Censorship? There is no censorship!

I think there is some truth in it afterall, gamers are kinda dissapearing. What gamers love to snidely call as casuals is slowly but steadily becoming the standart. And I think its a good evolution. Because honestly, when I am looking at this so called "gamer culture" and its excesses, I am not sure if I want to be a part of that.

I'm going to have to agree here.

The whole concept of ''Gamer'' has always irked me. You don't see people who read books going ''I'm a Reader''. People who go to the theater don't define themselves by it (most of the time). Going to watch a film doesn't make you a ''Movie-goer''. You're just a person who reads. Who watches movies. So on and so forth. If what defines you is your hobby, well... I won't say ''get a life'' or stupid stuff like that, but it sounds weird to me. I've never defined myself as a ''Gamer'', and I play games a lot, hell probably a bit too much sometimes.

I vehemently disagree with what you say here. If you are really into something there are often times words that you can use to express how much you like your hobby. I've seen this argument brought up and it boggles my mind. Ever heard of a book worm?

The definition of bookworm is someone who spends a lot of time reading or studying.

Well, that makes sense. That person does that thing a lot, so they are more dedicated to the act of reading than others. Hmmmm...

Audiophile?Cinephile/Film buff?? See where I'm going with this? I tell people I'm a film buff since I watch movies over and over, learning everything about how they were made, who played in what, etc.. It's easier to say "I'm a film buff" as opposed to "I watch, collect, and over-analyze every movie you have ever heard of as a hobby."

There are always going to be names for the hobbies that people find attractive. Gamer is a natural fit for someone who spends a shitload of time with games, reading about the industry, Collecting the systems, games, and collectibles of your favorite games, playing the shit out of them for thousands of hours, whatever the case may be...

Do some people take it to the extreme and act annoying about the "gamer" culture? Sure. Doesn't mean saying you are a gamer is some sort of sub-human thing to do. I'm a fucking gamer. I play games, read about games, think about games, and want to make games some day. I think about games when I take a shit. I watch videos about games and people playing games. I have a game system in every room in the house. I read about games ALL day long. I dream about games. Gaming is my passion. I've never understood people being upset over someone liking something a lot.

Guess what? I'm a gun nut too. When someone really likes a hobby they get a unique title. It's written in the Bible.

I mean when someone sucks a lot of cock what do you call them? A cocksucker. They earned that title. Don't try to take it from them. Crni deserves his own title just like the rest of us.

I'm saying I don't identify with it, not that people shouldn't be allowed to call themselves like that. I did speak a bit too fast, and apologize if I've offended.

And while I concede that video games have nowhere near the monopoly of a hardcore fanbase, it just seems a more toxic one to me, and comes with a shitload of posturing. The whole ''who's a real gamer'' thing has been going on for sometime. Casual vs hardcore is even older. ''Real'' (game of genre X) vs the, I don't know, not-real (game of genre X). ''Real RPG'' in particular being thrown around a lot in some places. Many people seem to take it as some sort of badge of honor that elevates you above the drroling ''casual'' pleb, rather than just a statement of fact that video games are your hobby.

I don't see that level of vitriol in, say, book reading communities. I regularily visit Westeros.org, the main fansite for A Song of Ice and Fire, and while it has its own batch of self-important asses like everywhere else, it's overall much tamer compared to, say, the Bioware forums, not even going into hilariously unpleasant cesspools like RPG Codex or some subreddits. I frequent a website for people who run, and apart from the usual ''lol fatties'' imbecility from a handful of posters, it's very civil and understanding.

It just seems like a good deal of self-proclaimed gamers spend more time hating on games and/or people they don't like rather than discuss of the things they like.
well it has something to do with medium you consume. Calling your self a movie buff or bookworm doesnt contain the same nerd-rage-stigma like the word gamer. Which has somewhat but not solely to do with the nature of the internet. Blaming gaming as a whole would be wrong, but considering how many hardcore-gamers act, you can definitely say that they do their part as well, see GamerGate or Fanboys of various games.

I definitely would have no problem to be considered a bookworm for example. But a gamer? Not anymore. Regardless how much I enjoy games. I just don't want to be considered a part of this culture which is often enough quite toxic, which is also sad because it does contain a lot of positive movements and stuff. But in the eyes of most people which are not into games you cant have the one without the other.

Audiophile?Cinephile/Film buff?? See where I'm going with this? I tell people I'm a film buff since I watch movies over and over, learning everything about how they were made, who played in what, etc.. It's easier to say "I'm a film buff" as opposed to "I watch, collect, and over-analyze every movie you have ever heard of as a hobby."

I know what you mean, and I tend to agree. Though, don't forget that people tend not to look very fondly at what you could call "fanboys", the kind of people which are extremly involved in their hobby and will do everything to defend it what ever if it makes sense or not. It is afterall not exclusive to gaming, it does happen with books, movies, music and many other stuff up to the point where the people are quite fanatic about their sub-culture/hobby and where they are seen as cocky or overly eccentric, something that you can experience quite often in art really. The kind of people that will talk to you about metal and only about metal and how metal is superior to everything else and how it is always missunderstood and if you don't agree than you're some kind of hater.

To have something as your hobby, something that you really love, is not the problem. Not at all! But for many people when they hear gamer they have something like this in mind, and quite a few gamers also do a lot to support and cultivate this image:
And I am quite aware that this video is a fake (its pretty old by the way).

This whining about what some gamergate fucks did is absurd. Who gives a fuck? I know lots of assholes that are members of several groups. Blaming every single person for what others did is absurd. A 41 year old Christian stockbroker just killed his wife. Blame Christianity right!?


Don't let that ruin the hobby. Just because some twat "journalist" declared gaming culture dead doesn't mean they can take away the word. All of this twattery over two fucking worthless groups not worth discussing....for 150 fucking pages! GamerGate did this. GamerGhazi said that. Sarkeesian hit me with a wiffle ball bat. I swear to God I will skull fuck the next person that mentions Gamergate as being important.

You fucking white knights can have the honor of having a group that stands for something meaningful, but is twisted by your self righteous hypocrisy. It taints the whole message which is what I expect from Sander. Taint. :wiggle:

I agree. Many people take the gamer thing to an extreme, acting like man children or raving lunatics. These people would be like that without gaming. They need to die off and let new and smarter people take their place like God wills it. I play games. I game. I am a gamer. If that is childish or the name has somehow been sullied by nonsense, then so be it. I don't call myself a gamer in casual talk. If someone said:

"Are you a gamer?"

I wouldn't reply.

"No I think that name is stupid but yeah I play a lot of fucking video games man."

I would say the logical thing.

I guess people should stop using the word and replace it with something with less of a stigma attached to it. Here I thought being called a comic book nerd was a compliment. Guess I don't meet the high standards of internet bullshit. I'll see myself out.

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to be fair similar discussions happen in other media as well, where people don't see the books Lord of the Rings or comics as a form of literature and making snippy comments. But what strikes me with gaming in particular is that troll-culture that comes very often with it, I have yet to see people getting in such harassment over LotR or GoT where the book fanatics start a world wide shit storm against comic lovers where people are forced to leave their house. Sorry, but that is somewhat fucked up.

I mean people can get quite immature, no matter the subject, but this internet-troll thing is somewhat cultivated within gaming ... that not EVERY gamer is a part of that is obvious.

This whining about what some gamergate fucks did is absurd. Who gives a fuck? I know lots of assholes that are members of several groups. Blaming every single person for what others did is absurd. A 41 year old Christian stockbroker just killed his wife. Blame Christianity right!?
I am not blaming the individual, sorry if it feels like that. But I am talking about the culture and the general behaviour that is cultivated inside it. You can't argue that certain hobbies simply have a certain type associated with it. People tend to call it stereotypes, and while I don't like stereotypes the truth is that they do contain a small piece of truth. Punks are filthy, techno freaks on cocain, metalheads always drunk/raging and gamers trollish/childish etc. every hobby has its stigma, that is in its mild forms normal, it is this quirky thing that makes us actually likable.

The problem is the extremes and with gaming you sometimes get the feeling like it contains only this extreme. Of course it is totally exaggerated! But that is actually the point.
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to be fair similar discussions happen in other medias as well, where people dont see the books Lord of the Rings or comics as a form of literature and making snippy comments. But what strikes me with gaming in particular is that troll-culture that comes very often with it. I mean people can get quite immature, no matter the subject, but it is somewhat cultivated with gaming ...

People are fucking morons Crni. All of them. You. Me. Sander. Fucking idiots. Especially Tagaziel. A huge fucking moron. We all think this shit is so important, but little do we know the truth...

None of this matters.
If someone said:

"Are you a gamer?"

I wouldn't reply.

"No I think that name is stupid but yeah I play a lot of fucking video games man."

I would say the logical thing.

And that is sadly the difference between gaming and many other cultures (books, movies, music etc.). Because beeing a bookworm, movie-buff or comic-fan does not have the same stigma on it like gaming, even if some might see you as quirky because of it. - But we still all truly adore Voof, don't we?
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Heh, people finally understanding the point of the "gamers are dead" articles. Cool cool cool.

Speaking of calling out doxxing/harassment when I see it, freebsdgirl posted a bunch of public Facebook GamerGate groups and GamerGhazi is largely okay with this. I'm not. This is harmful, this will result in people receiving harassment, and this is not preventing harm in any sense of the word. Nope. Not okay with that at all. And GamerGhazi supporting that is genuinely disappointing. So....yeah, I'm done with that subreddit, basically, and with freebsdgirl.
Ok good, because I was about to go on a rant about the effects of dehumanizing your opponents that bordered a little close to Godwin's Law and now I don't have to do that any more. :P
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A friend of mine is an eager "Gamer", and every time he visits, he is updating me on the "war" between PC and console, and he is SO angry about it. I overtly try to draw the curtains aside, show him the nice weather, ask him where this war is being fought, what the casualties are, but nothing, his emotional relation to this is equal to a world disaster of disastrous proportions.

If only people could spend that much emotional effort on real issues. Or just calm the hell down.
Those kinds of people are fucking children. They are ignorant. Those people are usually stupid kids with nothing better to do, like half of Gamergate.
Speaking of calling out doxxing/harassment when I see it, freebsdgirl posted a bunch of public Facebook GamerGate groups and GamerGhazi is largely okay with this. I'm not. This is harmful, this will result in people receiving harassment, and this is not preventing harm in any sense of the word. Nope. Not okay with that at all. And GamerGhazi supporting that is genuinely disappointing. So....yeah, I'm done with that subreddit, basically, and with freebsdgirl.


what the fuck is this heresay!

you mean i was right? and you found evidence as soon as you started looking for it?

does this mean you are going to restore my posts you vatted?

naaaaaa! thats crazy talk!
I wish I could give you -1 Rads.

A friend of mine is an eager "Gamer", and every time he visits, he is updating me on the "war" between PC and console, and he is SO angry about it. I overtly try to draw the curtains aside, show him the nice weather, ask him where this war is being fought, what the casualties are, but nothing, his emotional relation to this is equal to a world disaster of disastrous proportions.

If only people could spend that much emotional effort on real issues. Or just calm the hell down.
first world problems, my friend, they are serious business after all! :V
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This whining about what some gamergate fucks did is absurd. Who gives a fuck? I know lots of assholes that are members of several groups. Blaming every single person for what others did is absurd.
It goes both ways. Blaming a group for the actions of an individual by association is one thing. But there's also raising your opinion of a group because of the outstanding actions of a single individual. Both are equally absurd. If they weren't, I'd have a higher opinion of The Order. But I don't, cause one good orderite does not a good collective make.

I wish I could give you -1 Rads.
The world runs on irony. Thank you for your contributions towards fueling the world.
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Heh, people finally understanding the point of the "gamers are dead" articles. Cool cool cool.

Speaking of calling out doxxing/harassment when I see it, freebsdgirl posted a bunch of public Facebook GamerGate groups and GamerGhazi is largely okay with this. I'm not. This is harmful, this will result in people receiving harassment, and this is not preventing harm in any sense of the word. Nope. Not okay with that at all. And GamerGhazi supporting that is genuinely disappointing. So....yeah, I'm done with that subreddit, basically, and with freebsdgirl.
They were always willing to name and shame though. And they basically want to harass people and publicly denounce people who are simply CLAIMING to be someone in the industry.
This isn't even new behavior on their part.
Sander are your ears burning?

From some other site:

TheWesDude: HOLY SHIT this is fucking awesome. sander @ NMA finally looked up evidence of the anti-GG leaders doxxing and harassing people, and he found it. so now he says he is going to distance themselves from the anti-gg reddit and from a few of the anti-gg people
Ah, let him enjoy his moment of happiness. Since all it'll amount to is personal satisfaction, no actual improvement in the world at any level.
They were always willing to name and shame though. And they basically want to harass people and publicly denounce people who are simply CLAIMING to be someone in the industry.
This isn't even new behavior on their part.
No, this is pretty new behavior, at least for as far as I've seen. At least GamerGhazi removed the links to Facebook once a mod ran across it.


what the fuck is this heresay!

you mean i was right? and you found evidence as soon as you started looking for it?

does this mean you are going to restore my posts you vatted?

naaaaaa! thats crazy talk!
No to all of this. You still can't into logic, I see.