Dark Souls

Nology5890 said:
There is a way out, on the far side, near the three Cat-Bear-Pigs, as I call them.

Yeah, but it's not always so easy when you've got three Forest Hunters chasing you with fog rings and Lightning Zweihanders.

It's really just easier to be a Hollow and do everything there.

Sif's not even that hard a boss when you've got a decent sword and shield.
Oh god, the more I read about this game, the more In understand I wont be able to complete everything I would like to in a single playthrough...
NG+ and followers might be my friends.

By the way, I did answer no to that cat at a window when he first talked to me, and now he only discards me as a "caitlif"...
Is there any way I can become a member of the forest hunter covenant before end of the game ?
You can get absolved by that creepy pardoner in the bell tower in the Undead Parish.

However, he charges like 2000 souls multiplied by your current soul level to do so, which might make waiting for NG+ a more reasonable option.

Just answering "no" to the question is considered a sin ?

Then there is something I dont get : I belong to a covenant and thought that, joining another without breaking the former is a sin. This is why I answered "no" to the cat, in order not to betray my previous covenant.
Now, if the answer "no" is a sin to the covenant you dont belong to, then just speaking to the cat is a sin in itself !

Boys, I knew I should never trust anyone, especially talking-mustached-cats in this game...

By the way, patch 1.04 is out any time now, and absoling sins is only 500xSoul Level from now on.
How much is it different from Demon's Souls? I might abandon my idea of 4 play through in that game to get my trophies if this game was better. Btw, does it still use freaking havoc engine? -.-
Havok engine is here. Graphics are the same in my opinion, two exceptions though :
- Blighttown is a real pain to get through : some people call it 10fpsTown. I dont know how it is possible to overload PS3 memory this way while displaying what seems so few stuffs on screen...
- Areas are way larger that in Demon's Souls. Boy I could not believe my eyes when I forst entered the Demon's Ruins, you see lots of stuffs, far, far away (this certainly has something to do with the first point)

Now for the differences with Demon's that come to my mind :

-World is "open" meaning you dont have to go through stones. World is one part and you can, almost, freely roam it after you open all the shortcuts and doors.
-There are more bosses and there are "mini"-bosses
-Only two gauges, no more magic one. Spells have a limited amount of use.
-You dont revive when killing a boss. Though I find you can revive easier throughout the game since humanities are not that rare.

If you already went through Demon's 3 or 4 times and liked it, I'd say you can consider moving to this one. It is at least as good as its "spiritual predecessor" and you wont be that much lost in Lordram.
I would not like to discover the Souls games in Dark Souls though...
Just thinking about all the noobies for me and pals to mash on for the first few days. I imagine the scene is gonna play out like this pretty often.

Nice, now i dont have to borrow friend xbox for this. Ive always enjoyed from software games even with their flaws so definetly waiting eagerly on this one, from what ive seen its not quite like kings field except its dark medieval theme, few npcs, rare loot and importance of positioning yourself in combat. Kings field actually played lot like a memory/maze game, you see a barred door with some runes and you come across the key 20 hrs later, then you start remembering where the hell you saw these same runes before, or you see some loot in seemingly unreachable place and spend half an hour looking for a path to reach it.
Currency and loot is rare and important from what i understand and that is what i liked in earlier armored cores and kings field games. Or rather armored core had a sort of budget, you get x amount of money from seemingly easy mission but the hard part is after spending on ammo and repairs you might not get profit at all.

Damn im tempted to watch some LP but dont want to spoil the game, maybe i should watch some demon souls LP instead
Mutoes said:
Damn im tempted to watch some LP but dont want to spoil the game, maybe i should watch some demon souls LP instead

Demon's Souls didn't really have much of story, so any LP you watch will be spoiler free. Don't know if it's the same with Dark Souls since I haven't played it yet.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested. The very little I got to play of Demon's souls was very enjoyable. I had to play it at a friend's place however as he is the one with the PS3. In this case I would be able to use my 360 to play it, and hence have more quality time with it.

Now for my question, is the game harder, easier, or about the same as Demon's souls? Word of mouth seems to be harder, but what are the opinions of those here who have played it?

Kinda dumb trailer, but hey, another RPG coming to PC.
Will probably look into it, though I doubt I will be able to run it.
It's a very good game, the best RPG that came out last year. Sucks that PC users will have to endure this Games for Windows blabla shit though. :(
I might buy a "GFWL game" when the price is reduced to 10€ or less. I will never again buy/ play a terrible, lazy console->pc port.

According to PC Powerplay:

-graphics will be the same as the console version
-key bindings can not be changed

No thanks.
yeah ... no correct controls = no buy.

I had to many "good" games killed by "bad ports".

Not to mention it has SFWL (Shit for Windows Life)
PainlessDocM said:
According to PC Powerplay:

-graphics will be the same as the console version
-key bindings can not be changed

The former is not at all unexpected. It's kinda hard to find a console port that looks significantly better on the PC than the original these days.

The latter is quite a bit disappointing, there should be a punishment involving cutting off of hands for making crappy console ports without free action key rebind. I'm not sure why anyone's allowed to make those at all anymore, or why anyone might advertize them as playable with a mouse+keyboard because they're not. Not that I can't wipe the dust off my usb controller, but I never feel justified doing that when I'm playing a game on a freakin' PC which isn't a fighter and/or does not involve the use of emulators.

It's double the shame because I had thought Dark Souls would've been nice - probably more natural - with good mouse controls.
I can see it already. They release a shitty port, people don't want to take it up the a so they complain and pirate. Developer complains about piracy, curses PC forever.