Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

Reconite said:
Jet1337 said:
Reconite said:
Jet1337 said:
It's a sad fact that when any dev picks up another dev's IP, they don't keep the original dev's vision.
I would like to see where this is stated as a fact.
According to the jaded Fallout fans, Fallout 3 is living proof.

Ok, let's look it over here.

"It is a sad fact" < "FACT"
"that when a dev picks up another dev's IP" < Not necessarily the Fallout IP with Interplay and Bethesda.
"they don't keep the original dev's vision." < You are going by Bethesda alone with this "fact".

So no, It's not a fact, you dimwit. It may be factual for Bethesda, Interplay and Fallout. But it's not a fact overall, like you have stated in a way which is unrelated to Fallout, Bethesda and Interplay.

And shut up with the "jaded Fallout fans".

You're jaded and you know it or else you wouldn't be bitching at every little detail bethesda misses on the series.

Another example of the "loss of vision" scenario is with Fallout: Tactics. Another lesser known example besides the Fallout series is Turok. The original was kickass, and the recent game on this generation of consoles was lacking in a lot of places that made the first game great.

It's rare these days for major devs to acquire good franchises and turn them into shit.

Give me an example or two of any dev picking up a good franchise without ruining it.
Jet1337 said:
Give me an example or two of any dev picking up a good franchise without ruining it.
|System Shock| -> |System Shock 2|
|Looking Glass | -> |Irrational Games|

There's one.

Besides, do you really think that if Troika got the franchise they would have ruined it? You know this is Troika Games we're talking about, developers of Arcanum, V:TM - Bloodlines and founded by original Fallout developers.
Hurr durr, u so jaded roflz!
Jet1337 said:
You're jaded and you know it or else you wouldn't be bitching at every little detail bethesda misses on the series.

Friendly reminder: Don't use this argument here.

Give me an example or two of any dev picking up a good franchise without ruining it.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Considering Troika was founded by Fallout dev's, i'm not entirely sure the argument is valid anyway. Its hardly different dev's picking up an IP.
I'm totally agree with Avellone, i really
Think F3 is a piece of such crap.

I hope Fallout New vegas will be beter tahn
This shit.
Brother None said:
As PC Gamer UK mentioned in its podcast (see one tick below), it's hard to get a straight answer from a developer on the game made by the company he is indirectly working for.

Really? Hard to get a straight answer? From what I read on his blog, he was pretty straight. Hell, I'd say he was very f***ing specific if you ask me.

Oh and Ultravox, Avallone didn't say the game sucked. And you can see the man had multiple playthrough with it.

I really appreciated how candid he was about his personal likes and dislikes. I also liked how he was able to admit how some of the skills were broken in FO2.

And most of all, with what I see from his list, I seriously can't wait to see how New Vegas will turn out.