Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

WorstUsernameEver said:Curious about the italian voice acting, was it better than Fallout 3's Stanislao?
Way better and quite good on the whole, considering the amount of characters. There are a handful of exceptions (all single characters), though, with the absolute worst being Benny. I put a bullet in his skull as soon as I could just for that. The companions thankfully have all good voices with the exception of Lily, But I don't care about her.

Stiull, it's not always perfect. Sometimes the VOs use the wrong tone of voice (lack of info on the context I guess), and rarely some lines are spoken without the 'accent' they are using for the character, which is weird. FO3 had the same problems.
On the whole a good work, anyway.
The translation on the other hand is a bit of a mess. Whoever made it translated sayings, jokes and figures of speech basically verbatim which is awful. Add some mistakes due to lack of info on the context and the occasional mistake and you end up with things like the fire axe (you know, the tool used by firemen) translated as if it was some kind of magical Fire Axe +1. Or the hunting rifle and the hunting shotgun translated with the same name (?). The worst is Boone's quest, half of what he says make absolutely no sense.