You cannot call yourself a Fallout fan unless you circulate the proper amount of hot air.
FTFYYou cannot call yourself a Fallout fan unless you circulate the proper amount of hot irradiated air.
If you call yourself a fan of anything you are obsessed and need to go to the doctor. You are a human being not a whirly wind blowing device.
I loved Fallout 4, but not to the same extent as FO3. To be honest I can sort of understand why you guys hate Bethesda and their Fallouts. I LOVED Dead Space and Dead Space 2, but then EA put their hands all over Dead Space 3 and mostly ruined what would have an amazing game. Now the DS franchise is permanently dead, no DS4.
If you like Fallout then you're a Fallout fan.
We can go more in depth and categorize based on whether you like the Interplay/Obsidian Fallouts or the Bethesda Fallouts more, but as long as you like Fallout, then you're a Fallout fan in my opinion.
You’re not allowed to consoom unless you conform to my consoomshun.I have to agree with this, because really as long as you like something, it's really your choice if you consider yourself a fan or not. If you only ever played the Bethesda Fallout games and like them, you can still consider yourself a fan because you have a basic love of the universe, even if it isn't what it was before. The opposite applies for me, where I've only played the Interplay titles and New Vegas, I still consider myself a fan because I love the universe even if I've never played all the games or even any fan made additions to the series. Sure, being a fan of certain aspects of Fallout will draw ire or appreciation from various fans, but at the end of the day, it's really your choice if you consider yourself a fan or not, and I don't believe it's right to say someone's not a real fan of the series for liking or disliking a certain game because at the end of the day, they like Fallout just like everyone else who considers themselves fans.
Sorry if this response was all over the place, just felt like it needed to be said.
If you like Fallout then you're a Fallout fan.
I'm a better consoomer than youYou’re not allowed to consoom unless you conform to my consoomshun.
But yeah, in a broad way you’re right. But I’m willing to dissect this argument like the asshole I am and say that perhaps Beth Fallout isn’t Fallout at all, more just a goofy post-apoc Americana series with familiar set pieces.
HEY WHAT'S UP GUYS AND WLECOME TO A NEW FALLOUT 76 BATTLEPASS UPDATE!!! *airhorn sounds*Fans are fans. They may be terribly misguided, not willing to go outside the realm of bethesda-land, ignorant of the origins of the franchise, but I think you can still like Fo4 and be a fan. I myself personally like Fo4, I still think the originals were better.
I don't think that anyone who refuses to even try, or doesn't appreciate the classics can call themselves a true fan of the franchise though. And I hate seeing a couple of the biggest names in fallout on youtube having never done a lets play or discussion on the classic games. Makes me almost sick.
I strongly dislike this generation.
I had to cross myself to ward off the ethereal retardation of the kinds of people who do that. It’s like a portal in the Witcher; you let those morons through, even when making fun of them. Best to hang garlic above the windows and door thresholds to ward off their evil.HEY WHAT'S UP GUYS AND WLECOME TO A NEW FALLOUT 76 BATTLEPASS UPDATE!!! *airhorn sounds*
Sometimes they're fun to watch, but in a "low IQ turn your brain off" way. If that makes sense.I had to cross myself to ward off the ethereal retardation of the kinds of people who do that. It’s like a portal in the Witcher; you let those morons through, even when making fun of them. Best to hang garlic above the windows and door thresholds to ward off their evil.
Yeah so is jerking off into your own face like a chimp, doesn’t mean it’s not horrifying for the other people at McDonald’s.Sometimes they're fun to watch, but in a "low IQ turn your brain off" way. If that makes sense.
goo goo gaa gaaYeah so is jerking off into your own face like a chimp, doesn’t mean it’s not horrifying for the other people at McDonald’s.
The philosopher of our time.goo goo gaa gaa
I will say that F4 had solid gunplay. Damn shame the rest of it was so underwhelming.I think with enough mods like D.U.S.T or other overhauls fallout 4 could be better but then it would be a HD S.t.a.l.k.e.r in America.
When you spend 3 hours making a shack but the shitty PS4 controller settlement object placing controls make the house lopsided and completely fucking impossible architecturallySettlement building is fun though, if really out of place.
When you spend 3 hours making a shack but the shitty PS4 controller settlement object placing controls make the house lopsided and completely fucking impossible architecturally
I’m Borderline Personality-psychotic, so it’s the total opposite where I’ll build something, it’ll come out terrible, the voices berate me and I hate myself over it for the next 3 weeks.What can I say man, I love Minecraft.
Plus the fact that I'm autistic predisposes me to hyper-focusing on dumb shit like that lmfao.