Conservative or Liberal

Conservative or Liberal?

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Yeah I've never taken a political side test to see where I end up and I have no interest in doing so as I don't like the idea of labeling myself and having to defend myself against the actions other people make just because they identify with the same camp as I do.

That whole thing just reeks of the worst parts of tribalism to me.
Closest to liberal in the proper sense of the term, but honestly neither most of the time

Yeah I've never taken a political side test to see where I end up and I have no interest in doing so as I don't like the idea of labeling myself and having to defend myself against the actions other people make just because they identify with the same camp as I do.

That whole thing just reeks of the worst parts of tribalism to me.

Labels are both incredibly convenient and incredibly stupid. Depends largely on the individual looking at them.
Fiscally conservative, mostly socially liberal, though not politically so. Basically, what the mainstream Republican party was considered in my country in the 1990s, although in today's political climate, I'd be considered a very conservative Libertarian.
I'm firmly in the middle. Both sides make some good points, both sides make some really shit ones. I tend to vote Conservative though because the only Liberals in politics in my country are so far to the left that they can't even SEE the right.
Fiscally conservative, mostly socially liberal, though not politically so. Basically, what the mainstream Republican party was considered in my country in the 1990s, although in today's political climate, I'd be considered a very conservative Libertarian.
>Not being an Anarcho-Primiivist
Come on guys just read Papa Ted's Manifesto it's all in his manifesto!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Is A Ted Thread Now!



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>Not being an Anarcho-Primiivist
Come on guys just read Papa Ted's Manifesto it's all in his manifesto!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Is A Ted Thread Now!



Hey I met that guy’s brother. He’s actually pretty cool. I know it’s off topic though.
I don't think we even have "liberals" in Europe. We do have leftist, green, centrist, right wing, etc. folks. I'm more to the left/green.
Hey, this thread is a good place for us all to come together and discuss political issues! Topics that come to mind are such as gun control and immigration! We'll get to know each others, and have some exciting exchange of ideas! It'll be fun!
You know, Ted Kaczynski was fucking nuts. Yet he manages to score multiple ideological bullseyes in his ramblings. I mean, broken clocks are right twice a day, but... damn.
Hey, this thread is a good place for us all to come together and discuss political issues! Topics that come to mind are such as gun control and immigration! We'll get to know each others, and have some exciting exchange of ideas! It'll be fun!
Start us off
You know, Ted Kaczynski was fucking nuts. Yet he manages to score multiple ideological bullseyes in his ramblings. I mean, broken clocks are right twice a day, but... damn.

He was an anti-technology guy, or claimed to be. Maybe he was just a nutso. Sort of makes me wonder though, why isn't green movements/environmentalism any more stronger in US than it is? It's quite powerful in Europe, in Germany the green party is one of the 'big' parties, or at least used to be. I think they still have like 15 % of the votes.
He was an anti-technology guy, or claimed to be. Maybe he was just a nutso. Sort of makes me wonder though, why isn't green movements/environmentalism any more stronger in US than it is? It's quite powerful in Europe, in Germany the green party is one of the 'big' parties, or at least used to be. I think they still have like 15 % of the votes.
Here in America they get around 1% at most
The 'Green Party' ideology exists in the US, probably in similar percentage, but it has been absorbed into the two dominant parties in unequal measure. Unlike robust multi-party parliamentary governments that have to assemble ruling coalitions post election, our coalitions are essentially formed pre-election as individuals decide which of the two main parties best align with their ideals. Effective, viable, and politically distinct third parties do not exist at the national level in our country. We come close from time to time, but their movements inevitably get absorbed into the two primary parties.
The 'Green Party' ideology exists in the US, probably in similar percentage, but it has been absorbed into the two dominant parties in unequal measure. Unlike robust multi-party parliamentary governments that have to assemble ruling coalitions post election, our coalitions are essentially formed pre-election as individuals decide which of the two main parties best align with their ideals. Effective, viable, and politically distinct third parties do not exist at the national level in our country. We come close from time to time, but their movements inevitably get absorbed into the two primary parties.

Unfortunately in my view the lack of a viable and significant green party means doom for the nature of USA. Whenever the democracts or conservatives have to choose between preserving nature or destroying it and (maybe) making even a little money usually very short term, they always opt for the latter. This results in the inevitable destruction of nature in not just in the USA but also outside the borders of USA, because the economic policies of USA reach all over the planet.