I read the review once, and it seemed alright, then I read the comments (yes, all 8 pages.. ack!) and then went back and re-read it. While reading through the comments I became a little suspicious that, perhaps, someone from another gaming company could have possibly paid them to write this?
Eh, let's just say I'm not really trusting of any gaming media these days. When you see them interviewing the developers they usually seem like the type of person that is just doing their job and would really rather be out partying or something, and not playing games at all.
Anyway. The endless dungeon crawl to the end. That sounds a bit far fetched to me.
the main quest will get you through an Hellgate London-ish nightmare in which you had to pass through kilometers of underground for hours and hours.
I mean.. what? Surely Bethesda isn't going to make us do one huge dungeon crawl ALA Oblivion gates again.
Also, the "no random encounters" bit. Maybe his character had low luck? You didn't encounter anything like that in the original fallouts with a low luck score. I'm also going to assume dogmeat is either always there for the "almost finished" version, or something.. they did say you would always meet dogmeat in seemingly different places. Is Beth so eager to lie again?
Karma systems are always pretty stupid. I can live with that. It was stupid in Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and now again in Fallout 3. It's too bad they didn't switch to a reputation system. Of course, only in Fable did I feel the need to commit evil acts even though I was, aside from sacrificing villagers to skorm for that leet bow, a goody goody. Hopefully there won't be some uberweapon in Fallout 3 only available for evil characters.
If this game is truly as bad as people make it out to be, then I'm going to be quickly reselling it on eBay.
I'd like to see someone review it that liked Oblivion at first, and then realized its faults, and knew exactly how to play Oblivion to tweak their character. See, I feel like someone who'd have the patience to play a game like Oblivion and enjoy the parts that ARE good in it (like the early Dark Brotherhood quests) could give Fallout 3 a fair and objective review. I don't really consider a FO1 + 2 fan who's most likely despised both Tactics and FO:BOS, and probably one of those who played Oblivion and was like, "lulz this is stupid imma dance on tables hahahha they dun even react. This game is shi*!!!" to be someone who could write a completely honest and non-biased review.
Oblivion did have its stupid points, but if you do your best to work around the 60% stupid then you'll find the 40% to be worth playing through it for. I'd like to know if Fallout 3 has the same amount of stupid vs good. If it does then it's going on my future $20 bargain bin title list..
Too bad people either want to claim it as the best thing ever (without saying why) or want nothing more than to wipe their hairy arse with it.