Texas Renegade said:
I merely pointed out that if you can get more enjoyment from not comparing it, wouldn't it make more sense not to compare it rather then to compare it and be unhappy or miserable?
But that's something of a Pollyanna approach, isn't it? Maximizing one's personal enjoyment of something in spite of reality?
The only way in which the sequel/spin-off debate boils down to semantics is that ultimately it's Beth's call, one they've already made and screwed up canon in the proccess. This unfortunately
is Fallout 3, it is the direction the series will move towards and we'll never again see another one in the molds of the originals. I particularly don't care for being able to enjoy this game when it necessarily means supporting this shift and the inevitable coming of Fallouts 4, 5 and 6.[/quote]
While I do agree with the idea of the end of your post, I disagree with allowing a bad naming decision to prevent me from enjoying a game.
Fallout 3 may fail miserably as a a game compared to FO 1 and 2, but may succeed quite well as an ARPG on the current market on its own rights.
Considering it is about the only RPG type of game that gets my blood boiling that is out or coming out any time soon on the PS3, I feel perfectly fine with looking at and enjoying the game on its own merrits rather then making myself dislike the game because it isn't what its predecessors were.
Funny that you mention it being a "Polyanna" approach. I saw that movie for the first time with my wife (she always loved the movie as a kid) on TCM about 2 weeks ago. She even told me that my propensity for finding the fun and joy in something is very similar to the girl in the movie.
Hey, guilty as charged. Though I would argue the "in spite of reality part" Happiness is a personal choice based entirely off the reality we chose to make for ourselves. My enjoyment of FO3 won't be because I am ignoring reality, but because I am enjoying the game for what it is rather then what it is not.