Kharn said:
Historically incorrect, Santa. Wildly so.
Not in perspective of how it's complete bullshit in how the religion is "peaceful" or any such dreck such as that. I was not also keeping a running parallel historic tally of whom was nicer, it was about Islam's teaching being peaceful and harmonious, which is utter bullshit.
At the time when the islam was on the rise, Christianity was not a single step ahead of it. We had violent kings ruling in the name of Christianity in that time, and women were little better off.
So? The Prophet was a butcherer for terrorizing unguarded Meccan people. What did Jesus Christ do? Yes, I am going by the teachings, and by what each "Prophet" conveyed and how they acted. So far, Jesus is a saint, and the Prophet is a murdering pedophile. The bible teaches peace, while the Qu'uran leaves wide gaping holes that when interpreted in context with the Prophet's own actions, gives little wonder as to how the Taliban and others could re-write or even interpret legal marriage age at 9 years old, even if the child is still playing with her dolls and is otherwise sexually immature when you decide to fuck her. Or, if they went by the Prophet's own actions, legal marriage would be legal at 6 years old, and you could fuck the child whenever you want unless the child's father asks you to wait three years.
Hardly the example I would say of a "peaceful religion". If you want peaceful, again look to Jesus, Kill Count: 0. How much blood of the innocent soaks the Prophet's hands?
Again, peaceful Islam = camel shit.
Later, though, under the Ottoman Empire pre-Young Turk, all religions were accepted within the borders on a level unseen in any other country. Remember, the muslims for a long time allowed the Christians to go to Israel on pilgrimages, do you think any Christian power then would've done the same? Keep a bit of a historical perspective on it.
Christians and Jews were allowed to remain in their faiths, because the Prophet conveyed that Allah saw their faith as wrong but for not executable reasons, because they worshipped God but didn't hear His whole message. If you were a pagan Arab, you had to convert or be executed. Selectively peaceful != peaceful. That was in the time of the Prophet, and set the tone for how they treated other polydeistic religions like Hinduism, which I mentioned that the Muslims had no problem going to war with them.
Now look at TODAY, and see how Christianity has progresed from what it was, and Islam has gone from "Child-Rapin' Jesus" to "What The Fuck?"
Now we caught up again and they look like dirty little mudslingers. Does that justify condemning them and their whole religion? Not really, no.
I can go by the teachings, and frankly I doubt that the Prophet's words were wholly that of Allah, but instead that of a very warped child rapist that put the blame of being a rapist upon women. Which is reflected in many modern Islamic countries, where the woman is executed for being raped, because she obviously drove the man to sin. Word and practice of the Prophet, and if the holy man is such a bastard, who the hell is going to faithfully follow his hypocritical teachings to be a holy man in the eyes of Allah?
I have no idea what kind of wide range of leadership the various protestant denominations have. It's one of the reasons the concept "protestant church" is a bit stupid.
It's quite simple. They are "Catholicism Lite", with 100% Less Political Bullshit, 100% Less Church Politics Getting in Way of The Word of God, and 90% Less Child Molestations!