Ratty said:
I never believed that Muslims were somehow predisposed for evil or impossible to integrate in a civilized society, mainly because there are countless examples of Muslims who have adopted western values without compromising their religious beliefs. Take European Bosniaks, a Muslim nation known for their pacifism and liberalism. There are even examples of peaceful, stable and pluralist Islamic societies in the Middle East - Jordan, for instance.
See, this is just bad. BAD.
1. Western != civilized. China was civilized long before the West was, and civilization in Western Eurasia
started in the Middle East. Unless you aren't using 'civilized' in its actual meaning here, and by 'civilized' actually
mean Western, in which case you're just a racist asshole.
2. Pacifism and stability are in no way Western values. Instead; conquest, war, 'heroism' and power are. Learn your history. There's only one kind of culture I can think of that actually
has pacifism as a value, and that's buddhism.
3. Western culture is not superiour to any other kind of culture, and should not be held up as the pinnacle of human achievement.
What, are you still stuck in the colonial age?
I suggest you pick up a sociology book. *Any* kind of sociology book.
Social acceptability is the exact same thing as moral acceptability. Morals are social constructions. Example: cannibalism. In many cultures (e.g. Papoea-New-Guinea), eating your dead son, father, friend, wife, neighbour etc. was the morally right thing to do - it was a way of honouring him. In our view, eating your son is so morally disgusting it fils us with anger. Are Papoea-New-Guineans evil? No.
Same thing with history. Like I-don't-know-who once said: "The past is another country. They do things differently there."
Hmmm, perhaps I made a bit of an overstatement. I still claim that certain *elements* of morality are universal and absolute. Specifically, any action or custom that inflicts harm upon someone is morally reprehensible. Murder, for instance, is a universally heinous and immoral crime, and any society that encourages - or doesn't sanction - murder is thus primitive and depraved society by universal standards. Pedophilia falls into the same category, really - it is unnatural, it hurts the child, hence it is amoral regardless of whether the society regards it as acceptable.
The only universal taboo around the world is incest. Even in Western culture, Murder is not considered 'universally heinous and immoral crime'. Case in point: state executions in the USA. But you're right, though, the USA
is a 'primitive and depraved society', as you so eloquently put it. It does prove, though, that morals and values differ from perspective to perspective, and that each society has different institutions and values in its social structure. And
Specifically, any action or custom that inflicts harm upon someone is morally reprehensible.
this is especially not true,
especially not in Western culture. From gladiator rings over medieval tournaments on to present-day boxing, wrestling and violent movies and games, Western culture has considered violence to be a load of fun. Think things through, Ratty.
And now on to the actual point -
Pedophilia falls into the same category, really - it is unnatural, it hurts the child, hence it is amoral regardless of whether the society regards it as acceptable.
Now remember what we just learned about violence and murder. Values and morals are dependant of the needs of the social group. What you consider morally reprehensible and what not are nothing but the values of your present day social structure that you have internalized.
Children were sexually abused and married before they were even fourteen over the entire world until only relatively recently - the early middle ages for Europe, IIRC. Heck, most likely Mary mother of God was still a child when she gave birth to Jesus. Pedophilia was
not considered morally reprehensible then. It's just that simple. That value
simply wasn't there. It might be hard to grasp, but it *really* wasn't there. There is not a single ancient text (that I know of) that condemns pedophilia. Not even the Bible, IIRC. Pedhophelia was not outlawed in any law system until relatively recently. pedophilia might seem disgusting to you and me, but that's because of our
present-day values. It's really not all that hard to understand, Ratty.