Do you guys seriously think the Mesmetron actually belongs in this sort of setting? Sure it's goofy 1950's pulp, but it completely sidesteps the grittier influences. Most specifically, Fallout doesn't riff of "realism", but it does so enough that such a potent
political tool as the Mesmetron would be a big fucking deal.
We can assume it's basically going to be "charm person" or whatever the Elder Scrolls equivalent is, so consider this - You have a personal infantry weapon that can control minds, and the effect is near-instantaneous (unlike
extensive programs of hypnosis/brainwashing, etc.) Who the fuck would be building nukes when you could build a mass-scale mind control ray? Who would bother with power armour and miniguns when you could have a ninja hiding up a tree, mind controlling a single enemy soldier and telling him to pull the pin on his grenade?
We know Fallout isn't the real world. We know it has goofy pulp sci-fi influences. But that's no reason for a complete departure from sensibility to try and justify something with such epic ramifications as part of the Fallout world. Mind control is bigger than nukes, bigger than FEV, bigger than power armour... I mean,
Imagine the possibilities!.
Again, it's a question of where you draw the line. Do you also include X-Ray specs, because they fit the goofy pulp aspects? The spacecraft of Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon? Brian Blessed as some kind of avian furfag? Do you let the player equip the ring of Ming the Merciless that lets him magically create natural disasters on a planet light years away? A rocket cycle, like the one that brought so many lulz in Fallout Tactics?
I think it's pretty safe to say, given the classic - "My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a postnuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun" quote from Tim Cain, that if such a thing as a Mesmetron was to exist in the Fallout world, it wouldn't be there as another way to shoehorn a cheap, shitty piece of parlour magic into a lifeless combat system, it would be there as an integral part of the societal and political issues at hand.
So fuck the Mesmetron. The cryolator doesn't offend quite as much, but you can bet it's like a pale shadow of the ice spell in Dark Messiah.