Censorship? There is no censorship!

Well most of us agree that Sarkesian is shallow. But that still doesnt has to mean that she's lying. Not that I really care about her. Just saying. I am not really aiming at someone in particular here, it is just what I feel. But I have the feeling that many disagree with her opinion, which is alright, but instead of actually talking about the points she's making they attack somewhat her credibility and personality. I mean if you think that she's wrong why not adressing her arguments first? I see quite often that people attack rather her than heir arguments.
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Yep, that sure is a good example of the kind of character assassination Crni Vuk just talked about.
Something that I dont understand though.

It is generally accepted that females are prone to sexism in our modern media, in most movies, TV shows, books and music (particularly rap and pop) females are subject to sexism. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Things have improved a lot, at least in some areas like TV shows and books. But it still happens particularly with the popular stuff.

So what do they mean by "... In attempt to convince you that video games contribute to sexism", does this still need persuading? I thought we are already past that part and actually agree that sexism is a part of the popular media. Including games. And that they do contribute to sexism. At least some games. How much and how toxic it is, is a whole different question, maybe the effect is not as bad like some of us believe, we can sure talk about that. But there can not be really much arguing about the fact that it happens, just as it happens with any other form of media out there. And yes, it happens with both genders, not just females. I mean ... that is like saying there would be still a serious debate if racism really exists in our society or something - there is definitely enough hard scientific evidence that racism and sexism exist, just to be clear, and games don't exist in some kind of vacuum here they are a very important part of todays entertainment. And with saying this, it is one of the reasons why I am not that fond of Sarkesian, because like said, she is simply to shallow in hier analysis and outlook on games. She is not telling anything new or special that wasn't explored already 15 years ago. But still people should concentrate rather on her message than her personality or what she said in some twitter or what ever. It doesnt help the situation.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter in the end.
And with saying this, it is one of the reasons why I am not that fond of Sarkesian, because like said, she is simply to shallow in hier analysis and outlook on games. She is not telling anything new or special that wasn't explored already 15 years ago.
See I would have agreed with that, except we've now had three years of people throwing constant harassment her way and calling her all sorts of creative variations on "dumb lying dishonest hack" sooooo yeah, I guess it ain't that obvious to those folk and what she's doing is needed? Ugh.
And with saying this, it is one of the reasons why I am not that fond of Sarkesian, because like said, she is simply to shallow in hier analysis and outlook on games. She is not telling anything new or special that wasn't explored already 15 years ago.
See I would have agreed with that, except we've now had three years of people throwing constant harassment her way and calling her all sorts of creative variations on "dumb lying dishonest hack" sooooo yeah, I guess it ain't that obvious to those folk and what she's doing is needed? Ugh.

Kinda, I guess. She is part of the process as whole which is something that I welcome, it will lead to better games in the end at least I hope it will, like if people step in to the industry that are much deeper into gaming than Sarkesian, just saying. Though I still think that feminism in gaming has to go a long way before it will reach the same state/quality like outside of gaming, a normal evolution I guess, but gaming isn't alone here, I mean just look at the numbers of female movie directors compared to their male peer, it is in am much worse state than gaming - of course when I am talking about feminists I only mean those feminists that ask for equal rights for all humans, no matter if male or female, it is a sad fact that sexism works both ways, albeit I would say there is more pressure on females than males. At least I don't know any male that is seriously shaving his legs because of some beauty culture.

All that harassment thrown at Sarkesian? Of course absolute garbage. We don't have really to talk about that. Albeit it is also true that her opposition and critics face quite a lot of unneeded hostility as well. I can imagine that some reasonable voices have been silenced simply by calling them misogynistic or even worse sexists. It always ends like that when people get emotional about something. And developers eventually coming up with criticism? That would be a suicide considering how much support she receives on the surface.
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There isn’t one. As weird as it sounds, I never was completely ostracized or hated after the drama around me being fired in 2013. It wasn’t until being tied to GamerGate that people suddenly unfollowed, blocked, or refused to talk. I firmly believe it has a lot to do with fear of being questioned or punished by their peers.

A year ago, this fantastic YouTuber Super Bunny Hop was going to tell my story. I trusted him so I gave him my complete honest story along with documented proof backing everything I said. After a couple interviews and emails, I realized how much it was stressing me out to dig that stuff back up so I backed out. He was really cool about everything and remains one of my favorite YouTubers. Here’s the kicker: He voiced concern throughout that he was worried if he’d be blacklist by the media himself by telling my story. He eventually joined the Game Journo Pros group. Now he won’t even respond to me. I’m not ragging on him or anything. I think he’s an incredible voice with a strong sense of ethics and values, whose views on GamerGate and the gaming community align with my own (see his 2014 retrospective video). I’m saying this to highlight how even he, an independent YouTuber, is ruled by this fear of being shunned or punished by the movers and shakers of games media. It seems everyone in gaming right now is acting and reacting out of fear of some sort of boogeyman. It’s not a healthy place for a creative industry to be in.

Part 2:

It was Dislekcia (Danny Day) from Desktop Dungeons fame and some pink haired girl whose twitter handle I can't remember. I don't think she's ever done anything noteworthy, tbh. I reconciled (kinda) with Dislekcia in the end because I got tired of participating in a verbal spat where everything I said got twisted and ripped out of context in order to paint me as a misogynistic shitlord for their followers. The girl simply blocked me and continued to mock me from behind the safety of the walls of her echo-chamber.

It was kinda scary to experience social justice being dispensed first-hand like that and after that I fully sympathize with any indie devs who say they're too scared to speak up. I have a lot of friends and family on Twitter so obviously it's not in my best interest to get embroiled in a fight where I'm being painted as some kind of monster. My stakes were pretty low, so I can only imagine how scary it must be for an indie developer who has his livelihood at stake. It was curious to see how they work though. They're not interested in having a discussion with you. They start attacking you right off the bat and they don't let down until eventually you slip up somewhere down the line, post a tweet they can misrepresent, rip out of context and then use as ammunition to crucify you.

Thank god I don't have any aspirations to be a game developer.




Ha. Haha.

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Bro, they spoke to the people Pinsof quoted and both flat-out denied it on the record. Pinsof is full of shit.

But yes, Kotaku is biased against GamerGate in the exact same way that the New York Times is biased against 9/11 truthers and birthers.
Not engaging directly in a discussion is a crime now? Okay, fuck you, this is censorship.
You're free to not engage people, but this forum nor this thread are your personal blog. It's a community where people communicate and discuss. If you have no interest in that, you can just not post.