Using one questionable post as an excuse to vat an entire thread that had a very prominent secondary strain on the discussion about the lack of discussion and the extreme polarization in today's politicized issues...
I guess I'm a politically naive pessimist but how exactly do modern people decide on what is the right approach to solving an issue (not the simple, black&white morality, what is right and what is wrong declaration but the real work to fix the reasons behind the symptoms.) if they won't ever look at what the other side says, wants and their reasons?
"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it's mistakes" is probably the most appropriate phrase that fits my feelings at the moment...
Don't forget MASSIVE strawmanning while doing the vatting!
But I really don't understand all the accusations of that final post, and I hadn't taken a look at the topic before it got vatted, so I never even got the chance to say anything about it. Then again, the vatting came so quickly, NO ONE did! To me, there was nothing questionable about it. Misguided? Misleading? Misunderstood? Misused? Most likely one (or several) of those. That graph, if anything, just made perfect sense, and you had to be pretty stupid to look at it and think "this is misogynist!" I mean, seriously, do you think it's belittling and insulting to state that the average IQ of [sex doesn't matter] in, say, a bottom-tier retail job being lower than the average IQ of a [sex doesn't matter] in, say, astronomy? No! THAT'S TRUE! Are there geniuses who find themselves in shit jobs because of very unique circumstances? Sure. But averages don't represent that. By far, the average IQ has a tendency to match the field. What does that say? That just says that smarter people gravitate towards fields that require higher intelligence, and less-smart people don't proceed too far beyond certain fields. If you were to take my "[sex doesn't matter]" and fill in the blank, would that make it sexist, suddenly? The answer is very simple: no.
The straw man accusations that preceded the jumping-of-the-gun vatting were just pathetic. I've seen ACTUAL trolls on NMA granted far more patience and leeway than that guy.
The grandiose claims of censorship are unwarranted, really. What got vatted was a derelict of a thread, rapidly deteriorating into a completely unsalvageable mess.
Because active EVERY day and being posted in every 10 minutes is "derelict"? That's some incredible denial, right there. It's certainly true that 2 admins not taking any personal action and banning anybody despite being REPEATEDLY told, in many colors of "not politely", that they're just plain wrong, not listening, assholes, etc, is a huge point in the favor of "not censorship". But that doesn't change the fact that, yes, the thread was vatted in order to hide the inability to address ONE user. An act of generosity does not undo an act of thievery; prior instances of restraint do not undo an eventual act of censorship.
I even offered them the olive branch of peace. . .
Yeah, I seriously don't know why you did that. Anyone with maturity could tell the difference between a flaming douchebaggy twat and a respectful person offering polite dissent. That post of yours was unnecessary.
If anything, it seemed like it was brown nosing. A couple users like to rise up and object "it's not about winning" whenever someone asserts their point, and I have to remind them... yes it is! It's not THAT you won, though, it's that you were on the right side. Ideally speaking, anyway. You should WANT to be on the side that's right. Even if you're wrong, you should have some conviction that you're right. That's not to say you shouldn't have the open mindedness to accept dissenting opinions and admit to being wrong. The two things can completely overlap within any rational, balanced individual. But that offering of peace? That objection towards "wanting to win"? Those are all just cowardice. You don't need to make a peace offering when the very nature of civil discourse is heated debate. Anyone with any amount of brains and some self-respect will understand that being disagreed with comes with the territory, that it's not a matter of "war" and that there is no need for "peace offerings". Those are really childish concepts. The fact that you needed to make that attempt can be quite telling of the recipients, your opinion or them, or you, depending on how you look at it.
Come on. You're better than that.
Don't be so sure.