Aside from the ludicrous claim that because there's a fairly rigorous system in place, structural bias is literally impossible (
not supported by the most recent research), the fact that after all of those checks we are still seeing a five-point wage gap is a problem. Because, again, women (and men) do not make choices in a vacuum. But the fact that in the population as a whole the gender pay gap is much, much wider also shows that there's a lot more going on than "just" different choices. Finally, the fact that the industries that are male-dominated feature better compensation feature better compensation than those that are female-dominated is probably no coincidence, either -- jobs seen as "women's occupations" have historically always been more poorly compensated, precisely because women were doing them.
But my point in citing that article wasn't about the GS, because it discusses a lot more. I was looking for the most supportive article of your claim that women make more than men in the same jobs I could find, given that it had to be at . There is no such research. Even the research that wants to explain away the pay gap
still finds a pay gap. None of the research supports a claim that women earn more than men for the same job. And yet, you keep stating that as fact, never citing any supporting research, never showing where you got your statistics from. You've been caught peddling bullshit constantly, and yet you keep on keeping on. Forever and ever and ever.
that link is quite... well pointless.
women receive raises more often than men
women receive promotions more often than men
they say the unexplained pay-gap was due to a few factors:
1) for the new jobs with higher GS classification within a job family tended to be filled by males dis proportionally.
this is quite funny as OPM themselves determines who gets hired for jobs. the higher GS classification jobs within a job family require more experience and educational background and management experience. so the OPM is saying that women are less qualified than men due to experience/education/management, even with factoring in a female presumptive bias. if women are less qualified for higher GS job postings than men even after the bias in favor of women, that is not discrimination or sexism. that tells me women are applying for higher jobs they do not qualify for more often than men. maybe because they know they will get their "bonus points" and that would get them the job.
2) make sure everyone knows the GS pay scale
its public fucking information. GS and Step information is publicly available. so is the cost of living information.
3) make sure commands that hire people know to request the +1 pay step equally when justified
so many possibilities. ill leave this one alone
4) tell agencies that dont really use OPM hiring process to be more like OPM
and then the rest is better data sourcing for analytics, admit they need to study more than just professional job family, create programs that favor women and minorities even more than current system. other than the part time thing where they talk about the need to possibly turn manager positions into part-time to allow more promotion opportunities for part time employees.
so, now here is 2 stories from guys at my work.
Guy #1:
makes 73k a year. his wife was a reading teacher with a bachelors in english literature and minor in education. she was making 39k a year. they decided to have a kid, and was looking around for child care and they found that for both of them working and getting day care it was going to cost about 26k a year. after discussing it, they decided that she would quit her job at least until the kid could go to school on his own if they didnt have a second child. she could also do home schooling until that point.
ill be sure to let him know when i see him that you think he is a sexist fucking pig and perpetuating cultural/societal sexism for making her quit her job rather than him quitting his job. or shelling out almost the entirety of her paycheck in child care. you know, because you said so.
Guy #2:
makes 89k a year. his wife was a 1st grade teacher making 47k a year. before they got married she told him that she wanted to be a stay at home mom just like her mom. he said ok, and married her anyway, and they popped out their first kid.
ill be sure to let him know that he is a sexist motherfucker for letting his wife quit and not forcing her to work and reinforcing cultural/societal sexism because you said so.
Guy #3:
makes 65k a year. his wife is an office secretary for a doctors office making 35k a year, now making 25k a year. shortly after they got married, she said she wanted to have a kid. so they popped out a kid. after having the kid she decided that she would go to part time rather than full time to help care for the kid. he said ok.
ill be sure to let him know that he is a sexist motherfucker for letting his wife change from full time to part time and reinforcing cultural/societal sexism because you said so.
ill be sure to let all of them know they are the ones that should have quit their jobs ( there is no part time at my office ) and either take a part time job somewhere else, or just become stay at home dads.
ill be sure to tell everyone that women who quit their jobs or go part time are sexist bitches that are just reinforcing cultural/societal discrimination against women and not because it is their choice.
oh shit, victim blaming women.
ok, new idea! ill blame every man i know that women change to part time or quit their jobs when they have kids and turn down promotions so as to not require more hours/responsibility that its mens fault for reinforcing and accepting womens choices. you know, because sexism and societal/cultural discrimination. and because they pick mates that have successful enough jobs to even have that as an option for their women.
its mens fault!