in a first person open world game is not the most innovative or boldest move that ever happend in gaming. Infact it is actually as far as Bethesda goes pretty old fashioned. But it is the Fallout fan that can't deal with change when I actually believe it is Bethesda that isn't willing to change and adapt to a franchise, but instead they will alter and adapt the franchise to suit their needs.

By the way, not every change is always for the better


By the way, for some at the Codex we are even Bethesda-lovers and muuuch to tame for their taste.

Why don't you go to the Codex and tell them to accept Bethesda and deal with it and see how far you will come. I love the Codex. But don't be surprised if you see on 20 pages thousands of people explaining you in various ways how wrong you are.
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Pity. Ah well time to get the umbrella.

Just saying, you 'Tolerance' people have no tactics. How can you expect just going right into our grills change anything! Be more subtle, increase Fallout lore discussion (I will happily write in those) and such. are we supposed to be "the oldest fallout community" if we ignore what bethsoft is doing to the series we stand for? are we supposed to be "the oldest fallout community" if we ignore what bethsoft is doing to the series we stand for?

They expect us to just take it up the ass and like it.

Fallout 3 was babies first RPG for many people, so it is near and dear to their hearts.
I guess that's why they always call us "Butthurt", we don't like it but they just can't get enough of it. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Isn't it annoying when people post this stuff? It's like they expect us to be drones who spout 'Bethesda is shit' slogans and don't do anything else, so when they tell us to stop they expect a message of 'it's so old, stop hating Bethesda, old people!'. We do have a life outside Fallout, it's just that we think their games are shit. Nothing wrong with that.
Well talking about the qualities of the old Fallout games and comparing those with the new ones on a Fallout community/page that is mostly dedicated to the old games - hey just see the mod section, it is pretty active! This must be really schocking for some people! Like no clue, boobs in TV or such stuff.

Threads like this are getting old.

Another thread claiming how all we do is bash Bethesda and stick to the past. I'm shocked.

And ignoring the good things we sometimes say about Morrowind :ugly:
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I wish the gaming community would stop the Bethesda Fanboyism, but well, what can you do?
I wish the gaming community would stop the Bethesda Fanboyism, but well, what can you do?

Why?! They make Bethesda money!

Edit: MORROWIND!!! One of my favorite games existing. Love the world and the lore... was meh with gameplay and graphics.
Eh. I don't mind what they register for. It's not like a post here is going to make me lose sleep or anything.

Plus, more users = more activity. Which we kinda need. I remember when I finally officially signed up here with my first account, there were maybe around 15 active users (not counting The Order) posting on the forum (and the general Fallout section had a lot less. Almost nobody but the same four or five regulars would ever go in there). And of course you'd have the relatively inactive ones drop by every once in awhile.

What I notice is, every time a new Fallout game comes out, we get a boom in activity, then about two years after the games release, the activity dies down slowly, the newer members leave (usually, maybe three or four will stick around for the long term), and it's just the same old long time posters posting here again. So more activity is good in my opinion. Unless we all want this site to be a hermitage monastery dedicated to the original Fallout fanbase. Then I guess we're on right track.
Now don't get me wrong but 1 and 2 are some of my favourite games but they came out in 1997 and 1998. eighteen years ago.
You don't know the best part yet! I'm listening to centuries-old music and admiring centuries-old paintings from the bottom of my heart. Deal with it.