Xenophile said:
Yeah, I have to agree with Lucky after playing the old games again after having laid them down years ago.. I am really glad that they are going First person and real-time. The old games really do show their age when you play them. I have really just come the the opinion that in a rpg, I think I like the realtime combat(with pause).. if you want tactical turn-based play, I think it has it's place, but not in rpgs. And yes I have played rpgs since forever, so I have seen the evolution.
In Russia, when we had a checkers board, we could play several games with it. One of them was quite dumb, but fun for 5 minutes. It involved flicking your figures at the opponent's figures and trying to bump them off the board faster than they bump yours off.
Another one was checkers.
What you're seeing is not evolution, it is merely change. And I am tired of games that make me flick checkers off the board.
I just think turn-based removes you too much from the experience.
For some of us there's something quite special about that frozen moment in time, with ominous music and winds sweeping in background, as you move your cursor over the different opponents, seeing percentages of hit probability. "Oh shit, this may not end well".
In fact, frozen moments in time are quite popular in the media, even in shows like Heroes, where Hiro stops time to accomplish his tasks or defeat enemies.
Once the weight of all the variables and calculations that are under the hood of a complex turn-based combat system, them being tightly connected to your hard-"earned" equipment and stats and every quirk that is part of those items, really hits you, you just can't play an RPG without it.
That said, I am starting to sway toward the opinion that a Fallout-like released in this day and age has to have a "hacked-in" option for people with ADD, which switches the combat into WoW/CoH type combat, which is realtime yet loosely turn-based, while displaying a prominent warning that the experience is not authentic, it's not tuned, and you're not playing the game as it was intended. It's like playing Mario with some unlocked gag where he becomes Pacman.
But still, if the option can be hacked in quickly, why not.