This ghoul has seen it all
Well Sander, again I tell you that if you believe male characters are never completely stripped of agency in multitude of works, then you need to read more books, movies, etc. much more. Here, a list of examples in a form Anita Sarkeesian would understand then immediately ignore in her video:
Yes character are treated differently according to gender, and it sucks. But here is the thing Sarkeesian ignores, this also affects men negatively. Have you ever heard of the disposable gender? Male death is usually seen as less powerfull. Anita Sarkeesian is not making any real in depth analysis or critique of literature or narrative archetypes and their reflection of the culture, she is cherrypicking instances of women getting victimized and treating it like it only happens to them and offering no real deep argument. I can point out that Colombian characters are usually drug lords and mules in stories, o what? Those exist, they are actually a problem, in fact some of my beloved compatriots in other countries just love to put out name down, I can bitch about the drug mule and durg lord shit for ages, but I am not offering anything of value or any meaty discussion, I am just whining.
NPCs are by virtue non important background tools, Oh the female got dissempowered in a mission where a dude kills a woman? guess what? there is probably a mission where a male character also gets killed as background, in that case it will probably played as a lesser tragedy too. You know conflict and violence are usually very important elements of a lot of settings, or do you want to have a Serial Killer mission where he just trips over his feet and doesn't kill anybody? Or worse yet, are you implying we can never EVER show anything bad happen to women? Would it be better if that particular mission only had male victims? can't we never show a misogynist character at all even if the work condemns them? Maybe have a version of Gotham with only petty crime with no shocking elements? Are you objecting against the idea of conflict in a story? Because the problem with Sarkeesian types is that they distort discussion into bitching about any form of conflict in a story because a woman happened to get caught in the crosshair.
Yes character are treated differently according to gender, and it sucks. But here is the thing Sarkeesian ignores, this also affects men negatively. Have you ever heard of the disposable gender? Male death is usually seen as less powerfull. Anita Sarkeesian is not making any real in depth analysis or critique of literature or narrative archetypes and their reflection of the culture, she is cherrypicking instances of women getting victimized and treating it like it only happens to them and offering no real deep argument. I can point out that Colombian characters are usually drug lords and mules in stories, o what? Those exist, they are actually a problem, in fact some of my beloved compatriots in other countries just love to put out name down, I can bitch about the drug mule and durg lord shit for ages, but I am not offering anything of value or any meaty discussion, I am just whining.
NPCs are by virtue non important background tools, Oh the female got dissempowered in a mission where a dude kills a woman? guess what? there is probably a mission where a male character also gets killed as background, in that case it will probably played as a lesser tragedy too. You know conflict and violence are usually very important elements of a lot of settings, or do you want to have a Serial Killer mission where he just trips over his feet and doesn't kill anybody? Or worse yet, are you implying we can never EVER show anything bad happen to women? Would it be better if that particular mission only had male victims? can't we never show a misogynist character at all even if the work condemns them? Maybe have a version of Gotham with only petty crime with no shocking elements? Are you objecting against the idea of conflict in a story? Because the problem with Sarkeesian types is that they distort discussion into bitching about any form of conflict in a story because a woman happened to get caught in the crosshair.