Rusty Skull said:
As only member of those smelly-scum of the earth-evil-croat-babies-eating nation known as Serbs,i felt obliged to reply.
If we had so much trouble gaining control over Vukovar how come Tudjman only managed to conquer Knin in his dreams?
Win some, lose some. Look, Croatian army was so small and poorly armed that we were lucky to hold out as long as we did. We didn't have manpower, weaponry or logistics to perform any mass scale operations until about 1994. All we could do was try to slow Serbian advance. Serbian defeat at Vukovar was unexpected to us as much as it was unexpected to you. But it was at Vukovar that the tide of the Serbian invasion was broken - ask any military analyst and they'll tell you the same.
Also Tudjman goverment managed to fulfill Ante Pavelic's (Ustasha leader,Croatian version of Hitler) plan for Serbs-1/3 to turn into catolics,1/3-to be killed and 1/3 to be chased away from Croatia.
If there's any person I hate more than Milosevic, it's Tudjman. His crimes are too innumerable to be named, and the isolation and stagnation he kept Croatia in for the whole duration of his reign is something I can never forgive, as it condemned me and my entire nation to living in a backward and primitive country that fell behind even such ex-communist slimepits like Romania and Bulgaria.
So don't shove Tudjman's crimes into my face, because I am painfully aware of those exact crimes and many, many more. Also don't expect me to apologize for these crimes, because if it were up to me, Tudjman would have gotten a bullet in his ugly mug back in 1990.
As for Serb's hegemonia-why in fuck did YOUR politicians begged OUR king (King Aleksandar Karadjordjevich) to accept Croatia into the newly formed kingdom?
Beg? Majority of Croatian people were opposed to the federation with the Serbs, however nobody ever asks the people. Politicians who headed the Croatian negotiation team were for the most part unsatisfied with the terms offered by the Serbian king (By the way, Serbian king at that time was
Petar, not Aleksandar - Aleksandar was just a regent at that time. Shame on you for not knowing your nation's history.

), however Svetozar Pribicevic (a Croatian Serb) and a group gathered around him managed to push Croatia into the Kingdom through deception and usurpation of authority in the People's Council of SHS. A number of influential politicians, like Stjepan Radic (who was executed in 1929 in the middle of the Serbian parliament by king Alexander's assassin - yep, Croats weren't the first ones to begin using terrorism to accomplish their goals), were strongly opposed to Croatian entry into the federation with the Serbs, however they were silenced by the handful of treacherous loudmouths (mostly Croatian Serbs, like Pribicevic) who had a secret agreeement with regent Alexander and didn't care about the fact that their initiative would push Croatia into one of the darkest periods of her history. Like Stjepan Radic put it: "It's still not too late. Don't rush like gooses into fog." However, they rushed.
Later Ustashe killed him in France.Fool,he should have listened to generals Mishich and Putnik-"Sir,don't accept Croats.They hate Serbs more than anything."
You don't understand: Croats didn't hate Serbs, Croats
feared them. Every since mid-19th century the main determinants of the Serbian policies were their expansionist tendencies towards Croatia and Bosnia. Every Serbian government in the period between mid-19th century and 2001 wholeheartedly embraced the plans and ideas laid out in the document "Nacertanije" by Ilija Garasanin, where the said dude openly claims that Croats and Bosniaks are in fact alienated Serbs and that every square inch east of the Karlobag-Karlovac-Virovitica line should become part of the future Great Serbia. Croatian fear of Serbs and their pretenses was therefore completely natural, and on multiple occasions it turned out it was also very much justified.
Why don't you say few words about Jasenovac?1.700.000 Serbs were killed in the most unhuman and savagly way known to man.Even SS officers were disgusted by Ustasha's methods.
Jasenovac? Why must you bring up Jasenovac? What do you want me to say? That I agree it was one of the most brutal and horrible mass crimes in the history? That I am ashamed to admit that I'm part of the nation that commited such monstrosities? What would be the point? Jasenovac has no relevance to 1990 and everything that happened afterwards. Most of the participants in that crime were killed in Bleiburg anyway.
Also, 1,700,000??? It was closer to 600,000. However, I won't argue with you about that, since numbers have little relevance when it comes to genocide of such magnitude.
That said, I absolutely despise Ustashe and everyone who supports them. Pavelic and his chronies should die a thousand deaths for all the crimes they commited, not onyl against Serbs, but also against Jews, Gypsies and all Croats who disagreed with them.
And do remember to post report about Bobetko's symphony known as "Oluja"("Storm").You swiftly managed to chase away 200.000 Serbian civilians and fleeing soldiers from Croatia.
Nothing can justify crimes that were committed in "Oluja". They were work of ruthless and demented people, of Tudjman and his loyal ministers and generals, who brought great shame upon this nation in their devious attempt to create an ethnically clean Croatia. However, I would also like to remind you that Serbs in Krain were an occupying rebel army that was responsible for many crimes against the Croatian people, including genocide and forced exodus (when you talk about the countless Serbs that were - unrightfully - driven out of their homes in 1994, you conveniently fail to mention that after 1991 there wasn't a single Croat remaining on the territory of Serbian Krain).
P.S:With the friends like England,we don't need no enemies.Together with Austria they created Albania.
Nuff said.
Albanian people have right to be independent and sovereign like any other nation. Though history taught me that Serbs have trouble grasping that concept.
EDIT: The Jasenovac matter has been on my mind ever since last night, so I checked several reliable sources and found out that about 50,000 people were killed in Jasenovac. The 600,000 estimate was made in 1945 by a commission assembled by communists and is overinflated because Tito was hoping to get higher reparations if he displays Nazi crimes as bigger than they really were. I have no idea where you pulled those 1,700,000 from - I bet even Milosevic would disagree with you on that.