So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Depending how you define the borders of Europe, the population of Europe is around 500 million. All have UHC. If you go by widest definition and include part of Russia it's 741 million.
Canada has UHC. I think even Mexico has a form of UHC although as a poorer nation they might have lower lever of overall care. Even China has it. What the fug is USA's major malfunction since they can't get UHC?!
Nice cop out, let me explain.
First, you have to treat every country individually, because every country themselves has different finances duh. I also brought up that most Euro countries, BY THEMSELVES, have a quarter or less of our population. The only way for any possible comparison would be dodgy attempts at lumping it all together.
Second, most of these Euro countries, do not have to maintain a significant defense budget. Why? Because the U.S. pays for most of it through NATO. Good luck with all that free shit if Trump follows through with shitting on NATO. Look at what happened in Greece and Spain, Austerity up the ass because you had a people addicted to free shit while constantly trying to ditch on paying taxes. France had to kick up the workweek just to make shit better.
Third, China. I love this one as I am ethnically Chinese even though culturally U.S. See, there is this stupid little thing called a Hukao, or housing registration system. Those with a urban Hukao, have access to basic services like UHC. However, that same healthcare is shoddy and overburdened, like every other UHC system. I have family back there waiting god knows how long for inadequate healthcare. Thankfully, China has been slowly transitioning to more of a free market situation and more and more Chinese are wealthy enough to go to medical professionals of their choice. But wait, we haven't brought up rural Hukao holders. Oh yeah those folks, they fucked. The Hukao system was a holdover from Maos China to effectively punish those the government deemed politically unreliable. After the cultural revolution, all those red guard idiots that Mao riled up to get himself power, were no longer useful. So he kicked most of them along with the undesirables, into the rural areas to be farmers. Oh PS, even though recently they have begun phasing it out, the Logao, prison labor system provided the government a ton of money with what is effectively slave labor. And before you try to pull some, 'U.S. does it too', it would be beyond asinine to compare our prison services with something like the Chinese system.
So first, the population situation, explained. Too many mouths to feed.
Second, again, no cheating. Nordic countries, specifically the one BERNIE SANDERS tries to use as an example. Their population per country is around 5 millions. That is a joke comparison, seriously. Most of the other countries you mentioned have no where close to our population.
Third. China has slowly been transitioning to a free market system for some time since Maos' death. The free shit system has been significantly rolled back. No more 'iron rice bowl', the free medical care system is inadequate and taxed, while a large amount of the population is effectively locked out.
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