Chris Avellone thinking about Kickstarter and Isometric RPGs

I would think so. Augmentations, nano-machines, sunglasses when It's dark outside.
Crni Vuk said:
Lexx said:
I really wouldn't want to see cyberpunk so much. For my personal ...
Hey! wtf :( Lexx was supposed to be a cool guy once! What have you done to him ?

He has a point in that it lacks the va-va-voom of yore. It's "been done", so to speak.
Shadowrun is already getting some love, although I think those guys should look into the Kickstarter thing since the budget seems to be a pretty significant bottleneck for them.

As long as we're thinking of existing IPs - I'll throw in a vote for TORG, which eliminates the problem of a played-out setting by including all of them. How has no one made a videogame out of this yet?
Brother None said:
Crni Vuk said:
Lexx said:
I really wouldn't want to see cyberpunk so much. For my personal ...
Hey! wtf :( Lexx was supposed to be a cool guy once! What have you done to him ?

He has a point in that it lacks the va-va-voom of yore. It's "been done", so to speak.
Yeah I see that point. But from this time. What has not been already "done" one way or another? So to speak.

Everything is just recycling at some point. More or less. In the last decade though we saw a lot of fantasy stuff in RPGs and now as well "Sci Fi". The idea with Spies - Alpha Protocol - was really awesome (even though I never played it but it sure sounds interesting). Why not again a try at Cyberpunk ? If done correctly. Not saying it has to be done. I would be happy with fantasy as well ... as long its not Bethesda.
Lexx said:
I really wouldn't want to see cyberpunk so much
mobucks said:
I would think so. Augmentations, nano-machines, sunglasses when It's dark outside.

Well, cyberpunk is as general term as post-apo.

Both "Waterworld" and "I Am Legend" can be considered post-apo and I wouldn't say "Oh, no... Another post-apo movie?" after watching 3 sequels of any of them (not that I am eager to).

Same with cyberpunk - last game that I've seen that was (let's call it) dark cyberpunk (or cyberPUNK) was Chaos Overlords and it was just a simple strategy with little to no story.

New Deus Ex and new Syndicate look like Mass Effect without aliens and spaceships, both seem to be on another end of the scale of this genre. Definitely cyber but not very punky (old Syndicate Wars was something in between, maybe). And they (obviously) are not a turn based cRPG.
Bodybag said:
Shadowrun is already getting some love, although I think those guys should look into the Kickstarter thing since the budget seems to be a pretty significant bottleneck for them.

As long as we're thinking of existing IPs - I'll throw in a vote for TORG, which eliminates the problem of a played-out setting by including all of them. How has no one made a videogame out of this yet?

YES! Sweet baby Jesus! :aiee:
I think the modern day RPG is sorely lacking. How many can you think of besides Earthbound?
Alpha Protocol. I'd count it more than I'd count Earthbound.

There's a reason it's mostly avoided though. Modern day just isn't a very good/interesting setting.
Eternal said:
I think the modern day RPG is sorely lacking. How many can you think of besides Earthbound?

Persona and.....shit. Wait a minute....

I think that is all I can come up with right now.
TorontRayne said:
Bodybag said:
Shadowrun is already getting some love, although I think those guys should look into the Kickstarter thing since the budget seems to be a pretty significant bottleneck for them.

As long as we're thinking of existing IPs - I'll throw in a vote for TORG, which eliminates the problem of a played-out setting by including all of them. How has no one made a videogame out of this yet?

YES! Sweet baby Jesus! :aiee:

I think you and I might be the only two people on the planet who remember TORG :(
An idea I posted proposed an RPG set during (or immediately before and after) World War I, the Great War. It's a fantastic setting, which has pretty much shaped the modern world. A clash of the centuries, which transformed warfare, politics and revolutionized society. There's so much to tackle here and work with it's hard to decide where to start. A potential starting point is the Great Game.

I can settle for Alpha Protocol's sequel :)
TorontRayne said:
Eternal said:
I think the modern day RPG is sorely lacking. How many can you think of besides Earthbound?

Persona and.....shit. Wait a minute....

I think that is all I can come up with right now.
Catherine? but that is more Near Future as Space Tourism seems to be in the middle of being introduced to the population.
Does Persona even count? It's not exactly real-life as it is fantasy. I mean, is Harry Potter real-life? It's set in modern-day earth. There's a line there.
Parasite Eve series I guess counts, It's got monsters, but attempts to use modern science to explain it their appearance.

edit: action/rpg probably is more accurate.
Brother None said:
Does Persona even count? It's not exactly real-life as it is fantasy. I mean, is Harry Potter real-life? It's set in modern-day earth. There's a line there.
Persona is Urban Fantasy, because whiel it has fantasy elements, most of the game is based on it taking place in the real world, Harry Potter is more pure fantasy.
Do it Chris!

Any setting can be interesting, if done from a completely different angle than the current mainstream market rabble is dicatating. I'm just tired of seeing the same bells and whistles all the time - don't care about the setting, just make it unique, bizzare, something that wouldn't count as another nail in the coffin of creative thinking....
Brother None said:
Does Persona even count? It's not exactly real-life as it is fantasy. I mean, is Harry Potter real-life? It's set in modern-day earth. There's a line there.

Persona 4 was mostly set in the real world. The combat was done in a separate dimension, but so was Earthbound really.