Old School Role-Player said:
Wow, this is what frightens me, Kharn. First of all, the jury trial is one of the *cornerstones* of American government. God, I shudder to think that our lives would be determined by professional jurors or judges with God complexes. Yikes! To be judged by a jury of one's peers ensures that people who know and can understand the circumstances of the person brought up on trial can judge that individual fairly. The idea of law in America was *never* designed to punish the guilty. It is--and always has been--designed to protect the innocent.
You seem to have a problem with specialists making educated calls. You clearly mistrust politicians, and now you put the smack-down on judges.
There's nothing scary about a judge passing judgement on crime, it's what they're there for. Also, be clear that most of the European law system is very open, you get every shot you can get, you can go from the lowest regional court to the European Supreme Court to debate your case. And because there're no executions, the innocent can still be released with a wad of cash for their troubles (fortunately, this doesn't occur too much).
While in the American system, a good and charming lawyer can convince a gullible jury that his client is a clean, innocent man, and that he didn't mean to get 5000 people fired with his tax frauds, while a bad lawyer usually means an innocent person being executed for a crime he didn't commit.
Why? Because the jury isn't trained to look beyond appearances.
Take Greek Mythology. Before the 3 judges were placed in Hades to judge the Dead, there were real living judges that judged the DYING, not the Dead. However, the rich Dying dressed up nicely and acted courtly, so that whatever they had done in life they usually got sent to the Elesian fields, while the poor couldn't put up this show, and were sent either to the Planes to forget and wander or sent to Hell to be tortured...
The 3 judges were placed by Zeus, because he saw that this was wrong, and only immortal judges could see the Dead, after they had died, for what they truly were.
I hope you see the point I'm making; simple men can't look beyond common appearances. It's dangerous to let ignorant people judge over things like this.
Just like your comments about Capitalism and Democracy.
Comments? I said they weren't the best. Do you know who I'm quoting when I say that "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others"? Winston Churchill. His opinion is widely shared. Capitalism and democracy simply ARE NOT perfect, but they're both the best we have.
I find your views typical of Europeans, and that is one of the most frightening things I can imagine. Europe is simply a socialist police state in which most of the population is brainwashed or forced to believe a certain philosophy which adheres to the policies of the state, and not the individual.
I guess what I'm saying is that the system of the United State Government--however flawed and off the track of it's original intentions--was placed because of liberties which were denied our ancestors by an oppressive government in Europe. It seems that little has changed--and I for one know that I could not live in Europe for one year without landing in prison. I find it disgraceful and appalling the conditions in which Europeans so readily accept.
*sigh* This is equally wrong as the common European view that "All Americans are a-social/care only about money/are gun-nuts/etc."
It's wrong.
1. There is no "Europe". We're not a country with one people united by common ideals. The biggest difference is between East and West, but even amongst countries placed inside those divisions there are changes.
Because one person, or even one certain country, believes something, that doesn't mean the whole of Europe does. England, for instance, shares far more affinity with the American way of life than the Rhineland (Germany and the Benelux) or Scandinavian way of thinking. Hell, your political model isn't called the Anglo-American model (as opposed to the Rhineland model) for nothing.
2. "Europe is simply a socialist police state in which most of the population is brainwashed or forced to believe a certain philosophy which adheres to the policies of the state, and not the individual."
Holy crap.
Well, I think most of this rather paranoid sentence has been attacked sufficiently. Talk about scary...
This is typical mis-understanding of Europe. These mis-understandings work both ways between our continents, obviously and they should be avoided as much as possible both ways.
The thing is, we ARE different, and neither of us is wrong. This is a thought a lot of people don't seem to be able to grasp. Europe (and in this case you cán talk of Europe as a basic "entity", because all European countries share this) and the USA just have a completely different basic philosophy, and not one of these philosophies is actually wrong, which is why the people shouting "the USA ís horrible" are wrong.
If you tell a European how many people live below the poverty line in the USA (13%), how many people are starving, how many people die of gun-shots, how many people have no healthcare, etc. etc. the European will be shocked, while these same figures won't rattle the American.
But on the other hand, if you tell an American how much taxes the Europeans pay, how the democratic system works, how little freedom the European has in some ways (though I don't believe an American is truly "more free" than an European, it's just that Americans generally have less awareness of their limitations), the American will have a heart-attack, and the European will shrug it off.
This is because America simply puts more value into individual freedom than Europe. It's the simple truth, Europe believes a bit more in the "common good" and a central society, the USA is a bit more "every man for himself". Neither of us are really wrong, it's just the way it is.
But because the European and the American can't imagine how you would possibly WANT to live like that, the two renounce each other like a bunch of nuts.
"The USA is so horrible!" and "I can't imagine living in Europe" are probably still true, though, but this is because of what you identify as "brainwashing". I think a more appropriate name would be "raising your children". When you raise your kids, you give them a set of ethics. The American gives his/her children an American set of etha, the European gives his/her children a European set of etha. Because of this, it seems both are completely brainwashed, unbending, unwilling to compromise or attempt to understand the other side. I know I'm talking in extremes, but it's not that far from the truth.
Also, Ratty's right in a way (though his whole corporations-are-taking-over theory is kind of insane, just like your Europe-is-a-police-state is kind of insane), you Americans ARE losing a lot of your civil rights. When a president can lie flat-out during the State of the Union and not even get a reprimand, you know something is wrong.
This is also true for Europe; the whole situation with the democratic rights in Italy and Berlusconi is a joke, but worse and bigger than that, the EU is a hugely undemocratic entity. If it takes over completely, we Europeans would be living in a country with a lot less democratic rights than America, as opposed to now, when most european countries are more democratic (it's true, sorry).
PS: OSRP; have you ever been to Europe? There's a reason I never contest welsh's statement about Americans being surprisingly open and friendly people, it's because I've never been to America. To make radical judgement calls like yours requires quite a lot of insight, which I don't think you have.