Censors force Fallout 3 changes

I wish censors had the power to enforce established Fallout canon upon the game and get rid of all inconsistencies.

Morphine - FAIL!
BoS' change of philosophy - FAIL!
oblisk said:
No huge deal, just as long as they change the names to something Fallout-esque.

hopefully they won't just reuse drug/alcohol names from TES...
They should have made them with artificial names from the beginning.

Uncreative douchebags
haha, so now all of a sudden you've found another thing to bash...

I've never seen complaints about real-life drugs before, rather I've got the impression that people liked it. for the realism basically.

I can see the different scenarios now...

1. they use real-life names = they're uncreative
2. they come up with sort of silly names themselves = they're retarded and don't stick to canon
3. they use drugs from FO1 only = they're uncreative

Cow said:
rcorporon said:
Censorship is fun! Hooray!

It's kind of funny that massive amounts of gore and exploding heads are perfectly fine, but "morphine" is a no-no.

It's amazing how censorship varies by region. Americans are really shy about sexuality which is a pretty open subject in Europe but violence is heavily edited. I was surprised to find that even Japan is beginning to crack down on violence in video games.

Violence is not edited in all European Union, only in Germany and, some times, UK (Manhunt).
aenemic said:
haha, so now all of a sudden you've found another thing to bash...

I've never seen complaints about real-life drugs before, rather I've got the impression that people liked it. for the realism basically.

I can see the different scenarios now...

1. they use real-life names = they're uncreative
2. they come up with sort of silly names themselves = they're retarded and don't stick to canon
3. they use drugs from FO1 only = they're uncreative


I don't care for real-life drugs in the games, but I haven't seen real-life drugs like morphine in Fallout. And anyway, it was certain from the start they will not allow them in some countries, to have real-life drugs. But Beth never did so violent game before, so they're just a bunch of noobs thinking that they're doing a bad ass game, when they will put morphine and head-blowing animations.
But still, they're doing it like kids and for kids


by kid, for kids

If they would be more creative, and make their own named drugs, they would act more professionaly, knowing that real-life drugs would not sell.
That's a pro thinking, but Beth failed it.
Another negative point for them.

Silly names are showing how Beth is silly, and how they are taking a serious game like Fallout. Of course, fallout has lots of humour, but dark-humour not silly-humour.
Beth is making their own game, and called it Fallout 3.
This is actually fantastic! A stupid government policy in Australia has forced bethesda to change something AGGRESSIVELY moronic that should have never been in the game in the first place.


Welcome to Australia! We make uncreative douchebag companies GOOD!
(Should be on a signpost. Get to it Aussies.)

Welcome to Australia! We don't make the uncreative douchebag companies, we make the uncreative douchebag companies better.

Welcome to Australia! We got kangaroos, dried river boat races, camels and stupid game rating rules!
I heard thet they are remaking Max Payne, w/o the painkillers, but

thar will b moar blood!!!!111!!1!ONE!

Public: You might want to cut the "Ron Perlman" quote, since he's not with us any more :)
It must have been just easier for them to edit the version to fit Australia then not edit it back. Or maybe they weighed the pros and cons of changing the name and kept if for consistency. Or a little of both.
Silencer said:
I heard thet they are remaking Max Payne, w/o the painkillers, but

thar will b moar blood!!!!111!!1!ONE!

No painkillers in Max Payne?? Maybe in Germany they will change real guns into water pistols?

Public: You might want to cut the "Ron Perlman" quote, since he's not with us any more :)
PaladinHeart said:
Polynikes said:
I'd actually like that, depending on how far they went, since the gore is a bit too over the top for me. I mean, Fallout did gore over the top, but a sniper shot to the head didn't make all the limbs fall off.
No but if you get a critical it would blow their arm and half their torso away.
True, but I chalk that up to technological/time/resource restraints. It took a lot more work to get those animations in-game than it does for Bethesda now. Whereas in the past, they had to make the model, texture and animation, then record it from every angle and make sprites, Bethesda only has to create the model, texture and animations, and it's in-game. I'm sure they have a lot more resources than either of the Fallout teams did.

Surely you can agree that a headshot resulting in part of the body being blown off is not as over the top as ALL the limbs coming off.
generalissimofurioso said:
There is only one game that I can recall in which you are allowed to use real-world drugs.

That game was NARC.
Bloodlines: morphine
Painkiller: painkiller - oh, that one doesn't look like real
aenemic said:
I've never seen complaints about real-life drugs before, rather I've got the impression that people liked it. for the realism basically.

I can only speak for myself, but I thought that having one single (new) drug with a real-life name was odd, and if they now change it to a made-up brand name or something that's a good thing, however incidental.
As morphine was discovered in 1804, I havo issue with it being in the game. But either way is no big deal.

jeez these guys are really showing some creativity now..

Why didnt they just call it painout or hurt-away?

maybe numbtats.

I didn't mind the addition of another chem to Fallout 3, since it worked fairly well in fo2 and opened up some interesting quests/dialogues.

I did think it was relatively stupid of them to initially call the morphine by it's actual name, due to real world considerations like selling a game in every walmart in the Americas.

it's proposed use seemed to be ok in terms of fitting the setting and it's availability wouldn't be an issue..

Then they went and called it med-x, a blatant ripoff of rad-x that they thought would make it sound more fallouty.

newsflash: it sounds half-assed and if they were going to rip off a drug name and barely change it to fit their game, they should have gone with a name that actually fit it's use instead of one that could be anything.
(buffout, mentats, stimpacks etc.. you could tell what they all did just by the name)

to anyone who played fallout and actually understood what the chems did, "med-x" sounds like it increases your protection against "meds" floating in the air, much the same that rad-x would increase your resistance to radiation.

Without proper text descriptions of the meds and intelligently developed names, like the originals had, you might not even know what the hell it does when you find some and it shows up in your inventory as a little green pill.
aenemic said:
haha, so now all of a sudden you've found another thing to bash...

Strike for trolling.

Please point out where anyone ever said real-life drug names for Fallout are a good idea? If nobody ever said that, we're not being inconsistent, and you're a troll.