Creation Kit and mods are out

I don't feel its stupidity in my case more wo ignorance and a lack of confidence in my ability to make the right choice... I think you're being a little harsh man.
I was referring to this:
If anyone struggles to search the internet, it will be the console gamers, aka, lowest common denominator.
And this:
Then there's the upgrades cuz pcs degrade in value at roughly the same rate as bannanas...
Sorry if you think it is harsh, but it's a harsh world. If I say dumb shit here, I expect to be called out on it. I extend that respect to you as well.
Case in point. If you're gonna correct someone, best do it cor;)
I was referring to this:

And this:

Sorry if you think it is harsh, but it's a harsh world. If I say dumb shit here, I expect to be called out on it. I extend that respect to you as well.

Ha fair enough... Though that was purposely exaggerated. And I admit it's a preferable alternative to how consoles stay valuable for a long while and suddenly become next to worthless when the next ons is out.
Fair 'nuff. ;)

Moron? I don't know. But for most people, consoles and PCs are basically appliances. Do you know how to fix and maintain your car, or how to repair your furnace, or how to fix your microwave if it stops working? Maybe you're a technically minded person and you do, but the vast majority do not. I wouldn't say that makes you stupid, just as someone else not understanding PC hardware and software details doesn't make someone else stupid. That still shouldn't prevent them from using a PC.

Not knowing where to find mods is a big part part of the battle - most gamers don't necessarily know where to find mods, much less what they even are. Some gamers are also wary of mods because they think they're viruses or otherwise malicious. Steam Workshop surfaces mods very effectively and gets people familiar with the idea that mods are safe and accessible.

Even so, knowing how to install mods depends on years of prior experience in using computers. We use computers on a daily basis and often in a more "power user" role (or even administrators, IT professionals, programmers, etc.) so of course it's easy, but assuming all gamers on PC are like that would be inaccurate. Most people don't know, and in many cases don't care to know because the benefits of learning how to do that stuff don't feel worthwhile to them.
G ... google?
Seriously. I mean ... seriously? Maybe I have spend to many years on the PC. But ... again, what kind of moron has someone to be to NOT(!) understand the Nexus in its current state. There are tons of good manuals, many mods have decent and simple describtions, the nexus has several ways of installing mods, like seriously, click and install! There are several mod managers, and files to tell you how to arrange your mods and so on. And if you still have issues, go ONLY for the really popular mods. Those usually work 90% of the time!

If someone isn't willing to even spend 20 min. on reading and learning, than maybe they are not the kind of guy for mods and actually don't understand the intention behind it.

If the idea is to limit and handhold people so a larger audience can enjoy mods, than I am sorry to say this. But fuck em. Just. Simply. Fuck. Them.

You can't help people which are not willing to get out of their confort zone and to learn even the bare minimum. This is not rocket science. And compared to how things have been 15 years ago we are in heaven with platforms like the Nexus. And honestly, this is also one of the reasons why we can't have nice things anymore. Because to many people demand to much on a silver plate and give up a lot of freedom in the process. Just to complain later how companies like EA and Ubisoft treat them like the bitches they actually are. Oh? Buhuhuuu! EA is making a platform to download games! And they shove some extreme DRM down your throat? Well why are you still buying their games and supporting them?

With the current evolution, the next Bethesda game might as well have only texture changes with hello kitty armors as mods while the really interesting stuff will never see the light. Just like with many other games. Doom 4 is already dead for modders. You know, we once had a time where gaming allowed for stuff like Counter Strike and total conversion mods. Do you know how much awesome stuff was released for Half Life 1 alone? You simply can't have both worlds here, you can't have the easiest time ever AND the highest level of creativity. That's simply not possible.
If someone isn't willing to even spend 20 min. on reading and learning, than maybe they are not the kind of guy for mods and actually don't understand the intention behind it.
Sometimes not even 20 min, I make it a habit to always read the comment section of any mod before downloading and some of the comments that say for example, "can't install" "doesn't work" etc, would have only had to spend about 20 SECONDS to read the very short main description to be able to use the mod properly. There are A LOT of these comments on the Nexus, even more so since Fallout 4 released.

This lack of wanting to read things or being unable to read properly - is evidenced by the way Fallout 4 can be played pretty much without reading ANYTHING in the game, it is designed so that the conversations with NPCs can be clicked through [skipped] at a high speed just to get back into the addiction, erm I mean combat. Fuck me, you can even back out of a conversation at any time! With no social consequences! And this was promoted as a fucking feature of conversations in the game by Bethesda/Tooooooddd?!?!

I see this as a form of propaganda by Bethesda. Why wouldn't they put in MORE reading and thinking into this game to try and make people smarter? What they have done is simplified it beyond belief, they made FO4 so much more stupid than FO3 [if that's even possible] just to get money from all the moronic console jockeys who can't or don't want to read things from 10 feet back on their 900" TVs whilst sitting in their couches holding their penis in their hand, I mean controller with 4 dialogue buttons.

This is capitalism and it's supposed to be good? Fuck that!

And to those pathetic console jockeys who are too stupid or lazy to read more than a couple of sentences per day: You've helped kill off what Fallout was all about. Just FUCK RIGHT OFF BACK TO CALL OF DUTY.
Ha fair enough... Though that was purposely exaggerated. And I admit it's a preferable alternative to how consoles stay valuable for a long while and suddenly become next to worthless when the next ons is out.
Even worse now, thanks to the Playstation 4.5/Neo. Causes huge problems for devs (having to develop for two different configs rather than a single unchanging baseline), bad for consumers as well because... well, how pissed would you be buying a £350 console only to have it superceded (lol forum spellcheck doesn't recognise that word? wtf) by a more powerful version two years later? Kind of the point of consoles is you buy it once and are done. So yeah, they just keep adding more reasons not to bother any more.
This whole thing with, the spyware downloader and the in-game modding is all just so Beth can gather data related to our gaming habits, when/how/why we use the mods we do, exactly what we do inside the game.. Nothing more than a money grab like every other corporation on the planet.

So they are making money from something that I created huh? Because without me that data wouldn't exist, doesn't that mean I should get some royalties from that money? Bethesda bitches about wanting money from the mods WE make right from THEIR product? Fucking short end of the stick bullshit.
I want to assure people that not everyone on the console side is really as braindead as they are made out to be.
Sure, there are some out there that are and that just comes with anything.
I'm mostly a console gamer, slowly going into PC (and it'll take a good few years before I can even afford to start up my own rig). As someone who enjoys Consoles (for the most part), I hate games spoonfeeding me.
I enjoy the Civs and the Old Fallouts that don't do that, they make me read and decide.
It's not really console gamers faults for that, most of them either play games casually or don't really know what else is out there. For many, Fallout 4 truly is a game that is different from the rest.
Now, there is some fault on the player for that, we have games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne which are challenging games, harkening back to the days when console games themselves were hard. We have Witcher 3 being a sort of thinking man's open world, hack and slash RPG. We have Phantom Pain which I can't recommend enough despite it's lack of story.

But it's also the companies' fault for not trusting their product and audience enough.
Fallout 4 could have been a good game, but Bethesda just don't trust the IP anymore for some reason. It's almost like they saw the response that New Vegas got and just gave up.
They instead went for a different audience entirely, which in the end, both helped them and bit them in the back.

Also, I've said my opinions on the PS4 NEO, but yeah, I do agree, it is kind of defeating the point of consoles and it just puts into question, how relevant they are nowadays.
So they are making money from something that I created huh? Because without me that data wouldn't exist, doesn't that mean I should get some royalties from that money? Bethesda bitches about wanting money from the mods WE make right from THEIR product? Fucking double ended stick bullshit.

I agree what little work Beth has done with fo4 is done... They shouldn't make money off others who by some miracle make the game bearable. You wanna make money off of modders? Make a job offer... Pricks...
I agree what little work Beth has done with fo4 is done... They shouldn't make money off others who by some miracle make the game bearable. You wanna make money off of modders? Make a job offer... Pricks...

This is what I don't understand about Arthmoor and his Unofficial patch - he is enabling Bethesda to be lazy and not make a good game because they know he will fix it for them for free. Then they go and host it on their own website! The audacity!

I would like more details on this if you care to share.
The Launcher program you have to download to be able to download the Creation Kit [lol], it is not needed. No I don't have empirical evidence that supports my claim, I assume this because one must log in with their credentials - which gives Bethesda detailed information [data] on exactly who downloads what and when, and depending on how forthcoming that person is with details, why they downloaded it.

[geez, i fucked up my edits :\]
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Except ... it is. How much of a moron do you have to be to NOT get how the nexus and their stuff works.
Only criticism I would have of Nexus is how tedious it can be to upload stuff.
I wish that part was streamlined more or for the configuration options while uploading be improved.
Sorry I'm late to the party. Good grief, this looks to be shaping up to the return of paid mods. I want to know why the fuck you need to be signed into to access your locally downloaded mods? They claim they're working to fix it, but why the fuck is it like this in the first place? I could totally see Beth trying to send Nexus a cease and desist. Maybe not, though, as the fan backlash would be unimaginable. Eh, but you know what, I don't give a fuck about any of this. I uninstalled that game anyway. I do hope Beth does try and pull something stupid, as nothing would please me more than to watch that business burn to the ground. Fuck, it pisses me off having to look at their logo every time I boot up NV.
As a (mostly) console gamer... The biggest problem I'm having is building a rig... Man I have no idea where to even start.. Then there's the upgrades cuz pcs degrade in value at roughly the same rate as bannanas...
I didn't bother to build a rig.
I just went out and bought a good gaming PC.
I don't need games to be ultra mega awesome settings + mods to enhance the graphics even more but I can play with high graphics without much framerate problems at all. Most of the time I get framerate problems it is because of the game itself and not my PC.

So, yeah, could just buy a new gaming PC. Might be more expensive than building one but I don't care.
Oh I know that mod authors are saying how awful it is, I was simply stating my opinion on the system. While I haven't testing how uploading works on the site, I can already tell it will be more than a handful to deal with.
I downloaded CK yesterday, tried to load my fallout4.esm (1.4) and got a s**tload of warning messages. :\
I didn't bother to build a rig.
I just went out and bought a good gaming PC.
I don't need games to be ultra mega awesome settings + mods to enhance the graphics even more but I can play with high graphics without much framerate problems at all. Most of the time I get framerate problems it is because of the game itself and not my PC.

So, yeah, could just buy a new gaming PC. Might be more expensive than building one but I don't care.

Really what d'you get?
I want to assure people that not everyone on the console side is really as braindead as they are made out to be.
Sure, there are some out there that are and that just comes with anything.
I'm mostly a console gamer, slowly going into PC (and it'll take a good few years before I can even afford to start up my own rig). As someone who enjoys Consoles (for the most part), I hate games spoonfeeding me.
Of course this has not much to do with playing on the console or the PC. That really isn't a strong factor. The issue is, what kind of platform you are used with. Idiots exist everywhere. BUt If you never played anything else except on the console, you might be used to different habits though. No clue. The fact how PC players are extremly disapointed by Doom 4 while most of the console crowd (maybe?) absolutely loves it, tells volume in my opinion. And that's most probably for the fact that the console has very few if any really good arena shooters, while this was always one of the strongest franchises on the PC. And not just since Unreal.
We here, are not so much complaining about console players in particular (I hope), but actually about the fact how yet again, a very well working system (modding on the PC) is getting obviously dumbed down and slowly killed, for one or even both reasons.
1. To make it more accesible and
2. to keep the door open for monetisation.
And after 15 years of constant hand holding, dumbing down and corporate schlock, you just feel very frustrated and tired of gaming in general. Particularly as almost ANY(!) kind of criticism these days is often enough meet with unreasonable arguments, like how you're nostalgic and to old or what ever. Yeah ...
I downloaded CK yesterday, tried to load my fallout4.esm (1.4) and got a s**tload of warning messages. :\
Yeah there is tons of errors for me, although you should be using the 1.5 beta. The before and after warnings didn't seem to change much after I updated but it's a start. This seems to be a result of them putting in a debug console on there, the past CKs would throw errors at you when it was starting but this seems to throw them all the time now.
Also, did certain modders get early access or something? If not, that means Bethesda made dummy mods just for this video.
Yes, some modders got early access and were reporting the bugs to Bethesda.
One of the mods in the video is even made by my friend Chucksteel, it is called Bobblehats.
Notice how it was first uploaded less than one month of FO4 being out, so it wasn't even made using the new Creation Kit :lmao:.