Could Elijah escape?

Captain Zaysh

First time out of the vault
I kind of wanted to put a bullet through the vending machine in Sinclair's vault before I trapped Elijah in there. Given that he can manufacture an endless supply of food and meds, he can survive down there for a long time. Is it possible that he could live long enough to defeat the trap and emerge victorious?
I don't think so. His old age is getting to him, added to that his possible addiction to mentants, cigarettes and whiskey. Also, when you tune to his radio after you trap him you can hear him mumbling about the "cloud in his lungs". Not to mention Sinclair specifically constructed the vault as an ultimate trap.
Also, even with food and chems he still needs to breath, he will eventually run out of Oxygen and suffocate.
For some reason, my game always bugged around that part, and I never got to actually trap Elijah. Only option was to eliminate him.

Is this an actual bug, or was there something I should've done before that I'd missed?

Been some time since I've played the game, but I plan on making another playthrough soon.

To answer the OP, I don't think he will escape. All factors given, mainly oxygen, as Walpknut says, I imagine Elijah would be finally driven so mad, now that he's so close to his goal, and would be done for it.
You gotta make sure he doesn't detect you when he goes to the vault, just stand away, using a Stealthboy preferably, don't attack him, don't destroy the turrets, and wait until he gets near the console and then escape.
Man I hate that part. I had to reload the game several times before realizing there was no possibility of getting away with all that gold.
It can be done. I walked up to one of the force fields and dropped the bars so they fell through it, ran the maze back to the door, grabbed them and inched my way out with like .0000000001 seconds to spare.
pyroD said:
Man I hate that part. I had to reload the game several times before realizing there was no possibility of getting away with all that gold.
That was the whole point of the DLC. =) Just like they repeated, again and again, "The hard part is letting go". It was intentionally designed to provide a REMARKABLE bounty by the time you reached the vault, and force you to begrudgingly leave it all behind, though not without considerable regret. All the methods to escape with all of the gold were exploits and glitches, so just because it's "possible" (just like turning off collision in the console) doesn't mean it's intended.
I know, but it was still so hard. The five bars I got away with bought me so much. You can almost buy out every caravan with that kind of loot.
BOUGHT you stuff? What?

I made a PILE of those things in my suite at The Lucky 38 as trophies! I had more than enough loot that I could never carry on my person all at one time to buy out every caravan AND the Gun Runners whenever I felt like it (not that I ever NEEDED it), and that all just came from taking decent weapons off of every Fiend and Raider I ran across, we're not even talking about stripping them naked, or blowing up the Hidden Valley bunker and taking all of their power armor and tech. Just an absurd amount of rifles... XD
Yea I remember a point where I picked up EVERYTHING for trading. Not to mention the fisto glitch
I only really do the "Pick up all the junk to sell" stuff when I do my NPC runs. Said runs are based on Living In Oblivion, albeit with some changes to fit the Fallout universe. Since I can only take regular odd jobs in terms of quests (like "Can You Find It in Your Heart?"), selling junk is the most typical means of making cash.

Though now that I have the Real Smokes mod, I tend to pick up all the cigarettes I can find because my characters inevitably become habitual smokers.
I usually end up cashing out the gold bars for pre-war money at the holo-vendors before I depart for the Mojave. It's not the unbeatable cash/weight ratio, either-- I just enjoy having the stuff around.

As for the original topic, which I realize I'm a little late in answering, I'm going to be the odd man out here and say that I absolutely think Elijah would be up to the task (of escaping the vault, at least, if not surviving to escape the villa). Calling the man a technological savant would be a gross understatement-- He's a grizzled, evil old MacGyver whose level of genius impressed (and bested) even the brains of the Think Tank, and he's more familiar with the tech and unique dangers of the Madre than any other person alive. He's got a vending machine in there, a weapons locker, a computer, a chemistry set, generators... locking him in that vault is kind of like trying to imprison Bruce Banner in a cell with Gilbert Gottfried as a roommate and Skrillex playing constantly over the loudspeakers. Provided that the entire underground level of the Madre isn't totally collapsed, he would probably be able go get the doors open eventually, finagle or blow open the elevator, and rig up some kind of ramshackle tool or lift mechanism to allow him to eventually ascend the shaft. I wouldn't put it past him at all.

(This is, of course, why I usually just kill him dead unless I'm doing a strict pacifist run.)
Found all of Dean's stashes. Got two stealth boys. Grabbed all 37 bars. Activated a stealth boy and used all five Implant GRX. Managed to sneak out and didn't let Elijah detect [DETECTED] me. He just went into the vault and got himself trapped in there. By the time he realized that his pip boy wasn't able to send the signal to blow up my collar because he was too deep and was stuck in a vault with a huge blast door being the weak point. The vault would cut all of his transmissions off. Right before he could hack and transmit a signal through the vault terminal, I've already managed to remove the collar while it's dead. Besides, Christine would blast his head off if she found him making too much noise trying to escape, alerting his location to her. Given that ghost people don't attack her and she can command holograms to her will Elijah is dead both ways..
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Mameluk said:
Also, when you tune to his radio after you trap him

Fuuuuuuck, why didn't I ever thought of doing that? :shock:

Doesn't he say that before you trap him, too, though? I might have missed something, but I never noticed any new dialogue after leaving him down there.
Erm, there are dialogues AFTER trapping.

"{Slow chuckle on the radio, uneasy undercurrent} Heh... now, come on, you open up. {Colder, angrier}Open up, damn you."
"Open the vault... {trying to make a deal} I can make it worth your while, {now angry} think about what you're throwing away. {Trying to bait player, make a deal} I have other weapons, other technology I can share with you."
"{Low, trying to greed player with lure of other treasures} And the Big Empty... I know the way there. I know some of its secrets... if..."
"{Backpedals} The collars... the collars were a mistake, I see that now. Why would I kill you? After {emph} all you've done... after all {emph} we've done together."
"{Challenging, hates being ignored} Are you listening to me?!"
"{Looking around, reverent, quiet} Everything down here... I swear... so much you could use, you could rule the wastes with what's down here..."
"...make your own army, re-shape the world, and if others disagree... put {emph}collars on them, I can show you how."
"{Anger/fear} Don't you leave me here. You can't do this to me. {Coughs, wheezing}"
"Eh? Getting dark in here. Machine... machine's losing power, no. I still have Pip-Boy light... maybe... maybe... no, no, that doesn't work."
"{Scratching on metal, clawing for door, quiet, to himself}Where... where is the door. Can't find the door."
"{Rasping breath, to himself}Calm, been in worse situations... find a way out... {vicious, last part is threat}somehow, then find that Courier..."
"{Running through options, to himself}Maybe Veronica... no... no, she thinks I'm dead."
"{Himself} Must be someone... maybe that {emph} other courier, one with the flag on his back... maybe... no... no, said he'd never come to the Sierra Madre..."
"No way out. {Beat, frustration} Can't... can't end like this."
"{Cold, firm, addressed to the player as his final words} You. I know you can hear me. When you die, Courier... I'll be waiting. Your grave's going look just like this vault."
"{Cold, quiet, hissing whisper} When you die... I'll be waiting here... at the Sierra Madre. {Faint, quiet, as if dying} Waiting."
SnapSlav said:
All the methods to escape with all of the gold were exploits and glitches, so just because it's "possible" (just like turning off collision in the console) doesn't mean it's intended.
Wait... so using a little bit of stealth and simply walking out (i.e. no stealthboys or Turbo/GRX Implant) through legitimately accessible/unobstructed paths is a glitch/exploit?

Huh... learn somethin' new every day...
sigma1932 said:
SnapSlav said:
All the methods to escape with all of the gold were exploits and glitches, so just because it's "possible" (just like turning off collision in the console) doesn't mean it's intended.
Wait... so using a little bit of stealth and simply walking out (i.e. no stealthboys or Turbo/GRX Implant) through legitimately accessible/unobstructed paths is a glitch/exploit?

Huh... learn somethin' new every day...
Aaaand using Implant GRX and a stealth boy (with the chance of 0.5% to spawn in one of Dean's stashes) is somehow not ligitimate? Tell me how you packed all those 37 bars in your pockets 'ligitimately' then..