Censorship? There is no censorship!

There is no cencorship on this forum


Your brownnosing is as disgusting as is the vatting of posts that go against the agenda the SJW admins of this page here want to push through. Or the doublethink of the adminstration that forbids calling people names, enforcing political correct bullshit, yet calling out other people just like they want. :newevil:

Since this site has been dead for months already anyway it is kinda ironic that it will go under as a den of raving lunatics belittling women wherevery they post by taking away their ability to defend themselves by the adminstration. Well done.

A fitting nail to the coffin

well, I can only talk about the things how I see them, I never had issues with the mods, and I sure had some heated up discussions with Sander and Tags before. And yes, I am biased, because I consider them both "friends", as far as internet-forum-stuff goes, Orderite shit and all that nasty stuff. Looks like our plan to take over NMA trough the secret Order finally bears some fruits! Take that, Solar!

But to be more serious, like I said. Don't post bullshit. And you're save. Hell DB was allowed to troll around for YEARS (!) in this. The Larry Flynt of internet-trolls. You may call it brownnosing, but I call it, beeing polite.

By the way, even if they would delete a post they don't like here, it might not be awesome, but as far as I remember a forum is not a democracy either. I don't understand, I seriously don't, how people can agree to forum rules and still complain about how someone somewhere is violating their rights. What rights exactly? Was Sander holding a gun to your head forcing you to register? Or was Tagz threatening you with furry porn? Or ... maybe bribing you with it?

I am sorry if you feel that certain opinions get suppressed here or something like that. But, then I have to say, man up, and accept it. A forum is not about free speech. It is about the agenda of the forum/website owners and in some sense about the admins/moderators, I am sorry to say it that way, but yeah you have to pay attention to their opinions, at least a little. Or will you complain the same way when the moderates start to swing the ban hammer with Fallout 4 and all the Bethesda drones making their way in here? Aren't we censoring their opinion as well? Solar please ...

Just be happy that NMA is not your typical vidgy-game-fan-site, if you think there are better places, be my guest. Try to discuss the same topics on the official Bethesda or Diablo 3 forums which are owned by the respective companies and come back talking about censorship. No clue why some people think they are entitled to rights when they browse through the internet and into some forum. But from what I can tell NMA is one of the better moderated forums. Thankfully there are also not 10 000 active users either posting one topic after another every time ...

I mean in most other forums they don't even allow topics like this one, where you discuss the disappearance of previous topics and/or posts. At least they don't delete posts and topics here.
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well, keep in mind the whole "five guys" and zoepost was pretty much ignored everywhere, even reddit and 4chan, UNTIL mods started locking and deleting posts. that made people stick their heads up going huh? whats going on here!

its called the streisand effect. for a very good reason.

if the previous thread was getting too unwieldy, what you could have done was split the most recent 5-10 pages, and then vat the rest. much smaller thread without nuking the whole thing.
yeah you're right, I really had the feeling that we all have been close to a breaktrough after nearly 70 pages of back-and-forth, ...

If it is so important to continue the discussion, why not open a new topic? Just saying.
Because vatting the entire thread isn't preventing us from contributing to it? Just because someone started a new thread doesn't mean the deletion didn't happen. In fact, it underlines that it took place.

I know it can be difficult to assess the meaning or intent behind my posts and in how far they are meant to be comedic but I was entirely serious in wanting to end the hostile nature of the back and forth that went on, through a gesture of good will.
Like I said, I felt it was totally unnecessary. All it takes is a healthy outlook on oneself to not fear being disagreed with, and as a consequence possess the mental fortitude to be told "no, you're wrong".

I had that outlook for 80 pages, but I was merely upset at the growing hostile sentiment, and not on merely one side.

Gnarles Bronson said:
And changing the thread name?
Jokes be not censorship.

Sander said:
Of course you'll shrug this off and go "it's just a joke" or "haha don't be so butthurt". Because that's how casual sexism works.
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thread was outliving its usefulness.
Yes, let the sanctity of the prestigious NMA be not violated by frivolous posts from the hoi-polloi. If we're not vigilant, this whole place may be overrun by fruitless posts. I'm going to organize a campaign to create new, more constructive and erudite posts. Right after I post in the "Rate My Avatar" thread. BRB.
I know it can be difficult to assess the meaning or intent behind my posts and in how far they are meant to be comedic but I was entirely serious in wanting to end the hostile nature of the back and forth that went on, through a gesture of good will.
Like I said, I felt it was totally unnecessary. All it takes is a healthy outlook on oneself to not fear being disagreed with, and as a consequence possess the mental fortitude to be told "no, you're wrong".

I had that outlook for 80 pages, but I was merely upset at the growing hostile sentiment, and not on merely one side.
I dunno if the hostility was actually "growing" so much as becoming "more evenly distributed". If you think about it, much like the controversy itself, the thread was a muddy confusion of righteous outrage mixed in with elements of infantile outrage mixed in with immature outrage mixed in with laudable but misguided attempts at civility mixed in with justified outrage at all the outrage and immaturity mixed in with other forms of outrage. Some people were trying to conduct the conversation they felt was important, and some people were just prodding it with a proverbial stick made of trolling and jokes and generating angst and strife. I'd say all that hostility was simply starting to "bleed in", if anything. That's what I was talking about when I was saying it's best just to disregard and ignore, to write off, because focusing too strongly on a particular element, whether it's the trolls, or the stubborn antithesis to your point, or what have you, it simply begins to take its toll on you if you never take time to distance yourself.
Well I certainly don't have a problem with distancing myself from it. I have not now, or will ever, be offended by anything said to me. Not even close to. Except maybe if someone calls me ignorant.

Edit: https://twitter.com/davidgaliel/status/538942144434950145

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I dunno if the hostility was actually "growing" so much as becoming "more evenly distributed". If you think about it, much like the controversy itself, the thread was a muddy confusion of righteous outrage mixed in with elements of infantile outrage mixed in with immature outrage mixed in with laudable but misguided attempts at civility mixed in with justified outrage at all the outrage and immaturity mixed in with other forms of outrage. Some people were trying to conduct the conversation they felt was important, and some people were just prodding it with a proverbial stick made of trolling and jokes and generating angst and strife. I'd say all that hostility was simply starting to "bleed in", if anything. That's what I was talking about when I was saying it's best just to disregard and ignore, to write off, because focusing too strongly on a particular element, whether it's the trolls, or the stubborn antithesis to your point, or what have you, it simply begins to take its toll on you if you never take time to distance yourself.

well, lets be honest. its not as if either "side" was ever going to make a post so full of insight and so well worded that it shined the spotlight on the core of the human condition within the scope of this issue that everyone's heads exploded ( figuratively or literally ) and the other side wept in shame and cried out "i give up, you are right, how could i have been so wrong! forgive us!"

it was a fun discussion while it lasted though.
I dunno if the hostility was actually "growing" so much as becoming "more evenly distributed". If you think about it, much like the controversy itself, the thread was a muddy confusion of righteous outrage mixed in with elements of infantile outrage mixed in with immature outrage mixed in with laudable but misguided attempts at civility mixed in with justified outrage at all the outrage and immaturity mixed in with other forms of outrage. Some people were trying to conduct the conversation they felt was important, and some people were just prodding it with a proverbial stick made of trolling and jokes and generating angst and strife. I'd say all that hostility was simply starting to "bleed in", if anything. That's what I was talking about when I was saying it's best just to disregard and ignore, to write off, because focusing too strongly on a particular element, whether it's the trolls, or the stubborn antithesis to your point, or what have you, it simply begins to take its toll on you if you never take time to distance yourself.

well, lets be honest. its not as if either "side" was ever going to make a post so full of insight and so well worded that it shined the spotlight on the core of the human condition within the scope of this issue that everyone's heads exploded ( figuratively or literally ) and the other side wept in shame and cried out "i give up, you are right, how could i have been so wrong! forgive us!"

it was a fun discussion while it lasted though.
But there was an abundance of the former half, which I think is the most important aspect of discourse. "I give up" is trivial next to the weight of the facts and the importance of adhering to them. At least that's how I see it.
You guys DO realize that there would never have been a consensus, right? There will never, ever, (evereverever), ever, be a moment where groups of opposite ideology will agree. There is never a day when all socialists of the world go "wait a second, you said kill all jews? I thought you said kill all you's! I was totally offended. But jews, totally!"
Never will a right-wing extremist suddenly go "Share wealth, and defend the weak? Even the ugly? You make a point! The ugly are so underrepresented, and noone will stand up for them! That does it. From now on - I will defend all those with noone to defend them. And I will share my wealth through solid taxes."

How can we know this moment will never happen?
Look around.
It'll never happen.

Discussions are still important: They serve to offer viewpoints to all the people "on the fence".
So, I actually do like these moss-grown forum relic threads, long-ass debates that go on for hundreds of pages. I used to post in the Live Leak forum for a while, and it had tons of threads like that, like liberalz vs conservatives. Can you imagine the odds of a half-way-meet consensus in such a thread?

But it has a certain value in itself, that both sides can showcase their viewpoints, not to convince each others, but to affect onlookers.
There is no cencorship on this forum


Your brownnosing is as disgusting as is the vatting of posts that go against the agenda the SJW admins of this page here want to push through. Or the doublethink of the adminstration that forbids calling people names, enforcing political correct bullshit, yet calling out other people just like they want. :newevil:

Since this site has been dead for months already anyway it is kinda ironic that it will go under as a den of raving lunatics belittling women wherevery they post by taking away their ability to defend themselves by the adminstration. Well done.

A fitting nail to the coffin

Go back to the Codex you bastard. :wink:

Actually it is a shame that this wasteland of 50 or so active posters doesn't have the one thread that was actually sparking active conversation...even if it was mostly a gaggle fuck. Can't change it now though. The die is cast. NMA is dead. Long live the Order.
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You guys DO realize that there would never have been a consensus, right? There will never, ever, (evereverever), ever, be a moment where groups of opposite ideology will agree. There is never a day when all socialists of the world go "wait a second, you said kill all jews? I thought you said kill all you's! I was totally offended. But jews, totally!"
Never will a right-wing extremist suddenly go "Share wealth, and defend the weak? Even the ugly? You make a point! The ugly are so underrepresented, and noone will stand up for them! That does it. From now on - I will defend all those with noone to defend them. And I will share my wealth through solid taxes."

How can we know this moment will never happen?
Look around.
It'll never happen.

Discussions are still important: They serve to offer viewpoints to all the people "on the fence".
So, I actually do like these moss-grown forum relic threads, long-ass debates that go on for hundreds of pages. I used to post in the Live Leak forum for a while, and it had tons of threads like that, like liberalz vs conservatives. Can you imagine the odds of a half-way-meet consensus in such a thread?

But it has a certain value in itself, that both sides can showcase their viewpoints, not to convince each others, but to affect onlookers.
But it happens all the time. It's not relatively common, but it isn't uncommon overall. Hell, I remember a funny documentary (Or was it a 60 Minutes special? I forget...) about a black man who suddenly decided to attend a Klan meeting to see what it was all about, and he ended up getting very well received over years. He even became great friends with one of the Klan's big leaders, who would say to a large crowd "I respect this man (the black guy) more than any of you white niggers!" in defense of his friend! A black man becoming friends with KKK members, and the KKK members in turn defending their black friend against other racist white people. Yes, that's one hell of an unusual instance, but it DOES happen!

People on opposing sides reach compromises all the time. That's why those who refuse to do so are so derogatorily labeled things as "closed minded" and "stubborn", because they set a bad example of conducting discussion. Breaking down barriers and reaching breakthroughs happens, and it should be the pursuit at every opportunity. Just because the vast majority of instances ends in stalemates shouldn't deter us from seeking out the ideal.
You guys DO realize that there would never have been a consensus, right? There will never, ever, (evereverever), ever, be a moment where groups of opposite ideology will agree. There is never a day when all socialists of the world go "wait a second, you said kill all jews? I thought you said kill all you's! I was totally offended. But jews, totally!"
Never will a right-wing extremist suddenly go "Share wealth, and defend the weak? Even the ugly? You make a point! The ugly are so underrepresented, and noone will stand up for them! That does it. From now on - I will defend all those with noone to defend them. And I will share my wealth through solid taxes."

How can we know this moment will never happen?
Look around.
It'll never happen.

Discussions are still important: They serve to offer viewpoints to all the people "on the fence".
So, I actually do like these moss-grown forum relic threads, long-ass debates that go on for hundreds of pages. I used to post in the Live Leak forum for a while, and it had tons of threads like that, like liberalz vs conservatives. Can you imagine the odds of a half-way-meet consensus in such a thread?

But it has a certain value in itself, that both sides can showcase their viewpoints, not to convince each others, but to affect onlookers.
But it happens all the time. It's not relatively common, but it isn't uncommon overall. Hell, I remember a funny documentary (Or was it a 60 Minutes special? I forget...) about a black man who suddenly decided to attend a Klan meeting to see what it was all about, and he ended up getting very well received over years. He even became great friends with one of the Klan's big leaders, who would say to a large crowd "I respect this man (the black guy) more than any of you white niggers!" in defense of his friend! A black man becoming friends with KKK members, and the KKK members in turn defending their black friend against other racist white people. Yes, that's one hell of an unusual instance, but it DOES happen!

People on opposing sides reach compromises all the time. That's why those who refuse to do so are so derogatorily labeled things as "closed minded" and "stubborn", because they set a bad example of conducting discussion. Breaking down barriers and reaching breakthroughs happens, and it should be the pursuit at every opportunity. Just because the vast majority of instances ends in stalemates shouldn't deter us from seeking out the ideal.

A lot of people ARE close minded and stubborn tho. Look at the vast, mind-boggling majority. The ocean of people rarely counted, when making exceptions :D
You are right that it does happen tho, I might have exaggerated a bit with my "never evereverever ever ever EVER!" :'D

In fact, just today I managed to reach through to a far-right-winger, and I really cherish those moments - they are however exceedingly rare.
Go back to the Codex you bastard. :wink:

Actually it is a shame that this wasteland of 50 or so active posters doesn't have the one thread that was actually sparking active conversation...even if it was mostly a gaggle fuck. Can't change it now though. The die is cast. NMA is dead. Long live the Order.

It's always like this between Fallout releases. People have proclaimed the death NMA countless times before and yet we're still here, 17 years and counting.
Bux; Where is your avatar from? It reminds me of something but my 5.25 storage is refusing to respond to search queries :D.
I wanted to say something in relation to the discussion on sexism in the shitcanned thread:

I had at one point posted this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_sGn6PdmIo

I was only having a back and forth with sander at the time, but rather than refute any of the points made in it, somehow it can be discarded because the guy saying it is right-wing, apparently.

Since social justice rhetoric so often defaults to ad hominem arguments when confronted with a direct refutation, for me the debate is over. The judge is out. It's done for.

On the subject of gamergate:

It's funny how people still claim that gamergate, a consumer revolt that literally accepts anyone, is bigoted.
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