Col. Ghaddafi dead

Rich Dickardson said:
Okay, now they're just being animals by now. Primitive, savage animals.
Rebels were asked for it by a foreigners, because nobody was sure if Gaddafi is finally dead. So, they put the body into a freezer, making show for a civilised journalists. (If you want to see some brute savages, put an "Abu Ghraib" string in the Google.)
Rich Dickardson said:
Atomkilla said:
Yeah, neither side are "good guys", judging by the events so far. Still, we all have an outsider's opinion, so it is a bit different.

On another note, Gaddafi's corpse is kept in a mall’s freezer, later open to public. People are queuing to take a picture with his remains.

Okay, now they're just being animals by now. Primitive, savage animals.

dept of tourism always gotta get in on everything.
dept of tourism always gotta get in on everything.

Yup, the economy has to be revitalized, gotta start somewhere.

And really, with the history Western civilization has regarding revolutions, it's extremely hypocritical to berate the rebels as animals or somesuch. We were no better, worse in some cases. And as pointed out, even today we most definitely are not above torturing people in humiliating fashion, or good ol' cold-blooded execution. The outrage around his death seems to reek of hypocrysy to me, especiallty since the West bombed his palace(s) on more than one occasion, and it's apparently because of a NATO strike that he had to stop his convoy and hide until they showed up to kill him. At least they have stated killing him was unintentional (of which I am a bit dubious, but then again the soldiers on the ground seemed frenzied, and might have ignored orders, which doesn't bode that well for the future), and they intend to bury him properly.

As for Libya's future, I am not overly optimistic too. Tunisia seems to go the democratic way, but it didn't have a full-on revolution, with various armed groups belonging to different factions. Is it 100% sure it will get worse? No. It is more likely than not? Yes, sadly.
Sabirah said:
DammitBoy said:
Rich Dickardson said:
Although I don't know if the NTC will be able to hold Libya together... All I can do now is hope that Mustafa Abdul Jalil knows what he's doing and can help rebuild the country, and keep it from turning into something like Somalia, or worse.

It'll get worse.

Why is everyone on this site so cynical?

I'm not cynical, I'm positive.

Libya is going to go in the shitter. Civil war, mass murders, ethnic cleansing, the rise of sharia law and the muslim brotherhood.

I'm positive that's what is going to happen.
Walpknut said:
Ghaddafi apparently sponsored the FARC (local guerrilla group)

The other day I read that Ghaddafi trained the Montoneros (Argentinean revolutionary guerrila) in Lybia ... It sounds a bit too much if you ask me and I think it might be something they made up because our government has people from Montoneros and like-minded people, and we're having elections this very day.
Now comes the in-fighting, a possible civil war, over who takes up Gadafhi's throne.

We will see people who once fought side by side shooting at one another due to a difference of opinion.
Atomkilla said:
This is getting a bit tiring.

I am not like animal. Not in that way. You cannot understand that.

If I'm fighting for survival, freedom, rights or whatever against someone who took that away from me and others, is that wrong? And if that one who is the asshole deserves to be physically punished, so be it. Tortured, whatever. Nothing could compare to atrocities that man had done, and how many lives he had ruined.
And all those who've brought the whole idea of human rights would be sitting in comfortable chairs, preaching about it.
Yes, I support the idea of human rights, of course, but exceptions should be made. Punishments should be in place, brutal, if needed, and if there's someone who thinks it's "inhumane", he should meet the families that have suffered and see the graves of those who died because of that "human". And those who have suffered the most, should in these cases be judges.

That is all. I'm not expecting you to understand. I personally don't like to have this attitude, but I don't like many things about my life or this world, but hey, it can't be changed. My own experiences and of those around me have taught me to think that way.

If you have nothing to add, I'd appreciate if we stop it here. Nothing good can come out of discussions like this in these circumstances.

You sir are 100% or atleast 85% right my own country was pretty screwed up by communism, after the revolution there were no trials, no executions, no punishments at all.
They kept their money, their pensions all that they denied to those who opposed them.
Also new gov allowed them to invest and paticipate in privatization, these people ofcourse knew which state owned enterprises have the most value, so they ended better than the common folk and a LOT better then those who they hurt.
Sometimes (ok most of times) I think it would be better if atleast some of them were executed.
The World lost a Clown.

Sure he was murdering Pyscho of a Clown


He though he was not as awesome as The Joker.

Well good thing we have The Republican party to make stupid comments. We might have lost Ghaddfi but we got Herman Cain.
Eternauta said:
The other day I read that Ghaddafi trained the Montoneros

I'm pretty sure it was Hitlerklön, not Kadafi. (Joking aside, I wouldn't believe anyone before the election. I hardly tend to believe anyone over such matters at all and at all times)

DammitBoy said:
[snip pic]

Good thing they are captioned, by the mirror shades alone I thought it was Jaruzelski in 1989.

Liebe Deutsche Freunde, ja, genau, ich wisse dass die Umlaut am oben auser Platz ist ;)
Good thing they are captioned, by the mirror shades alone I thought it was Jaruzelski in 1989.

You could pretty much apply this picture to any revolution, ever. That said, the extent of it's truth does vary.
So is it true that he got sodomized before being executed?
I've been hearing that rumour everywhere.
alec said:
So is it true that he got sodomized before being executed?
I've been hearing that rumour everywhere.

Maybe with a gun barrel, I can't imagine anyone wanting to put their nob in him.

Gaddafi was reported to have asked his captors "Do you know the difference between right and wrong?", as they smacked the shit out of him...interesting question, considering he had 1000s of Libyans murdered over 40 years. :roll:
alec said:
So is it true that he got sodomized before being executed?
I've been hearing that rumour everywhere.

yeah, there is video out there. They stuck a sharp thin metal rod up his ass.
At least its convienient for our western governments that poor bastard got shot without a proper trial. Just think all the shit he could have revealed concerning global corporations and governments of the western block... not to mention China or Russia. Just like Saddam got fast sentence, Gaddafi is good riddance too! Guess no-one minds about Syria, though...
Dr. Combat Shotgun said:
At least its convienient for our western governments that poor bastard got shot without a proper trial. Just think all the shit he could have revealed concerning global corporations and governments of the western block... not to mention China or Russia...

You think that happened by accident?
DammitBoy said:
Dr. Combat Shotgun said:
At least its convienient for our western governments that poor bastard got shot without a proper trial. Just think all the shit he could have revealed concerning global corporations and governments of the western block... not to mention China or Russia...

You think that happened by accident?

I don't think the men who captured Gaddafi were too concerned with international politics as they dragged him away...under the same circumstances most people would have shot him on the spot. Anyway the men who ran the internal security forces probably have all the information tucked away, and I'm sure they will use it to help bargain for their lives in any future trial. Gaddafi was too caught up in his ridiculous fashions to be running the day to day activity of Libya.

.Pixote. said:
DammitBoy said:
Dr. Combat Shotgun said:
At least its convienient for our western governments that poor bastard got shot without a proper trial. Just think all the shit he could have revealed concerning global corporations and governments of the western block... not to mention China or Russia...

You think that happened by accident?

I don't think the men who captured Gaddafi were too concerned with international politics as they dragged him away...

Yeah, but the NSA guys who used the drone strike to stop his convoy within striking distance of a group of resistence fighters were very happy to be able to facilitate their meeting which led to his execution.