Hey man, I read your posts. Until you start hitting that pathos scale off the charts, but in general, I read them.
I'm not against renewables, at all. I'm against selling renewables as the only and totally obvious and totally working option, when the fabled german Energiewende does nothing but letting us fail to meet our CO2 goals.
I'm not against reducing SUVs and whatnot. I mean, I have a car, but I avoid using it. I already use public transport and my various bicycles as much as possible. I even reduce my meat consumption and go for local products as much as possible.
But here's the thing, it doesn't really do much when the state just bans all sorts of shit and makes everything more and more and more expensive and tries to control everything when the state's own retarded policies have a larger negative impact than the positive impact of all the bans. I'm against smoke and mirror garbage policies that do nothing but implement more methods of population control under the guise of climate protection.
And there are many reasons for the increase in prices which are not solely caused by renewable energies. For example industries which require a very high amount of electricity are subsidized like the chemical industry and the normal consumer is paying the price for it. This has nothing to do with renewables but the shitty lobbyism that's happening in our industries.Of course 30% of our energy production is renewable. Everything else is being phased out by policy. Our carbon emissions are stagnating, though, and our energy prices are extremely high. Something that is not going to be better anytime soon once the last nuclear reactors are shut off.
And since every kWh of renewable requires basically another kWh in either storage or on-demand power production, we'll just have to build more gas power plants (since coal is also nono) and use them in a constantly ramping mode, which is hilariously inefficient.
But here's the thing, it doesn't really do much when the state just bans all sorts of shit and makes everything more and more and more expensive and tries to control everything when the state's own retarded policies have a larger negative impact than the positive impact of all the bans. I'm against smoke and mirror garbage policies that do nothing but implement more methods of population control under the guise of climate protection.
Which has nothing to do with renewables but the POLICIES behind it that are BLOCKING renewables as other countries are using renewables much more successfully than Germany.I'm not against renewables, at all. I'm against selling renewables as the only and totally obvious and totally working option, when the fabled german Energiewende does nothing but letting us fail to meet our CO2 goals.
Maybe the same way you are about nuclear reactorsAs I said, Quaschning is extremely optimistic, overly so.
Yep. Crni, you do understand the reason people have not switched totally is because there is no money in it - right? Paying 80 + thousand people when you are not making money is hard.
Until poor people in Oklahoma have solar power and nothing else, this is not going to be a "thing" really. You will still have crackhead handymen doing your electric for a couple hits of meth.
The biggest thing hampering people taking action on Climate Change is the fact that most environmental advocates are some the of most insufferable cunts in existence, whose windbaggery and self assured smugness is only comparable to Atheists and Vegans. God Help you if you run across one that check marks off as all three. The grating personality of these people have the effect of making others who cross their path into Anti-Environmentalists who burn wood and coal out spite. Hell their attempt at banning SUVs and Trucks was countered with one of the most environmentally unfriendly things ever. . .
Trucks that fart coal.
I hope you realize that we're talking about a much much broader problem here than Just SUVs driving needlessly around in cities ...Jesus man its called "rolling coal" in those might rig rockets there. Got to burn that ultra low-sulpher diesel in the least efficient way possible. Also banning SUV's and trucks sounds good, when you don't live in a vast open country where it fucking snows for 6-8 months every fucking year. Driving a car is useless about 10% of the time if you need to leave any major city. They just don't have the ground clearance. Also most people that talk about banning trucks or SUV's have obviously not worked in industries where these are not only encouraged to own, but it is essentially a requirement. I worked as an oil-field surveyor in Northern Alberta for awhile. God luck doing that job with anything less than a 1-ton 4x4 quad cab. Just the amount of gear to carry around plus 2 ATV's/snowmobiles. Yes ban trucks and SUV's.
I hope you realize that we're talking about a much much broader problem here than Just SUVs driving needlessly around in cities ...
Not here in Germany.Oh I do, I am just stating that the SUV/Truck ban is gonna be useless as well.
Not here in Germany.
We can not hope to find a replacement for everything. That is the main issue here. We are already past that point and it does not address the underlying issue. That we're wasting to much energy and resources.Uuuggghh, sure what about for the following jobs/careers/industries?
Agriculture, mining, forestry, construction, etc? Would it not be better to suggest that a conversion to electric vehicles is better for these. They are working on it for transport trucks already
But you know what Gonzo. I am to tired of this whole shit at this point. Let us burn coal, oil, gas, flying around and throwing more garbage in our oceans and rivers without any limits. Who gives a fuck? Let us do it till there is nothing salvageable anymore. But I hope that you will print out what you just said and hang it on your wall so when someone comes to you and asks "Why has your generation not done more 40 years ago?" then you simply point to that quote.
Look and I am telling you in the future this will not be a question anymore. We do not have to ban anything here. Neither SUVs nor trucks or coal or what ever. There will come a point where we will simply stop using it all together because the environment will be so damaged that we won't have a need for it anymore we will live in a world that will be very different from what we have now. Those trucks and SUVs will not be a part of any jobs anymore in an environment where people can not even live decently due to droughts, floods and pollution. How many farmers have SUVs in areas that are constantly hit by such extreme weather patterns where people are experiencing famines on a regular basis? That's the future we're looking at here for like the majority of the human population here including western Europe and the United States.Jesus man, all I was saying is that blanket bans don't work. Many people rely on trucks/suvs as part of there job, hell I even offered alternatives involving electric trucks/suvs?