Well i agree pretty much with the whole review. damning; yes... negative; yes... true to what I have seen of FO3; yes. I reside firmly in the camp of 'oh noes' at witnessing the critical hit to my eyes/brain/groin inflicted by bethendesa wielding Fallout 3.
This review is the first that actually made me think "yeah, that's how I feel!" which is a bad thing being that I originally wanted FO3 to be all I'd ever dreamed of and more!
here's a diagram to help explain;
point 1 on the time-scale was when the first rumours that FO3 was actually going to be made hit me. I was happy.
point 2 on the time-scale was the point at which i saw the first screen shots of the awesome artwork that was slowly released into the light of the media/websites etc. I seem to recall wetting myself in joy at this stage.
point 3 is the point at which I saw the first actual information about FO3, i learned it wasn't to be done the same style, or even with the same features. I became unhappy and disillusioned.
the period up to point 4 shows my general fall in interest over time. Other things were making me happy and FO3 wasn't exactly right round the corner coupled with the fact that it now didn't 'feel' right any more.
point 4, reviews/leaked footage/ 'gameplay' video's and hype all bludgeon my hopes into submission. I am no longer a happy bunny.
its worth noting the dashed red line, this line represents the point at which I loose interest and no longer want to waste money on something.
the period following all the reviews etc, leads to point 5, or as I like to call it 'now' and as this graph shows my ability to feel that I like FO3 and am eager to buy it is pretty much hovering above the 0% mark.
Why the long winded explanation? well it was a response to the fact that a few people seem to have this idea that a god number of the old school guys have an inerrant hate of FO3, but it isn't true, the reason people like me and the reviewer at Canard have all this hate is because of what we see and hear about FO3, if what we saw etc was stuff we liked I'm sure we'd all be raving about it, as it stands the current information to hand tells us that the upcoming FO3 game is a steaming pile of brahmin dung. put into laymen's terms, we don't like what we see.